Iran will rule the ME w/o firing a single shot

Good for them. They can have it. We should dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. It's an insane & dangerous Hellhole. If Iran wants it,they can have it.

Let them go back to killing each other?

Not a bad idea

It's this whole notion of us "letting them" do something that's the problem. Why the assumption that we are and should be the world's hall monitor?

If 10,000 miles away they ignorantly elect leaders who kill them why should my taxdollars be the remedy?

You wanna pull out completely, man the beaches and hope for the best.

Or kill terrorism in the womb?

I don't care one wit if they go around killing each other. but I'm not gonna kid myself and assume when they are done that won't come here and kill us.

good one.

Based on 2009 election results, Shiites can't form a government.
If they can achieve to get support to be able to form a government with a Shiite as Prime Minister, then I don't see a problem.
Parties in Lebanon having a problem with being ruled by a Shiite Prime Minister haven't really internalized the concept of inclusive democracy.

The Arab dictatorships and what they think about Shiites forming a government isn't really something that should concern us.
They are dictatorships and represent the will of USA rather then the will of their own population.
Off course, they are free to stop economical aid to Lebanon which is currently flowing to Lebanon.

My impenetrable wall should fix that shit in a hurry.:lol:
Of course not. Don't be silly.

But you have to admit it's a great way to run the show.

Using Democracy, something Iran only pays lip service to, they now control the Pals and Lebanon.

Israel is nearly surrounded by people fully loyal to Iran. It's only a matter of time before they start to issue ultimatums.

The ultimatums would probably go along the lines of leave the land or pay us money, leave or die, surrender to our authority, etc, etc,,,
Like what "ultimatum?"

If any country is prepared to receive ultimatums, I'd expect Israel would be at the top of the list.

One of Irans goals has been to either destroy Israel or push it into the sea. (same thing, but you get the picture)

If Iran proxy controls all of Israel flanks. what keeps them for pushing for that ultimate goal?

Well, it wouldn't be the first time anyone made the critical mistake of "pushing for that ultimate goal."

Influancing Lebanese politics via Hezbolla is a far cry from "controlling all of Israel flanks."

But let's imagine that somehow Iran would "rule the Middle East" (whatever that means), what advantage would they gain through a nuclear war?
Let them go back to killing each other?

Not a bad idea

It's this whole notion of us "letting them" do something that's the problem. Why the assumption that we are and should be the world's hall monitor?

If 10,000 miles away they ignorantly elect leaders who kill them why should my taxdollars be the remedy?

You wanna pull out completely, man the beaches and hope for the best.

Or kill terrorism in the womb?

I don't care one wit if they go around killing each other. but I'm not gonna kid myself and assume when they are done that won't come here and kill us.

Pulling out would greatly lower their eagerness to kill us imo.

Killing terrorism in the womb is a nice thought in a fantasy world, much like socialism, world peace etc.

I'd rather focus on securing our borders, securing our ports, defense, enormous scale backs on troops abroad to decrease spending and taxes rather than be the expensive playground aid in the recess of the middle east.
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Apparently Hezbollah isn't regarded illegal by the constitutional authority in Lebanon who decides who can participate in elections.
They participated in the elections, the current government collapsed and if they can form a new government, then this is the most natural thing.
What foreign countries think isn't really important, as the Lebanese voted in the elections not the foreigners.
Apparently Hezbollah isn't regarded illegal by the constitutional authority in Lebanon who decides who can participate in elections.
They participated in the elections, the current government collapsed and if they can form a new government, then this is the most natural thing.
What foreign countries think isn't really important, as the Lebanese voted in the elections not the foreigners.

Hahahaha we'll see what the Lebanese people think when Hezbollah goons runs through downtown Beirut and shut down those swanky night clubs and bars.
Apparently Hezbollah isn't regarded illegal by the constitutional authority in Lebanon who decides who can participate in elections.
They participated in the elections, the current government collapsed and if they can form a new government, then this is the most natural thing.
What foreign countries think isn't really important, as the Lebanese voted in the elections not the foreigners.

I thought the Turks had a handle on the Lebanese stituation.

WTF happened:(
It's this whole notion of us "letting them" do something that's the problem. Why the assumption that we are and should be the world's hall monitor?

If 10,000 miles away they ignorantly elect leaders who kill them why should my taxdollars be the remedy?

You wanna pull out completely, man the beaches and hope for the best.

Or kill terrorism in the womb?

I don't care one wit if they go around killing each other. but I'm not gonna kid myself and assume when they are done that won't come here and kill us.

Pulling out would greatly lower their eagerness to kill us imo.

Killing terrorism is a nice thought in a fantasy world, much like socialism, world peace etc.

I'd rather focus on securing our borders, securing our ports, defense, enormous scale backs on troops abroad to decrease spending and taxes rather than be the expensive playground aid in the recess of the middle east.

Huh? we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan when 9/11, Khobar towers, the USS Cole attacks or the bombings on the embassies in Africa happened. What makes you think pulling out will convince the terrorists to leave us alone?
Iran also controls Hamas. I suspect the Sunni Arabs will begin to openly oppose Iran's influence in the region very soon. And that's when the real trouble begins over there. I say let Iran have the Middle East though. They can have it. It's a miserable & dangerous Hellhole. We should immediately begin scaling back our presence over there. We can still buy their oil but we should immediately end our interfering in their internal affairs. We just don't have anything in common with those people other than the fact we need their oil. So scale it all back but continue to buy the oil. That's the logical way forward for us.
My impenetrable wall should fix that shit in a hurry.:lol:

Where's your problem?

I'm not a fan of USAID the way it's been programed period. Personally I'm scaling back the aid we give to foreign nations to simply disaster relief funding. That means no yearly payments to ANYONE (including Israel) much less a Lebanon run by Hezbollah.

Can't afford it, and it doesn't do shit but make us look stupid anyway. Paying despots and dictators: Not a good idea.
You wanna pull out completely, man the beaches and hope for the best.

Or kill terrorism in the womb?

I don't care one wit if they go around killing each other. but I'm not gonna kid myself and assume when they are done that won't come here and kill us.

Pulling out would greatly lower their eagerness to kill us imo.

Killing terrorism is a nice thought in a fantasy world, much like socialism, world peace etc.

I'd rather focus on securing our borders, securing our ports, defense, enormous scale backs on troops abroad to decrease spending and taxes rather than be the expensive playground aid in the recess of the middle east.

Huh? we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan when 9/11, Khobar towers, the USS Cole attacks or the bombings on the embassies in Africa happened. What makes you think pulling out will convince the terrorists to leave us alone?

We've been in the Middle East the entire time, they view it as the same, much like how we would react to a foreign country we weren't allied with trying to take over Canada. We promoted the idea of empire expansion and tried to help Saddam with that exact cause, we promoted the idea radical islam to the Afghani's and Osama when they fought the soviets.

When we promote something to someone, then they use it, it's a sad way of lacking accountablility to say it's their fault especially when we have all the power.
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I'll tell you one thing though we need to stop all aid to Lebanon ASAP when Hezbollah takes that country over.
Pulling out would greatly lower their eagerness to kill us imo.

Killing terrorism is a nice thought in a fantasy world, much like socialism, world peace etc.

I'd rather focus on securing our borders, securing our ports, defense, enormous scale backs on troops abroad to decrease spending and taxes rather than be the expensive playground aid in the recess of the middle east.

Huh? we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan when 9/11, Khobar towers, the USS Cole attacks or the bombings on the embassies in Africa happened. What makes you think pulling out will convince the terrorists to leave us alone?

We've been in the Middle East the entire time, they view it as the same, much like how we would react to a foreign country we weren't allied with trying to take over Canada. We promoted the idea of empire expansion and tried to help Saddam with that exact cause, we promoted the idea radical islam to the Afghani's and Osama when they fought the soviets.

When we promote something to someone, then they use it, it's a sad way of lacking accountablility to say it's their fault especially when we have all the power.

So how far should we go to appease these people? remove the Military, shut down all US embassies and remove all American citizens from Muslim countries? that is not a reasonable request.
Iran also controls Hamas.(...)

The ties between Hamas and Iran could only develop because there is a vacuum of Arab leadership for the Palestinian cause, the Arab governments all have become American puppets with their primary goal being 'regime survival'.
The Arabs don't support the Palestinian cause and Fatah has become an absolute intimidated playball of the Israelis. Al Jazeera currently is leaking 1.600 files from Fatah-led negotiations. It isn't good publicity for them as it becomes clear that Fatah has given up on main demands of the Palestinian cause, like return right of the refugees.
The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English

Under these circumstances you (Hamas) take every support you get. And Iran is willing to support.
Huh? we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan when 9/11, Khobar towers, the USS Cole attacks or the bombings on the embassies in Africa happened. What makes you think pulling out will convince the terrorists to leave us alone?

We've been in the Middle East the entire time, they view it as the same, much like how we would react to a foreign country we weren't allied with trying to take over Canada. We promoted the idea of empire expansion and tried to help Saddam with that exact cause, we promoted the idea radical islam to the Afghani's and Osama when they fought the soviets.

When we promote something to someone, then they use it, it's a sad way of lacking accountablility to say it's their fault especially when we have all the power.

So how far should we go to appease these people? remove the Military, shut down all US embassies and remove all American citizens from Muslim countries? that is not a reasonable request.

I don't view staying out of a country we have no business in as appeasing their people, I view it as doing what's in the best interest of the american people.

I'm not alone in thinking it'd be great for me and many others to receive a tax cut and a big decrease in gov't spending to get out of the middle east. Let alone the obvious factor that essentially everything we do over there is unconstitutional.
They will back Hezbolla, and Hezbolla will get elected into seats of power and do and Iran commands.

'Day of rage' as Hezbollah gains power in Lebanon
'Day of rage' as Hezbollah takes power in Lebanon - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

TRIPOLI, Lebanon — Hundreds of angry protesters burned tires and blocked roads across Lebanon on Tuesday after Iranian-backed Hezbollah secured the appointment of its candidate to lead the next government.

The nomination of Najib Mikati as prime minister, endorsed by President Michel Suleiman, is seen a victory for Hezbollah, which secured the parliamentary votes needed to wrest control of the Lebanese government.

Hezbollah's control over the government for the first time will sound alarm bells in Washington and Israel and raise concerns in moderate Sunni Arab states.

The protesters turned out in many cities in support of Mikati's defeated rival Saad al-Hariri, a Sunni Muslim whose government was ousted this month by Shiite Hezbollah and its allies in a dispute over the investigation of his father's assassination in 2005.

The protests were part of a "day of anger" called by loyalists of Hariri, who is backed by Saudi Arabia and Washington, to protest against Hezbollah, funded and supported by Tehran.

You gotta admire the way the are going about it.

The Palistinians first (a victim class), then spread into Lebanan, get elected to the point they have full control, and Irans hands are CLEAN.

Iran has a military that scares the crap outta the rest of the ME, so none of those countries will do a damn thing.

Who's next? My money is on Jordan. thier reliance on a tourism economy would seem to make them ripe for take over.

If and when Iran becomes the ME superpower, it won't be because of Hezbollah. It will be because young people now make up two-thirds of their population, and they have become westernized. They are educated and believe in a diverse democracy, not theocracy.

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