Iran just found A LOT of uranium

Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
And these rwnj's want to completely scrap the deal, as if that will make it harder for iran to get a bomb.. or they want war.
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
And these rwnj's want to completely scrap the deal, as if that will make it harder for iran to get a bomb.. or they want war.
They just want to make Obama fail, there is no further thought involved.
You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
If you had paid attention you would know that Nazi Germany had a military to rival anyone and so could go back on their word with relative safety, what does Iran have? Their military capability could be reduced to junk in a matter of days.
He told us to look at world history.. LOL.
He has a Masters of History Channel degree.
that does explain the 'all hitler, all the time' posts.
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".
so now you're back to worrying about imports?
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".
No need to call people names in an attempt to cover for your extreme ignorance on uranium refinement, nuclear bombs, delivery systems and the geo-politics surrounding them.
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!
Almost 3000 Americans died at the hands of the same minded people that these clowns are crowing over doing a deal with. You leftists are pathetic! We claim we will never forget, and as they chant, "death to America," it is obvious, you already have! You people are a disgrace.
Yeah, they "find" it right AFTER that crappy treaty. Right.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.
what difference does it make in relation to the treaty?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.

Here is your problem there my friend............we don't attack civilians; in fact, we do our best to avoid them.

By the way, thanks for supporting the Islamists over the people who actually PAY for you to sit in your parents basement and post in your underwear. DISGRACE, YOU are a DISGRACE!
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.

Here is your problem there my friend............we don't attack civilians; in fact, we do our best to avoid them.

By the way, thanks for supporting the Islamists over the people who actually PAY for you to sit in your parents basement and post in your underwear. DISGRACE, YOU are a DISGRACE!

LOL when one of you dumbasses go for the stereotype I know you have run out of arguments, and you just got started. How many wars has Iran started and how many wars have republicans started? The math is not difficult. I know they aren't angels and I am not on their side in anything, I just know how you people are with your insatiable lust for wars because it seems the only way you can feel proud of America is if we have soldiers dying in some worthless hellhole.
Almost 3000 Americans died at the hands of the same minded people that these clowns are crowing over doing a deal with. You leftists are pathetic! We claim we will never forget, and as they chant, "death to America," it is obvious, you already have! You people are a disgrace.

Then you need to ask yourself why.

US interference in Iran. If the US just left Iran alone and didn't threaten it so much, then maybe Iran wouldn't be so interested in nukes.

The US has invaded one OPEC country, bombed another until its leader was deposed, helped an attempt at getting rid of another leader. And there are only four OPEC countries the US isn't buddies with.

They chant death to America because America gives them so many reasons to do so.

I mean, on this board there are enough people who say "nuke all Muslims", does it mean it'll happen?
How do you regulate the import of an ore when it NO longer needs to be imported? You can't.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.

Here is your problem there my friend............we don't attack civilians; in fact, we do our best to avoid them.

By the way, thanks for supporting the Islamists over the people who actually PAY for you to sit in your parents basement and post in your underwear. DISGRACE, YOU are a DISGRACE!

Don't attack civilians, but they do happen to get in the way. Then when all things have stopped being war, then you set about making a power vacuum which will have to be filled and will cause loads of problems.

How many civilians died in Iraq? Bush played the cards, he got others to do his killing, knowing full well that a power vacuum would lead to extremism. He wanted to promote extremism in the region, and he got it.
So what? Ore is nothing but dirt until you do something with it. Making a first nuclear bomb is a long road, making one that will fit on a missile and not blow up on launch is nearly as long. You people act like they could do it in secret in spite of inspections. If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that is retarded.
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.

Here is your problem there my friend............we don't attack civilians; in fact, we do our best to avoid them.

By the way, thanks for supporting the Islamists over the people who actually PAY for you to sit in your parents basement and post in your underwear. DISGRACE, YOU are a DISGRACE!

Don't attack civilians, but they do happen to get in the way. Then when all things have stopped being war, then you set about making a power vacuum which will have to be filled and will cause loads of problems.

How many civilians died in Iraq? Bush played the cards, he got others to do his killing, knowing full well that a power vacuum would lead to extremism. He wanted to promote extremism in the region, and he got it.

I have tried many times to explain the concept of a power vacuum to conservatives and they never get it, never, they simply cannot see past their immediate goals and consider the aftermath.
You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

And hitler had a deal with Britain, France, Norway............they all believed his deal guys...really......I have to stop laughing before I pee myself.....:udaman:
Hey, dipshit, you're a special kind of stupid if you think the iran nuclear deal can be compared to hitler. Grow up.

Sorry and your useful idiots are the ones who need to study German history and the phrase "Peace in our Time....." YOu might learn something before the killing starts...
Now you believe iran is going to start killing with.. what? Nukes? Yeah, this deal OBVIOUSLY helps them do that, given that it takes away almost everything they'll need, and inspections constantly occur. Leave it to right wing fear mongers.

really...I have to stop laughing and if you keep saying that stupid stuff I'll just keep laughing.......,
Oh it's more then dirt moron. It's worth more then oil or gold.
And they CAN refine it. Along with ANY other terrorist country.

North Korea HAS refined that ore to the point of bombs idiot. And guess WHO they trade with stupid? Yeah, Iran retard Iran. But North Korea has it because Obozo REFUSED to enforce HIS "red line".

That is correct Dark, trust the radical Islamists. What is wrong with you? Just because they chant, "death to America" doesn't mean a thing. You/I are racist assholes. They would never, ever do anything to America, now would they!

Americans need to wake up, and get away from these radical leftists ideas before it is to late!

The radical idea here is that we are the world police and should expend huge amounts of money and soldiers trying to own the middle-east. The "radical Islamists" of Iran have acted with far more rationality and maturity than American conservatives have, I think I would trust them not to start a war sooner than you bloodthirsty maniacs.

Here is your problem there my friend............we don't attack civilians; in fact, we do our best to avoid them.

By the way, thanks for supporting the Islamists over the people who actually PAY for you to sit in your parents basement and post in your underwear. DISGRACE, YOU are a DISGRACE!

Don't attack civilians, but they do happen to get in the way. Then when all things have stopped being war, then you set about making a power vacuum which will have to be filled and will cause loads of problems.

How many civilians died in Iraq? Bush played the cards, he got others to do his killing, knowing full well that a power vacuum would lead to extremism. He wanted to promote extremism in the region, and he got it.

I have tried many times to explain the concept of a power vacuum to conservatives and they never get it, never, they simply cannot see past their immediate goals and consider the aftermath.

says the dimwits who think this is an actual deal............

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