Iran president declares war situation in response to US sanctions

Who da fuck cares about their saber rattling.........they are bankrupt and the people there are ready to revolt.

This is just what they do in between chanting Death to America.........
If anybody thinks that Mid East countries aren't acutely aware of American politics, think again. I doubt if it impacted the mid-term elections but the timing of Iran's mild "declaration of war" was obviously intended to give the democrat party the edge.
It's a weaselly move by which Trump uses and plays our allies, who are now tasked to hold the line in the deal against Russian and Iran (Russia is part of the deal, but aims to enrich itself vias arms deals to Iran). They do all the work, because we said "just kidding!" and backed out, and we agitate Iran with sanctions, and point and cackle. The United States' credibility took a nosedive. Experienced Republicans knew this would happen, which is why they flipped their rhetoric with calls to stay in the deal, once shit got real.

It's hard to argue against observers who say it appears we are pining for war with Iran, as they now have impetus to cancel the deal and star refining fissile material again. I don't think that's the case, I think we are just a bull in a China shop, currently headed by a buffoonish child, but it's hard to argue against.
The U.S. declared war on Iran by enacting more sanctions for no reason.

Sanctions are not a declaration of war, drama queen.
The people who die as a result probably disagree.

Can't save everyone, Mr. Social Justice warrior.
Don't have to enact policies that are specifically designed to kill civilians, Mr. Sociopath.

Like what?
Iran president declares 'war situation' in response to US sanctions

Iran is again ramping up its aggressive rhetoric in light of the latest sanctions from the U.S. that go into effect today.

Just in time for election time voting. Distraction hmm, Interesting can't wait to see where this goes.

Of course he did. Did anyone expect anything else from Iran. The number one funder for terrorism around the world.

They made out like bandits with Barry and Kerry's deal.

Trump did away with that shitty deal. To bad he couldn't get the billions back that Obama let them have.

Sucks to be them.
The people who die as a result probably disagree.

Can't save everyone, Mr. Social Justice warrior.
Don't have to enact policies that are specifically designed to kill civilians, Mr. Sociopath.

Then it must be time for said civilians to turn against their Gov't.
If people don't get themselves killed overthrowing their oppressive government we'll kill them to punish their oppressive government? Great logic.

That's called a conundrum. Such is the way of the ME.
Such is the way of the U.S. government and arrogant Americans willing to advocate death for other people while fortunately not having to deal with that threat themselves.
The U.S. declared war on Iran by enacting more sanctions for no reason.

Sanctions are not a declaration of war, drama queen.
The people who die as a result probably disagree.

Who dies from sanctions? The people whose government refuses to help them.
So you're admitting that the sanctions won't harm the government, and will harm the people. So they won't do what the U.S. government wants them to do, so why enact them in the first place?
The U.S. declared war on Iran by enacting more sanctions for no reason.

Sanctions are not a declaration of war, drama queen.
The people who die as a result probably disagree.

Can't save everyone, Mr. Social Justice warrior.
Don't have to enact policies that are specifically designed to kill civilians, Mr. Sociopath.

Like what?
I don't know what you're asking me here.

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