Iran signs $20billion deal wh Boeing . Thanks Obama! it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you. The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor, taking former Russian satellite states into NATO after Bush41 promised Gorbachev they US would not if Gorbachev liberated them and backing Syrian rebels who would deny Russia its bases on the Mediterranean. The present tensions with Russia are entirely the result of failed US policy toward Russia ever since Bush41 left office and there is no reason why the US and Russia cannot reach agreements that will respect each other's legitimate security concerns and that would lead to the end of fighting in Syria and eastern Europe.

Iran, on the other hand, is governed by Shi'ite religious fanatics who are fighting multiple wars against Sunni because of differences between them dating back over a thousand years, and is vehemently anti western. To the extent the US continues to have interests and allies in the ME, conflict with Iran is unavoidable.

You do understand that the problems with Russia started long before that right? Like in Afghanistan in 1979? Russia invades other countries... they don't respect the sovereignty of other nations.
That was true of the USSR but has not been true of Russia since the USSR dissolved.

Except the Ukraine.
Not at all. After the duplicity of the Clinton administration in breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev not to allow any former Soviet satellites states join NATO, an organization created specifically to fight Russia, Russia has good reason to be wary of any western inroads near its border, just as the US would be wary of any Russia inroads on its borders. The only way to end the fighting in Syria and eastern Europe is for the US and Russia to reach agreements to respect each other's legitimate security interests, something no administration since Bush41 has been willing to do.

So you're saying we should let a man that uses chemical weapons in his own people stay in power just to appease Russia? And why should the newly sovereign former satellite countries of the USSR NOT be allowed to join NATO? They are sovereign it should be their decision.
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

What lies and misinformation on the Iran deal? Or are you getting your information again from the Huffpo tampon squad?

Damn straight. We don't need them crashing anymore airliners into our buildings. (-:
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

You REALLY think Iran is just living so they can destroy America? Get the fuck out of here...

The U.S. gets involved in other country's business because they think they are helping the citizens of those countries. Russia gets in other country's business because they are trying to do what is best for them. You see the difference?

That is some funny shit. Libya was a stable country who gave up their weapons of mass destruction. Then.....


An now Libya is a shitstorm of terrorism.

The Libyan people rose up themselves . What's up wh cons crying over the death of despot dictators? Qudaffi was worse than Castro !
We deposed the leader and the anarchists took over. He made a deal with us under Bush to give up his nuclear program and Obama stabbed him in the back afterwards. After that Obama drew red lines in the Sands of Syria and ran from them when they were crossed.

Protip: This is how you get enemies to NEVER trust you or your word. This is how you embolden our enemies.

I love how righties rewrite recent history as if we don't remember .

All we did was provide air coverage for the rebels So Qudaffis Air Force wouldn't whips them out .

The people did the rest .
I listed facts. Facts that are not disputable and the results of those facts.

YOU tell fairy tales of what you think happened & what the outcome will be.

If not for us Gaddafi would be alive and terrorists would not be tearing that country apart. Also fact
You REALLY think Iran is just living so they can destroy America? Get the fuck out of here...

The U.S. gets involved in other country's business because they think they are helping the citizens of those countries. Russia gets in other country's business because they are trying to do what is best for them. You see the difference?

That is some funny shit. Libya was a stable country who gave up their weapons of mass destruction. Then.....


An now Libya is a shitstorm of terrorism.

Wait, did the U.S. take over Libya? Did U.S. troops actually hit the ground in Libya and fight there? How many U.S. troops were esponsible for killing Gaddafi? Make sure to provide links please.
We completely wrecked that country and it is now totally destabilized. Matters not how we achieved that. We did it. We caused it. We (Hillary) bragged about it. We own it.

Wait a hate Iran and want it destroyed, yet you are defending Libya. Do you remember what Libya has done? Like bomb the Lockerbie Plane bombing that killed 270 people including 188 Americans. And...the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing? And various other Libyan terrorist attacks? You seem to be forgetting about all that.
I never said I wanted Iran destroyed. Those are your words and I suspect you use them because it is the only way your argument makes sense. Iran should be contained just like Libya WAS. Libya is now a breeding ground for terrorists as well as an ungoverened state from which to launch terrorist attacks.

Libya was a breeding ground for government born terrorism long before the U.S. got involved. Please see the said above post. Or have you already forgotten those?
Putin wants a wedge to be driven between the US and Iran so that Russia can get closer to Iran without any interference.

And you dumb fuck useful idiots are doing exactly what he wants you to do.

That's why you are so schizophrenic. You are swallowing Putin's cock.
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

I say its great. Boeing can sell to who they want and best to make a deal before Trump slaps sanctions on them, although Iran and Russia are allies, and also Trump is suppose to be for American companies and American jobs. Really what can he say?
The question is, what will America say? Congress has already votd with a near unanimous majority to extend the Iran nuclear sanctions and the other sanctions regarding terrorism, ballistic missiles and human rights violations remain available to the President to use at his discretion.

Which is why it should be done now when Obama is in. I saw BiBi on 60 mins last night and he said there are 5 things we can do about Iran and will talk to Trump about it. Russia is friends with Iran, so Trump is caught in the middle. Bibi will probably do a false flag, what he does best and nuke Iran. Why because Iran is an ally of Hezbollah and Hezbollah protects Lebanon form the Israelites. Israel is the biggest terrorist in the region. Israel and SA.
Russia is also friends with Israel, and it was Clinton, not Bibi, who theatened to nuke Iran and Iran that threatened to nuke Israel. The planes are to be delivered over ten years, and it is unclear how many will be delivered unless Iran ends its horrific wars in Syria, Yemen and its continued interference in Iraq.

Bibi was on 60 mins last night and he has been wanting to bomb Iran since 92.

That is some funny shit. Libya was a stable country who gave up their weapons of mass destruction. Then.....


An now Libya is a shitstorm of terrorism.

Wait, did the U.S. take over Libya? Did U.S. troops actually hit the ground in Libya and fight there? How many U.S. troops were esponsible for killing Gaddafi? Make sure to provide links please.
We completely wrecked that country and it is now totally destabilized. Matters not how we achieved that. We did it. We caused it. We (Hillary) bragged about it. We own it.

Wait a hate Iran and want it destroyed, yet you are defending Libya. Do you remember what Libya has done? Like bomb the Lockerbie Plane bombing that killed 270 people including 188 Americans. And...the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing? And various other Libyan terrorist attacks? You seem to be forgetting about all that.
I never said I wanted Iran destroyed. Those are your words and I suspect you use them because it is the only way your argument makes sense. Iran should be contained just like Libya WAS. Libya is now a breeding ground for terrorists as well as an ungoverened state from which to launch terrorist attacks.

Libya was a breeding ground for government born terrorism long before the U.S. got involved. Please see the said above post. Or have you already forgotten those?
Libya, like Iraq was on lock down by its leader before US involvement. Seems we learned nothing after Iraq because here you are supporting that which you complained about under Bush. it is ok to vote Trump because Hillary doesn't like Russia and no one wants to go to war with Russia, but Iran we shouldn't try to make peace with, we should fight them? You understand that doesn't make sense right?
What does my post have to do with Hillary or Trump? We're talking about Obama, Iran & Russia

Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

No they are not , not anymore, they do not like Israel regime, who does? Lets see Iran or SA is what you should say, and we know SA is a terrorist hot spot, but cousins of the Jews.
What does my post have to do with Hillary or Trump? We're talking about Obama, Iran & Russia

Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

No they are not , not anymore, they do not like Israel regime, who does? Lets see Iran or SA is what you should say, and we know SA is a terrorist hot spot, but cousins of the Jews.
Fruit Loops for breakfast dear?
What does my post have to do with Hillary or Trump? We're talking about Obama, Iran & Russia

Did you vote for Trump?

Come on... then who did you vote for?

I want to know why you want the U.S. to make nice with Russia and not with Iran. Russia once threatened us with nuclear war... do you remember that? That's a hell of a lot more severe than taking a few hostages.
I wrote in Scott Walker, not sure why that matters.

Russia doesn't want hostilities with the US. Russia wants to be a dominant & influential world player.
Iran is driven by homicidal religious dogma.

If you can't see the difference in possible outcomes to those goals you don't belong in this conversation.

No they are not , not anymore, they do not like Israel regime, who does? Lets see Iran or SA is what you should say, and we know SA is a terrorist hot spot, but cousins of the Jews.

The Israel regime is way, way better than the terrorist governments you support
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

I say its great. Boeing can sell to who they want and best to make a deal before Trump slaps sanctions on them, although Iran and Russia are allies, and also Trump is suppose to be for American companies and American jobs. Really what can he say?
The question is, what will America say? Congress has already votd with a near unanimous majority to extend the Iran nuclear sanctions and the other sanctions regarding terrorism, ballistic missiles and human rights violations remain available to the President to use at his discretion.

Which is why it should be done now when Obama is in. I saw BiBi on 60 mins last night and he said there are 5 things we can do about Iran and will talk to Trump about it. Russia is friends with Iran, so Trump is caught in the middle. Bibi will probably do a false flag, what he does best and nuke Iran. Why because Iran is an ally of Hezbollah and Hezbollah protects Lebanon form the Israelites. Israel is the biggest terrorist in the region. Israel and SA.
Russia is also friends with Israel, and it was Clinton, not Bibi, who theatened to nuke Iran and Iran that threatened to nuke Israel. The planes are to be delivered over ten years, and it is unclear how many will be delivered unless Iran ends its horrific wars in Syria, Yemen and its continued interference in Iraq.

Bibi was on 60 mins last night and he has been wanting to bomb Iran since 92.

Good choice on his part, ay?
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

Arming terrorist States? What could go wrong?

US sells passenger jets to Iran, BAD!
Russia sells fighter jets to Iran, GOOD!
If you were able to understand the issues between the US and Iran and the issues between the US and Russia, it would make sense to you. The Russians, with some justification, see the US as an aggressor, taking former Russian satellite states into NATO after Bush41 promised Gorbachev they US would not if Gorbachev liberated them and backing Syrian rebels who would deny Russia its bases on the Mediterranean. The present tensions with Russia are entirely the result of failed US policy toward Russia ever since Bush41 left office and there is no reason why the US and Russia cannot reach agreements that will respect each other's legitimate security concerns and that would lead to the end of fighting in Syria and eastern Europe.

Iran, on the other hand, is governed by Shi'ite religious fanatics who are fighting multiple wars against Sunni because of differences between them dating back over a thousand years, and is vehemently anti western. To the extent the US continues to have interests and allies in the ME, conflict with Iran is unavoidable.

You do understand that the problems with Russia started long before that right? Like in Afghanistan in 1979? Russia invades other countries... they don't respect the sovereignty of other nations.
That was true of the USSR but has not been true of Russia since the USSR dissolved.

Except the Ukraine.
Not at all. After the duplicity of the Clinton administration in breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev not to allow any former Soviet satellites states join NATO, an organization created specifically to fight Russia, Russia has good reason to be wary of any western inroads near its border, just as the US would be wary of any Russia inroads on its borders. The only way to end the fighting in Syria and eastern Europe is for the US and Russia to reach agreements to respect each other's legitimate security interests, something no administration since Bush41 has been willing to do.

So you're saying we should let a man that uses chemical weapons in his own people stay in power just to appease Russia? And why should the newly sovereign former satellite countries of the USSR NOT be allowed to join NATO? They are sovereign it should be their decision.
No, I think Assad should go, but the only way to accomplish this is to reach an agreement with Russia in which the US would support Russia keeping its bases after Assad is gone in exchange for Russia dropping its support for him and working with the US to stabilize Syria.

These states would not have been liberated without Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that they wouldn't be allowed to join NATO, so that is the first reason they shouldn't have been allowed to join. Second, few NATO nations would vote to go to war with Russia over a conflict with one of these states. The most important reason is, however, that this duplicitous act by the Clinton administration began the deterioration of relations between the US and Russia in the post USSR era and the US' continuing refusal to acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns over this issue is the reason for the fighting in eastern Europe today.

The question is, should the US continue Obama's failed policy of making confrontational gestures toward Russia that have no effect on Russian policy, as you seem to advocate, or agree to negotiations with Russia in which the US will acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns about US and western European presence in its border states in return for a change in Russian policy?
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

I say its great. Boeing can sell to who they want and best to make a deal before Trump slaps sanctions on them, although Iran and Russia are allies, and also Trump is suppose to be for American companies and American jobs. Really what can he say?
The question is, what will America say? Congress has already votd with a near unanimous majority to extend the Iran nuclear sanctions and the other sanctions regarding terrorism, ballistic missiles and human rights violations remain available to the President to use at his discretion.

Which is why it should be done now when Obama is in. I saw BiBi on 60 mins last night and he said there are 5 things we can do about Iran and will talk to Trump about it. Russia is friends with Iran, so Trump is caught in the middle. Bibi will probably do a false flag, what he does best and nuke Iran. Why because Iran is an ally of Hezbollah and Hezbollah protects Lebanon form the Israelites. Israel is the biggest terrorist in the region. Israel and SA.
Russia is also friends with Israel, and it was Clinton, not Bibi, who theatened to nuke Iran and Iran that threatened to nuke Israel. The planes are to be delivered over ten years, and it is unclear how many will be delivered unless Iran ends its horrific wars in Syria, Yemen and its continued interference in Iraq.

Bibi was on 60 mins last night and he has been wanting to bomb Iran since 92.
He has wanted a viable military threat against Iran's nuclear weapons programs, but not a war if it could be avoided and Israel has never threatened to nuke Iran but Clinton has.
You do understand that the problems with Russia started long before that right? Like in Afghanistan in 1979? Russia invades other countries... they don't respect the sovereignty of other nations.
That was true of the USSR but has not been true of Russia since the USSR dissolved.

Except the Ukraine.
Not at all. After the duplicity of the Clinton administration in breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev not to allow any former Soviet satellites states join NATO, an organization created specifically to fight Russia, Russia has good reason to be wary of any western inroads near its border, just as the US would be wary of any Russia inroads on its borders. The only way to end the fighting in Syria and eastern Europe is for the US and Russia to reach agreements to respect each other's legitimate security interests, something no administration since Bush41 has been willing to do.

So you're saying we should let a man that uses chemical weapons in his own people stay in power just to appease Russia? And why should the newly sovereign former satellite countries of the USSR NOT be allowed to join NATO? They are sovereign it should be their decision.
No, I think Assad should go, but the only way to accomplish this is to reach an agreement with Russia in which the US would support Russia keeping its bases after Assad is gone in exchange for Russia dropping its support for him and working with the US to stabilize Syria.

These states would not have been liberated without Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that they wouldn't be allowed to join NATO, so that is the first reason they shouldn't have been allowed to join. Second, few NATO nations would vote to go to war with Russia over a conflict with one of these states. The most important reason is, however, that this duplicitous act by the Clinton administration began the deterioration of relations between the US and Russia in the post USSR era and the US' continuing refusal to acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns over this issue is the reason for the fighting in eastern Europe today.

The question is, should the US continue Obama's failed policy of making confrontational gestures toward Russia that have no effect on Russian policy, as you seem to advocate, or agree to negotiations with Russia in which the US will acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns about US and western European presence in its border states in return for a change in Russian policy?

Look, you are only look at this from one side, the Russian side, which I think is a bit odd. How is it the right of the United States to negotiate a deal about the ability for a sovereign nation to make it's own decisions? I'm still trying to comprehend how you can even come up with that.

Russia has steadfastly fought against forcing Assad to leave. At one point they said that it would be possible, but only after the country was made stable and then fair elections were done where Assad could still run for President. Well, when do you foresee Syria being stable in the near future when Russia is attacking not only ISIS by the Syrian rebels?

Lastly, Russia made threats against Norway recently with nuclear war over the fact they allowed 330 U.S. Marines to come there and train. Do you think you are dealing with a rational nation when they do something like that?
That was true of the USSR but has not been true of Russia since the USSR dissolved.

Except the Ukraine.
Not at all. After the duplicity of the Clinton administration in breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev not to allow any former Soviet satellites states join NATO, an organization created specifically to fight Russia, Russia has good reason to be wary of any western inroads near its border, just as the US would be wary of any Russia inroads on its borders. The only way to end the fighting in Syria and eastern Europe is for the US and Russia to reach agreements to respect each other's legitimate security interests, something no administration since Bush41 has been willing to do.

So you're saying we should let a man that uses chemical weapons in his own people stay in power just to appease Russia? And why should the newly sovereign former satellite countries of the USSR NOT be allowed to join NATO? They are sovereign it should be their decision.
No, I think Assad should go, but the only way to accomplish this is to reach an agreement with Russia in which the US would support Russia keeping its bases after Assad is gone in exchange for Russia dropping its support for him and working with the US to stabilize Syria.

These states would not have been liberated without Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that they wouldn't be allowed to join NATO, so that is the first reason they shouldn't have been allowed to join. Second, few NATO nations would vote to go to war with Russia over a conflict with one of these states. The most important reason is, however, that this duplicitous act by the Clinton administration began the deterioration of relations between the US and Russia in the post USSR era and the US' continuing refusal to acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns over this issue is the reason for the fighting in eastern Europe today.

The question is, should the US continue Obama's failed policy of making confrontational gestures toward Russia that have no effect on Russian policy, as you seem to advocate, or agree to negotiations with Russia in which the US will acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns about US and western European presence in its border states in return for a change in Russian policy?

Look, you are only look at this from one side, the Russian side, which I think is a bit odd. How is it the right of the United States to negotiate a deal about the ability for a sovereign nation to make it's own decisions? I'm still trying to comprehend how you can even come up with that.

Russia has steadfastly fought against forcing Assad to leave. At one point they said that it would be possible, but only after the country was made stable and then fair elections were done where Assad could still run for President. Well, when do you foresee Syria being stable in the near future when Russia is attacking not only ISIS by the Syrian rebels?

Lastly, Russia made threats against Norway recently with nuclear war over the fact they allowed 330 U.S. Marines to come there and train. Do you think you are dealing with a rational nation when they do something like that?
Russia's interest in Syria is keeping its bases on the Mediterranean and so far the only way it can do that is to support Assad, but this conflict is expensive for the suffering Russian economy and Russia is starting to take casualties, so if Russia had a chance to secure its interests with paying so much in blood and treasure, it is reasonable to think it would take it, but Obama has offered nothing but political slogans calculated to play well in the US but without relevance to ending the conflict in Syria.

Russia has every reason to distrust the US and especially the Obama administration and that means they have to wonder why Obama sent Marines to train in Norway. The same conditions could have been found in Alaska so why Norway? Was this intended as a provocation or was it just another example of Obama cluelessness?
Don't forget there were like 6 other nations involved in the Iran deal. Everyone has an interest in a well behaved Iran .

We need to get over decades old grudges wh places like Iran and Cuba . We need to look forward .
Except the Ukraine.
Not at all. After the duplicity of the Clinton administration in breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev not to allow any former Soviet satellites states join NATO, an organization created specifically to fight Russia, Russia has good reason to be wary of any western inroads near its border, just as the US would be wary of any Russia inroads on its borders. The only way to end the fighting in Syria and eastern Europe is for the US and Russia to reach agreements to respect each other's legitimate security interests, something no administration since Bush41 has been willing to do.

So you're saying we should let a man that uses chemical weapons in his own people stay in power just to appease Russia? And why should the newly sovereign former satellite countries of the USSR NOT be allowed to join NATO? They are sovereign it should be their decision.
No, I think Assad should go, but the only way to accomplish this is to reach an agreement with Russia in which the US would support Russia keeping its bases after Assad is gone in exchange for Russia dropping its support for him and working with the US to stabilize Syria.

These states would not have been liberated without Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that they wouldn't be allowed to join NATO, so that is the first reason they shouldn't have been allowed to join. Second, few NATO nations would vote to go to war with Russia over a conflict with one of these states. The most important reason is, however, that this duplicitous act by the Clinton administration began the deterioration of relations between the US and Russia in the post USSR era and the US' continuing refusal to acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns over this issue is the reason for the fighting in eastern Europe today.

The question is, should the US continue Obama's failed policy of making confrontational gestures toward Russia that have no effect on Russian policy, as you seem to advocate, or agree to negotiations with Russia in which the US will acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns about US and western European presence in its border states in return for a change in Russian policy?

Look, you are only look at this from one side, the Russian side, which I think is a bit odd. How is it the right of the United States to negotiate a deal about the ability for a sovereign nation to make it's own decisions? I'm still trying to comprehend how you can even come up with that.

Russia has steadfastly fought against forcing Assad to leave. At one point they said that it would be possible, but only after the country was made stable and then fair elections were done where Assad could still run for President. Well, when do you foresee Syria being stable in the near future when Russia is attacking not only ISIS by the Syrian rebels?

Lastly, Russia made threats against Norway recently with nuclear war over the fact they allowed 330 U.S. Marines to come there and train. Do you think you are dealing with a rational nation when they do something like that?
Russia's interest in Syria is keeping its bases on the Mediterranean and so far the only way it can do that is to support Assad, but this conflict is expensive for the suffering Russian economy and Russia is starting to take casualties, so if Russia had a chance to secure its interests with paying so much in blood and treasure, it is reasonable to think it would take it, but Obama has offered nothing but political slogans calculated to play well in the US but without relevance to ending the conflict in Syria.

Russia has every reason to distrust the US and especially the Obama administration and that means they have to wonder why Obama sent Marines to train in Norway. The same conditions could have been found in Alaska so why Norway? Was this intended as a provocation or was it just another example of Obama cluelessness?

How is helping ISIS accomplish one of the two stated goals in it's name a good thing again?

Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer. Say how you believe the ensuing government will be better
Don't forget there were like 6 other nations involved in the Iran deal. Everyone has an interest in a well behaved Iran .

We need to get over decades old grudges wh places like Iran and Cuba . We need to look forward .

Maybe we should have made a deal then that would lead to a "well behaved Iran" ...

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