Iran Nuke Debacle- Now What Happens?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know

The Obama administration and its negotiating partners have described their nuclear deal with Iran as the best way to prevent Tehran from getting a bomb over the next decade.

But recent events have raised questions about another issue not covered in the agreement: Iran’s aggression in the Middle East.

Indeed, Iran has shown no signs of retracting its meddling in the region since the accord was announced.

The newest concern comes from Israel, which is alleging that Iran sponsored rocket attacks into its territory from Syria last week.

According to Politico, Israeli diplomats filed a formal complaint with the U.S. and its partners in the July 14 nuclear deal, charging Iran with “an indiscriminate and premeditated terrorist attack against Israeli territory without any provocation.”

“This incident doesn’t surprise me in the least, because the Iranians have made no effort whatsoever to hold back since the deal was announced,” said Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum.

“It’s perfectly consistent with their extremely aggressive stance that they’ve always had.”

Iran’s Support for Terrorism, and How it Relates to Nuclear Deal
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know

Well Iran recently tested a ballistic missile so i guess we know where a lot of the money is going
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.
Verified by whom?
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.

More people have been killed by Iran as a result of their terror abroad than any nuke to date.

Ship with low-enriched uranium leaves Iran for Russia - U.S.

Ian is shipping 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium to Russia to meet its obligations under the nuclear agreement reached with the P5+1 in July. A cargo ship with the uranium stockpile departed Iran yesterday.


Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.

More people have been killed by Iran as a result of their terror abroad than any nuke to date.


Except America's nukes used against Japan.
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know

Buy many goats a gay bois....
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.

More people have been killed by Iran as a result of their terror abroad than any nuke to date.


Except America's nukes used against Japan.
Hey, they worked....It took a Jew to do it, no Muslims could finger it out..
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know


If they were women running the country they would take the money and buy 100 billion pairs of shoes.

Too bad the country is not run by women.
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.

More people have been killed by Iran as a result of their terror abroad than any nuke to date.


Except America's nukes used against Japan.
Hey, they worked....It took a Jew to do it, no Muslims could finger it out..

Let me get this right.
You're saying Muslims could work out how to mass murder, and you're happy a Jew did it.

Thanks for that.
Do you know they've just shipped out most or all of their low grade uranium to Russia as part of this deal?

That makes them even less likely to be able to create the bomb the foolish were saying they were after.

More people have been killed by Iran as a result of their terror abroad than any nuke to date.


Except America's nukes used against Japan.

Any nuke by Iran. Stay with me here....

Any nuke by Iran. Stay with me here....

Ah, you're excluding American nukes, the only ones ever to have been used by any country in the world, preferring to stick to non existent Iranian nukes.

Thanks for that clarification.

As for staying with you, thanks very much for the offer but I'm not gay.
I hope you find a nice man to love soon.
But recent events have raised questions about another issue not covered in the agreement: Iran’s aggression in the Middle East.

Indeed, Iran has shown no signs of retracting its meddling in the region since the accord was announced....

Iran's agression and meddling in the Middle East?????

Like invading countries with shock & awe to bring peace and democracy to the oppressed oil fields, sponsoring moderate jihadis to get the regime change they want, bombing wedding parties and schools so the people will see reason and welcome their Saudi dictator puppet back, buying ISIS oil and bombing Kurds....


The Obama administration and its negotiating partners have described their nuclear deal with Iran as the best way to prevent Tehran from getting a bomb over the next decade.

But recent events have raised questions about another issue not covered in the agreement: Iran’s aggression in the Middle East.

Indeed, Iran has shown no signs of retracting its meddling in the region since the accord was announced.

The newest concern comes from Israel, which is alleging that Iran sponsored rocket attacks into its territory from Syria last week.

According to Politico, Israeli diplomats filed a formal complaint with the U.S. and its partners in the July 14 nuclear deal, charging Iran with “an indiscriminate and premeditated terrorist attack against Israeli territory without any provocation.”

“This incident doesn’t surprise me in the least, because the Iranians have made no effort whatsoever to hold back since the deal was announced,” said Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum.

“It’s perfectly consistent with their extremely aggressive stance that they’ve always had.”

Iran’s Support for Terrorism, and How it Relates to Nuclear Deal

The agreement wasn't worth the paper it was written on and anyone with a brain knew that.

Apparently douchbag in the WH and his ass licker Kerry couldn't figure that out.

How many of our tax dollars are now in Iran paying for the continuation of their nuclear program??
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know


That's not a gift. It's giving them their own money back that was frozen in America since the Carter years.

Meanwhile the Iranians are complying with the agreement and have started getting rid of their nuclear material.

Iran cuts uranium gas stockpile, complies with interim nuclear deal – IAEA — RT News

Iran complies with its obligation under nuclear deal: IAEA | Business Standard News

Just yesterday it was reported that the nuclear material is now being shipped out of Iran.

Iran complies with nuclear deal | MSNBC
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know


That's not a gift. It's giving them their own money back that was frozen in America since the Carter years.

Meanwhile the Iranians are complying with the agreement and have started getting rid of their nuclear material.

Iran cuts uranium gas stockpile, complies with interim nuclear deal – IAEA — RT News

Iran complies with its obligation under nuclear deal: IAEA | Business Standard News

Just yesterday it was reported that the nuclear material is now being shipped out of Iran.

Iran complies with nuclear deal | MSNBC

But what about my question? What do you think they will do with the 159 billion dollars? Think any of it will go towards terrorism that murders Americans?


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