Iran just found A LOT of uranium

Yes....I have a brain and I understand what is The Truth, Reality, the difference between Good and Evil and Right and Wrong.....thanks for noticing.......I would be willing to teach you about those things but since you are a lefty, you brain wouldn't be up to the task............
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

And hitler had a deal with Britain, France, Norway............they all believed his deal guys...really......I have to stop laughing before I pee myself.....:udaman:
Sounds like you people think they should have disclosed how much Uranium they hadn't found yet.

Yeah....they just found it.....riiiiiiiiight? Just like the drug dealer who says....oh yeah....I forgot about that crack in my wasn't there before....

You guys are just toooo, fucking, funny......
What's funny is that you have all these opinions about Iran's nuclear program without having a clue what a huge, impossible to hide industry a nuclear program is.
Maybe you nuts should read the damn deal.
Full text of the Iran nuclear deal

Yeah.....they all read the deal they had with hitler'd that turn out Sunshine.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm telling you to look at the text of the iran nuclear deal, this cannot even be remotely connected to hitler in any way, you loons could argue against any deal that would lead to weapons reductions if it gave the country reducing weapons economic benefits in any way, claiming they won't follow the deal. Hey, dipshit, we have inspectors, and not just America. You know nothing about international affairs, so this is to be expected.
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

And hitler had a deal with Britain, France, Norway............they all believed his deal guys...really......I have to stop laughing before I pee myself.....:udaman:
Hey, dipshit, you're a special kind of stupid if you think the iran nuclear deal can be compared to hitler. Grow up.
Yes....I have a brain and I understand what is The Truth, Reality, the difference between Good and Evil and Right and Wrong.....thanks for noticing.......I would be willing to teach you about those things but since you are a lefty, you brain wouldn't be up to the task............
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
Maybe you nuts should read the damn deal.
Full text of the Iran nuclear deal

Yeah.....they all read the deal they had with hitler'd that turn out Sunshine.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm telling you to look at the text of the iran nuclear deal, this cannot even be remotely connected to hitler in any way, you loons could argue against any deal that would lead to weapons reductions if it gave the country reducing weapons economic benefits in any way, claiming they won't follow the deal. Hey, dipshit, we have inspectors, and not just America. You know nothing about international affairs, so this is to be expected.

It is the same thing as the deal with hitler, he promised peace...and what you know?
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
You're putting forth a ridiculous fallacy, although I'm sure you don't care at all, given your history of posts that I've had the displeasure of reading. Regardless, what specific deal are you trying to reference back to germany in reference to nuclear weapon reduction, and how is that comparable to the iran deal?
Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

And hitler had a deal with Britain, France, Norway............they all believed his deal guys...really......I have to stop laughing before I pee myself.....:udaman:
Hey, dipshit, you're a special kind of stupid if you think the iran nuclear deal can be compared to hitler. Grow up.

Sorry and your useful idiots are the ones who need to study German history and the phrase "Peace in our Time....." YOu might learn something before the killing starts...
Maybe you nuts should read the damn deal.
Full text of the Iran nuclear deal

Yeah.....they all read the deal they had with hitler'd that turn out Sunshine.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm telling you to look at the text of the iran nuclear deal, this cannot even be remotely connected to hitler in any way, you loons could argue against any deal that would lead to weapons reductions if it gave the country reducing weapons economic benefits in any way, claiming they won't follow the deal. Hey, dipshit, we have inspectors, and not just America. You know nothing about international affairs, so this is to be expected.

It is the same thing as the deal with hitler, he promised peace...and what you know?
What? Stupid comparison, typical of those on the right. You cannot possibly relate a nuclear deal in the 21st century to hitler.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

And hitler had a deal with Britain, France, Norway............they all believed his deal guys...really......I have to stop laughing before I pee myself.....:udaman:
Hey, dipshit, you're a special kind of stupid if you think the iran nuclear deal can be compared to hitler. Grow up.

Sorry and your useful idiots are the ones who need to study German history and the phrase "Peace in our Time....." YOu might learn something before the killing starts...
Now you believe iran is going to start killing with.. what? Nukes? Yeah, this deal OBVIOUSLY helps them do that, given that it takes away almost everything they'll need, and inspections constantly occur. Leave it to right wing fear mongers.
It is funny when they just do this crap right in front of obama.....they have so little respect for him.....I imagine that the moment the check clears they will announce they have the bomb....
do what? put uranium in the ground?
It is funny when they just do this crap right in front of obama.....they have so little respect for him.....I imagine that the moment the check clears they will announce they have the bomb....
You're one of those people..
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb

Yes....I have a brain and I understand what is The Truth, Reality, the difference between Good and Evil and Right and Wrong.....thanks for noticing.......I would be willing to teach you about those things but since you are a lefty, you brain wouldn't be up to the task............
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
"Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days."
Yes, this will somehow make it easier for iran to get the bomb.. LOL. Fucking idiots on the right.
Learn instead of being a fear mongering loon.

Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
If you had paid attention you would know that Nazi Germany had a military to rival anyone and so could go back on their word with relative safety, what does Iran have? Their military capability could be reduced to junk in a matter of days.
Sorry...I only pay attention to intelligent points.....not left wing luncacy that makes Neville Chamberlain look least he didn't want to give hitler the bomb.......

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
If you had paid attention you would know that Nazi Germany had a military to rival anyone and so could go back on their word with relative safety, what does Iran have? Their military capability could be reduced to junk in a matter of days.
He told us to look at world history.. LOL.
Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

Fucking hysterical, first of all, 97% of the enriched uranium would be GIVEN UP. Along with centrigures. CEASE PRODUCTION OF PLUTONIUM. "Possible delays of 24 days" Well no shit, but you're one hell of a dumbass if you think this deal makes it easier for iran to get a bomb.

You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
If you had paid attention you would know that Nazi Germany had a military to rival anyone and so could go back on their word with relative safety, what does Iran have? Their military capability could be reduced to junk in a matter of days.
He told us to look at world history.. LOL.
He has a Masters of History Channel degree.
You really, actually believe that.........let me guess, one of your ancestors was named Neville Chamberlain....

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot.

Yes, I believe it, because it will be carried out and accepted by both Iran and the other parties participating. It's an international deal, and you are a moron if you want to live in fear like a childish idiot

Yes.....I believe it because it will be carried out and accepted by both Germany and the other parties...........

Did you pay any attention to world all?
If you had paid attention you would know that Nazi Germany had a military to rival anyone and so could go back on their word with relative safety, what does Iran have? Their military capability could be reduced to junk in a matter of days.
He told us to look at world history.. LOL.
He has a Masters of History Channel degree.
ANCIUNT ALIUNS. :alcoholic:

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