Iranian state TV says 80 "American terrorists" killed in Iran missile strikes

Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

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I think Iran intentionally missed all targets, knowing that if they killed an American, the real war would start a war. Instead they did the next best thing by simply being able to claim that they hit a base with rockets, thereby saving face. Since they can lie about the 80 casualties to their own people, they will probably call it good.

The "war" is over.
I'm certainly no fan of Trump but, much as it pains me to admit it, his boldness seems to have paid off, at least in the short term. It appears the Iranians blinked. Trump may have won the battle but the 'war' is not over. Iran is still fanatically anti-America and now more united than ever. Iran acting reasonable and restrained makes them seem like the adult in the room and may serve to further split the US' already shaky alliances and get the US booted out of Iraq.
many young Iranians are not crying about this guy who has put down many of their protests......and those same young people dont care for the religious suppression either.....
All true but I doubt they are any less patriotic than we are.
The Nazis were patriotic too. That doesnt mean they are good people.
It does mean they didn't surrender even under the US and British round-the-clock bombing and generally suffering terribly
So in your head, Iran is telling the truth and they have won.


Iran's second most powerful guy in the entire country gets straight up assassinated by US, and they respond with a "show of force".

That's like when some punk gets his ass beaten and then gets up and says "yeah bitch you better run" when the other guy is leaving the scene.

Or even better, it's like Trump got elected, and snowflakes claim that Hillary won the popular vote.

Who tells more lies?

Iranian government?

Attempted gotcha moment.

How has Trumps political lies, like any other politician harmed me?

Unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
A. You're dodging the question.

B. tRump is on a whole new level of dishonesty.

C. You can blame your insurance company for that one, Obamacare doesn't have any control over it.

Obamacare created the situation that made them change the policies. Sorry, that dodge isn't going to work cuck boi.

Trump could be the most honest person on the planet and you would still hate him. His lies are no different than any other politicians lies.
I know that's what you were told, so I don't blame you for parroting it.

But it is incorrect.

Wow, talk about denying reality. Obamacare changed the rules for how plans could be run, my plan changed.

I liked my plan, I couldn't keep my plan. I went from a PPO to a high deductible plan because the PPO was priced out of my range by the Obamacare rules.
Your TDS is terminal. Get help.
You know I'm right.

If tRump told you it didn't happen there is nothing that would stop you and the other cultists from declaring it "fake news" and totally closing your mind to it.

So in your head, Iran is telling the truth and they have won.


Iran's second most powerful guy in the entire country gets straight up assassinated by US, and they respond with a "show of force".

That's like when some punk gets his ass beaten and then gets up and says "yeah bitch you better run" when the other guy is leaving the scene.

Or even better, it's like Trump got elected, and snowflakes claim that Hillary won the popular vote.

Who tells more lies?

Iranian government?
Prove it.

I can list over 15,000 lies from tRump.

I bet I can guess the two of three things you're gonna say President Obama lied about before you post them.

Most of those are hyperbole that prog soi bois like you try to pass off as lying.

He's a blowhard, we get it, but he lies no more or less than any other politician.

Your side and the MSM (but I digress) just call anything you don't like that is even remotely opinion or again, hyperbole, a lie.
...adding that none of the missiles were intercepted.

It's certainly true that none of the missiles were intercepted. I think I'd mentioned something about that the day after it happened. If our missile defense systems aren't stopping a dozen or so missiles, what happens when they need to stop hundreds? I think it's a legit question.

Did the neocons purposely not try to stop them? They watched them load those missiles. They knew they were coming. By letting those missiles hit, did the neocons purposely endanger those American lives they were popping their pie holes off about for a solid week straight after they took out the Iranian? I think it's a fair question.
...adding that none of the missiles were intercepted.

It's certainly true that none of the missiles were intercepted. I think I'd mentioned something about that the day after it happened. If our missile defense systems aren't stopping a dozen or so missiles, what happens when they need to stop hundreds? I think it's a legit question.

Did the neocons purposely not try to stop them? They watched them load those missiles. They knew they were coming. By letting those missiles hit, did the neocons purposely endanger those American lives they were popping their pie holes off about for a solid week straight after they took out the Iranian? I think it's a fair question.
No American lives were ever in danger.
No American lives were ever in danger.

The Ain al-Assad base currently houses about 1,500 U.S. and coalition forces.

Again I ask. Why did the neocons let those missiles land? As I'd mentioned, all we heard for a solid week were talking heads in malfeasant cable news entertainment trying to sell the electorate on another war from behind the narrative of our troops and American interests being in danger. Yet...they're just gonna let Iranian missiles land where they're typically housed.

Either the missles defense system didn't work against a dozen missiles...or they let em land. In both instance the question is simple. Why?
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No American lives were ever in danger.

The Ain al-Assad base currently houses about 1,500 U.S. and coalition forces.

Again I ask. Why did the neocons let those missiles land? As I'd mentioned, all we heard for a solid week were talking heads in malfeasant cable news entertainment trying to sell the electorate on another war from behind the narrative of our troops and American interests being in danger. Yet...they're just gonna let Iranian missiles land where they're typically housed.

Either the missles defense system didn't work against a dozen missiles...or they let em land. In both instance the question is simple. Why?
Being tipped off in advance all personnel was moved. No one was ever in danger. It was a show so the iranian people would think that something was done. Stop paying attention to leftist media. This was all worked out ahead of time.

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