Iran signs $20billion deal wh Boeing . Thanks Obama!

Doing business with Russia will help Russia kill more civilians and aid workers in Syria.

This is good.

Selling airplanes to Iran is bad.

Explain this schizophrenia, please.
Wonder what percentage of the benefits Iran gets from this deal will go to funding islamic fundamentalist terror across the Middle East and regimes that murder their own citizens?
Having good relations with Iran is bad.

Having good relations with Russia is good.

Explain this schizophrenia, please.

Russia does not like armed terrorist groups.

Iran does like armed terrorist groups.

Russia engages in combat conventionally.

Iran murders civilians and hangs gay people.
They take US soldiers hostage.
They proclaim death to America
They fund terrorism.
Their arms killed US soldiers in Iraq
They seek weapons of mass destruction
They want to wipe Israel off the map

And Dumbfucks on this forum ignore all that in order to suck Obama cock.

Disgusting lack of patriotism & a moral compass it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you.

Oh, I understand them all right. Fully.

The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor

See? Right there! Right there you drop to your knees and begin fellating Putin.

My God, man, you are clueless. it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
What does my post have to do with Hillary or Trump? We're talking about Obama, Iran & Russia

Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

You REALLY think Iran is just living so they can destroy America? Get the fuck out of here...

The U.S. gets involved in other country's business because they think they are helping the citizens of those countries. Russia gets in other country's business because they are trying to do what is best for them. You see the difference?
They take US soldiers hostage.
They proclaim death to America
They fund terrorism.
Their arms killed US soldiers in Iraq
They seek weapons of mass destruction
They want to wipe Israel off the map

And Dumbfucks on this forum ignore all that in order to suck Obama cock.

Disgusting lack of patriotism & a moral compass it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you.

Oh, I understand them all right. Fully.

The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor

See? Right there! Right there you drop to your knees and begin fellating Putin.

My God, man, you are clueless.
Clearly you don't understand at all, which is why you had nothing to post but your homosexual fantasies.
Wonder what percentage of the benefits Iran gets from this deal will go to funding islamic fundamentalist terror across the Middle East and regimes that murder their own citizens?
Having good relations with Iran is bad.

Having good relations with Russia is good.

Explain this schizophrenia, please.

Russia is Christian and you can deal with them, they arent but shit crazy.
Iran is bad shit crazy. We made this deal and they still taunt the us.
Iran is run by Muslim kooks, they support terrorists, want to destroy the US and israel.

Russia supports the dick in syria, but they dont support terrorists.

Its like the difference between North Korea and China.
China sucks, but its far more stabile and has alot more to lose in a war than n korea aka iran.
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges
Selling arms to Terrorists... typical of progressives
They take US soldiers hostage.
They proclaim death to America
They fund terrorism.
Their arms killed US soldiers in Iraq
They seek weapons of mass destruction
They want to wipe Israel off the map

And Dumbfucks on this forum ignore all that in order to suck Obama cock.

Disgusting lack of patriotism & a moral compass it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you. The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor, taking former Russian satellite states into NATO after Bush41 promised Gorbachev they US would not if Gorbachev liberated them and backing Syrian rebels who would deny Russia its bases on the Mediterranean. The present tensions with Russia are entirely the result of failed US policy toward Russia ever since Bush41 left office and there is no reason why the US and Russia cannot reach agreements that will respect each other's legitimate security concerns and that would lead to the end of fighting in Syria and eastern Europe.

Iran, on the other hand, is governed by Shi'ite religious fanatics who are fighting multiple wars against Sunni because of differences between them dating back over a thousand years, and is vehemently anti western. To the extent the US continues to have interests and allies in the ME, conflict with Iran is unavoidable.

You do understand that the problems with Russia started long before that right? Like in Afghanistan in 1979? Russia invades other countries... they don't respect the sovereignty of other nations.
That will make it easier for the America hating goat humpers to place bombs on board or terrorists on board or crash one into some thing here. Not surprising at all the the usual crowd of liberal America hating jackasses approve of this.
Iran Seeks Russian Fire Power

After decades of isolation from the international arms market, Iran is gearing up for a military shopping spree. Lagging behind U.S.-equipped regional rivals, it has turned to Russia for assistance.

On Feb. 15, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan landed in Moscow for a two-day visit. According to media reports, Tehran came with a $8 billion shopping list that included the high-end Su-30 warplane, Yak-30 training aircraft, military helicopters such as the Mi-8 and Mi-17, K-300 Bastion coastal defense systems, new surface ships, and even new diesel-electric submarines.

The Iranians are said to be most interested in the Su-30 multirole fighter, which would drastically outperform anything else in their arsenal. Under sanctions since 1979, Tehran's air force is currently an eclectic mix of Vietnam-era U.S. warplanes — such as the iconic F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat — as well as old Russian and Chinese jets.

Russia is a good place to go for military equipment, especially for those who need hardware comparable to Western kit, but without the cash or wherewithal to purchase and maintain it.

It is a market in which Moscow flourishes.
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges
While Barry's team sat and negotiated with Iran - after every other nation's diplomats had walked away from the table, Iran's military was practicing bombing a US aircraft carrier, Iran was openly mocking the US to the media .and Iran's leader was leading chants of 'Death To America'.

Obama violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own TREATY. he then took the TREATY directly to the United Nations to get it ratified before Congress was allowed to see it. even then he locked it away and would only let a number of Congress members to read it, not all of them.

What do I think? Nothing personal and with all due respect, I think you don't want to or care what I think.
Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran

Russian commentator Andrei Volnov has called the de facto Moscow-Beijing-Tehran alignment "a new geostrategic axis."[5] While such a characterization is more metaphor than reality, a trilateral combination, based on the common goals of promoting economic self-interest and reducing U.S. influence, certainly has been built on the foundations of fairly recent but significant bilateral ties between the two countries and Tehran.
What does my post have to do with Hillary or Trump? We're talking about Obama, Iran & Russia

Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

You REALLY think Iran is just living so they can destroy America? Get the fuck out of here...

The U.S. gets involved in other country's business because they think they are helping the citizens of those countries. Russia gets in other country's business because they are trying to do what is best for them. You see the difference?

That is some funny shit. Libya was a stable country who gave up their weapons of mass destruction. Then.....


An now Libya is a shitstorm of terrorism.
They take US soldiers hostage.
They proclaim death to America
They fund terrorism.
Their arms killed US soldiers in Iraq
They seek weapons of mass destruction
They want to wipe Israel off the map

And Dumbfucks on this forum ignore all that in order to suck Obama cock.

Disgusting lack of patriotism & a moral compass it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you. The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor, taking former Russian satellite states into NATO after Bush41 promised Gorbachev they US would not if Gorbachev liberated them and backing Syrian rebels who would deny Russia its bases on the Mediterranean. The present tensions with Russia are entirely the result of failed US policy toward Russia ever since Bush41 left office and there is no reason why the US and Russia cannot reach agreements that will respect each other's legitimate security concerns and that would lead to the end of fighting in Syria and eastern Europe.

Iran, on the other hand, is governed by Shi'ite religious fanatics who are fighting multiple wars against Sunni because of differences between them dating back over a thousand years, and is vehemently anti western. To the extent the US continues to have interests and allies in the ME, conflict with Iran is unavoidable.

You do understand that the problems with Russia started long before that right? Like in Afghanistan in 1979? Russia invades other countries... they don't respect the sovereignty of other nations.
Like Libya?
That will make it easier for the America hating goat humpers to place bombs on board or terrorists on board or crash one into some thing here. Not surprising at all the the usual crowd of liberal America hating jackasses approve of this.

You have no idea how dumb of a statement that is to make do you? Yes, Iran is going to fly a plane from Iran to American soil, without proper flight plans, and the U.S. is just going to let it fly all the way here and into a building... you do realize that the fucking U.S. government almost shot down the planes from 9/11 even though they were American planes with American people on board? And you don't think they would shoot down one that came flying into American air space with no proper flight plan? Jesus H. Christ...

Russian-Iranian relations just got $40 billion stronger

Iran and Russia have initialed contracts worth around $40 billion, including for power-engineering and railway projects, Russian news agencies quoted Ali Akbar Velayati, top adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as saying on Thursday.

Velayati, who is wrapping up a visit to Moscow, said he had discussed some of the projects with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said Tehran was interested in obtaining a loan from Russia for Iran's railways and nuclear power engineering.
Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

You REALLY think Iran is just living so they can destroy America? Get the fuck out of here...

The U.S. gets involved in other country's business because they think they are helping the citizens of those countries. Russia gets in other country's business because they are trying to do what is best for them. You see the difference?

That is some funny shit. Libya was a stable country who gave up their weapons of mass destruction. Then.....


An now Libya is a shitstorm of terrorism.

Wait, did the U.S. take over Libya? Did U.S. troops actually hit the ground in Libya and fight there? How many U.S. troops were esponsible for killing Gaddafi? Make sure to provide links please.

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