Iran Tests A Nuclear Bomb!!!!

We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Did he do that between rapes????

Or between bribes????
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Remember this classic, Bill Clinton laughing at Ron Brown’s funeral, until he saw the camera on him:

This was after Clinton sold our missile technology to the Chinese for bribes for his presidential campaign.

You are clearly racist, misogynist, homophobic and Islamaphobic.

Button it up.

Must be my 'white privilege'......

...oh...wait....I'm not white.

Carry on.

Then you are a race traitor and held in greater contempt than those exploiting white privilege.

You can't have your own opinions on anything. You must fall in line with Progs or you will be personally attacked.
Oh....wait.....did I say 'Iran'???

Silly of me....I should have specified that it was their subsidiary, North Korea.

That's right....North Korea has been, for years, the nuclear bomb and missile factory for Iran.....and for that service Iran pays 20-30% of North Korea's GDP.

"North Korea Claims Test of Hydrogen Bomb for Long-Range Missile a Success"
North Korea Claims Test of Hydrogen Bomb for Long-Range Missile a Success

One would imagine that Hussein Obama knew that.....yet not a smidgen about stopping this, in the Iran Nuclear Scam.

And....speaking of the back-stabbing snake....

a. As he swore that he would stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

b. Since he had the ability to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

c. Since he knew how a real President had ended the Evil Empire, and could have done the same, why didn't he stop them?

d. Since he knew that Iran paid 20-30% of North Korea's GDP to serve as their nuclear weapons laboratory, why didn't he make ending that a part of the Iran Nuclear Scam....or...why didn't he stop them?

Any Obama voters care to answer those queries????
Liberals want to wait until mushroom cloud over major U.S. City.

Well....I can't come up with any other explanation for the Obamunists wanting to award the worst state sponsor of terrorism with a nuclear weapon.....

....and, I checked throughout the thread......neither can they.

They never can explain anything outside of calling people racists and NAZIS.
Advisor to FDR:
"Sir, the Japanese are going to attack Pearl Harbor."
FDR: "Let's wait and see if the League of Nations economic sanctions will stop them."
Do you think FDR would have waited for the attack? Nope. Preemptive strike. If you say your going to whip my ass, I'm not going to wait around to find out.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....

If every word out of Bill Clinton's mouth was not a fucking lie in 1994, why does North Korea have the bomb and why are they threatening the USA, Japan, and South Korea with nuclear war?

Was Bill a dumb fuck who was duped by NK, or was he lying?
Clinton put us in a position to negotiate with North Korea

Bush and Cheney destroyed the deal
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


I am not sure I like the tone of your racism.

All lampooning of these assholes aside, you are obviously correct. They will not respond to anything that disputes their bullshit narratives because they are paid useful sheep of their puppet masters.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Did he do that between rapes????

Or between bribes????

No idea what you are blabbering about

You wouldn't have any proof would you?
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Did he do that between rapes????

Or between bribes????

No idea what you are blabbering about

You wouldn't have any proof would you?

Yeah, you do.

Everything you post is a lie, right from your avi.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

Iran has not, nor will not abandon their nuke program.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

You tried to impugn the source and the article....
Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Now I've got you running away with your scaly tail between your legs.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Did he do that between rapes????

Or between bribes????

No idea what you are blabbering about

You wouldn't have any proof would you?

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart
Now that Iran has conquered another nation(Iraq) what is to keep them from hiding nuke program over there?
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Did he do that between rapes????

Or between bribes????

No idea what you are blabbering about

You wouldn't have any proof would you?

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Why are you bashing the greatest president of all time?
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

Wow, you really are a dumbass, don't you watch or read the news. Iran has outsourced a good portion of their nuclear program to NK.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

Wow, you really are a dumbass, don't you watch or read the news. Iran has outsourced a good portion of their nuclear program to NK.

Don't be fucking racist. Slick Willie handled North Korea in 1994.

There is no way North Korea is a problem today....Bill Clinton doesn't lie!!!!
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

Iran has not, nor will not abandon their nuke program.

Seems they already have

All the gloom and doom predictions of Republicans have proven to be wrong

Aren't you glad?
Just keep fighting these anti freedom assholes with's their kryptonite.

It's evident just on this board that they can't fight the truth.

They need division and lies to be successful.

Fuck them.
We can't be having issues with North Korea...Bill Clinton swore he handled NK.

He couldn't have been lying for political opportunism, could he?

Clinton did a great job with normalizing relationships

Bush destroyed the deal as soon as he took over

We have paid the price ever since

Don't you want to defend yourself and answer this query?

Are you trying to insinuate that the article quoted isn't 100% correct?

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
‘Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.’

As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.

“On the North Korean side, it’s likely that they just saw Iran as a paying customer. Iran had oil. Iran had cash. North Korea had weapons but no cash and no oil, so it was an ideal match.”
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

Hey.....don't slither away.....


The Great President Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Inept Trump has us on the verge of nuclear war

Iran has not, nor will not abandon their nuke program.

Seems they already have

All the gloom and doom predictions of Republicans have proven to be wrong

Aren't you glad?

Yep...sure looks like they have abandoned it.
Trump must work to stop Iran's secret nuclear program

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