Iranian state TV says 80 "American terrorists" killed in Iran missile strikes

No..... I don't think it's terrorists they are wanting to embrace.....
I was talking about your infatuation with terrorists.
Not sure where you're going with that. I've never expressed any support for terrorists.
why do you believe them? that's strange. there is but two sides. you seem to always back the terrorists. funny. hugging them like you do.
"Believe them"? "Always back terrorists"?

Where? When?
this thread bubba, you called the president a liar. You believe the Iranian state terrorist news outlet over the president of the US. Amazing. BTW, with absolutely no idea of anything.

He is literally the least accurately informed and most misinformed person in any thread that he goes to.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

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Wut?? Iran's leadership lies??
I was talking about your infatuation with terrorists.
Not sure where you're going with that. I've never expressed any support for terrorists.
why do you believe them? that's strange. there is but two sides. you seem to always back the terrorists. funny. hugging them like you do.
"Believe them"? "Always back terrorists"?

Where? When?
this thread bubba, you called the president a liar. You believe the Iranian state terrorist news outlet over the president of the US. Amazing. BTW, with absolutely no idea of anything.

He is literally the least accurately informed and most misinformed person in any thread that he goes to.
I find it interesting they don't get their choices, it's either trump or the bad guys. And they always choose the bad guys. how can hate for one man override patriotism to your own country? I backed Obammy on all of his foreign Policy. I didn't like some of it, but I backed the men and women in harms way. They have my complete backing for any president.

I liked it when obammy drew a line in the sand, I didn't like it though when he didn't honor it.
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Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

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Who can we believe?
We know tRump is a hugely prolific liar without an ounce of shame or decency.

We know the Iranians depend on state propaganda.

We will never know what really happened.
And he was elected because of the liars and traitors in D.C. Check your own first.
Not sure where you're going with that. I've never expressed any support for terrorists.
why do you believe them? that's strange. there is but two sides. you seem to always back the terrorists. funny. hugging them like you do.
"Believe them"? "Always back terrorists"?

Where? When?
this thread bubba, you called the president a liar. You believe the Iranian state terrorist news outlet over the president of the US. Amazing. BTW, with absolutely no idea of anything.

He is literally the least accurately informed and most misinformed person in any thread that he goes to.
I find it interesting they don't get their choices, it's either trump or the bad guys. And they always choose the bad guys. how can hate for one man override patriotism to your own country? I backed Obammy on all of his foreign Policy. I didn't like some of it, but I backed the men and women in harms way. They have my complete backing for any president.

Of course, but -
The missiles that they shot at us last night were paid for by you and I through Obama malfeasance.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who can we believe?
We know tRump is a hugely prolific liar without an ounce of shame or decency.

We know the Iranians depend on state propaganda.

We will never know what really happened.

Trump is given to hyperbole....but I'll take that over the deep layers of bullshit spread on thick as frozen honey for eight years with History's most accomplished deciever.....Obama-bull-shit-furher. Your lack of critical analysis here gives you away for a total partisan hack.

why do you believe them? that's strange. there is but two sides. you seem to always back the terrorists. funny. hugging them like you do.
"Believe them"? "Always back terrorists"?

Where? When?
this thread bubba, you called the president a liar. You believe the Iranian state terrorist news outlet over the president of the US. Amazing. BTW, with absolutely no idea of anything.

He is literally the least accurately informed and most misinformed person in any thread that he goes to.
I find it interesting they don't get their choices, it's either trump or the bad guys. And they always choose the bad guys. how can hate for one man override patriotism to your own country? I backed Obammy on all of his foreign Policy. I didn't like some of it, but I backed the men and women in harms way. They have my complete backing for any president.

Of course, but -
The missiles that they shot at us last night were paid for by you and I through Obama malfeasance.
Oh, I know. The news groups were basically saying it while they reported it. Too sad. Our own government giving money to a country with known tendencies of shooting rockets into other countries, give them money to build more. Wow, I'd bow my head if I were any ex obammy rep.
The real question is this, are we any closer to getting Iran to the negotiating table?
way closer. hly fk, after this next round of sanctions get added, I see them crying for us to meet with them. You bet. It's called strategy when one's might is more than the weaker guy. They will cry uncle in less than six months. how close do you think we were while the embassy was being attacked?
We are certainly stronger militarily, however that is just one measure of strength. There are also moral, diplomatic, and other strengths. The Iranians will never beat us militarily but they could well outmaneuver us in the court of public opinion, separate us from our allies (who we need to enforce sanctions), put pressure on our allies, or other forms of 'asymmetric' warfare. Whatever you think of the Iranians, they are not fools and should not be underestimated.

There is an old saying, if all you have is a hammer (as in our military), every problem looks like a nail.
The real question is this, are we any closer to getting Iran to the negotiating table?
way closer. hly fk, after this next round of sanctions get added, I see them crying for us to meet with them. You bet. It's called strategy when one's might is more than the weaker guy. They will cry uncle in less than six months. how close do you think we were while the embassy was being attacked?
We are certainly stronger militarily, however that is just one measure of strength. There are also moral, diplomatic, and other strengths. The Iranians will never beat us militarily but they could well outmaneuver us in the court of public opinion, separate us from our allies (who we need to enforce sanctions), put pressure on our allies, or other forms of 'asymmetric' warfare. Whatever you think of the Iranians, they are not fools and should not be underestimated.

There is an old saying, if all you have is a hammer (as in our military), every problem looks like a nail.
wow, I heard some people say what you wrote would teeter on derangement syndrome. wow.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

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I'm sure that Iranians where masturbating to the idea of dozens of US soldiers dead. This is why even after hours of the event they kept hinting at the possibility that some casualty could still show up.

A single dead American was what they needed to ram Iran in the ass. Unfortunately, the Iranians are so bad at their game they failed completely. The US couldn't even get some accidental death to pin on the Persians.

So there is no reason to believe the US is lying and Iran is saying the truth: Iran desperately needs casualties from this attack, as does the US, yet only one is claiming something that goes against their interest.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

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I think Iran intentionally missed all targets, knowing that if they killed an American, the real war would start. Instead they did the next best thing by simply being able to claim that they hit a base with rockets, thereby saving face. Since they can lie about the 80 casualties to their own people, they will probably call it good.

The "war" is over.


Some asshole fucks with my mailbox so I knock his fucking teeth down his throat.
He then throws some garbage on my lawn, and claims he is the victor while drooling blood everywhere like a retard.

Yeah I guess I totally got BTFO.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who can we believe?
We know tRump is a hugely prolific liar without an ounce of shame or decency.

We know the Iranians depend on state propaganda.

We will never know what really happened.
Are you fucking retarded? If 80 people died, we would know. Its not like their family and friends are going to forget to check up on them for the next 50 years. :cuckoo:
Not if tRump told you and the other faithful it didn't happen.

Your TDS is terminal. Get help.
You know I'm right.

If tRump told you it didn't happen there is nothing that would stop you and the other cultists from declaring it "fake news" and totally closing your mind to it.

So in your head, Iran is telling the truth and they have won.


Iran's second most powerful guy in the entire country gets straight up assassinated by US, and they respond with a "show of force".

That's like when some punk gets his ass beaten and then gets up and says "yeah bitch you better run" when the other guy is leaving the scene.

Or even better, it's like Trump got elected, and snowflakes claim that Hillary won the popular vote.

The real question is this, are we any closer to getting Iran to the negotiating table?
way closer. hly fk, after this next round of sanctions get added, I see them crying for us to meet with them. You bet. It's called strategy when one's might is more than the weaker guy. They will cry uncle in less than six months. how close do you think we were while the embassy was being attacked?
We are certainly stronger militarily, however that is just one measure of strength. There are also moral, diplomatic, and other strengths. The Iranians will never beat us militarily but they could well outmaneuver us in the court of public opinion, separate us from our allies (who we need to enforce sanctions), put pressure on our allies, or other forms of 'asymmetric' warfare. Whatever you think of the Iranians, they are not fools and should not be underestimated.

There is an old saying, if all you have is a hammer (as in our military), every problem looks like a nail.
I'm wondering why our forces are not taking precautions to insure that care of people "in place" in Syria is properly maintained. From reports out there these young men are being sent to be tortured, imprisoned, or death and some are being forced into being conscripts for Assad who is backed by Russia and Iran. How much of that has been going on? Joanna Wren on Twitter

On search with the hashtag #Rukban I am reading through the comment and post and these people were supposedly subjected to Assad's treatment through trust in the Red Crescent and UN to get them into a safe space.
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Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think Iran intentionally missed all targets, knowing that if they killed an American, the real war would start. Instead they did the next best thing by simply being able to claim that they hit a base with rockets, thereby saving face. Since they can lie about the 80 casualties to their own people, they will probably call it good.

The "war" is over.


Some asshole fucks with my mailbox so I knock his fucking teeth down his throat.
He then throws some garbage on my lawn, and claims he is the victor while drooling blood everywhere like a retard.

Yeah I guess I totally got BTFO.
They are similar to the ones who would catch someone on their way down the stairs who would run up from behind and give a quick shove; because they knew if done straight up they would get their asses kicked.
What else could they say?

I agree. Those bat shit crazy Mullah's have to at least look like they can accomplish things.

What a load of horse shit. Most of them hit in fields per Iranian programming. They didn't want to kill any Americans because if they did we would retaliate.

As for equipment?? I doubt anything was destroyed besides maybe a vacant building.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who can we believe?
We know tRump is a hugely prolific liar without an ounce of shame or decency.

We know the Iranians depend on state propaganda.

We will never know what really happened.

Here I thought tiggered was the dumbest poster on USMB.

Crepitus, you are fucking dumb.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think Iran intentionally missed all targets, knowing that if they killed an American, the real war would start. Instead they did the next best thing by simply being able to claim that they hit a base with rockets, thereby saving face. Since they can lie about the 80 casualties to their own people, they will probably call it good.

The "war" is over.
I agree....I think Iran is playing to their idiot base just like Trump plays to his idiot base.....

and those of us who are sane are still stuck with endless wars for the foreseeable future due to how easy it is to fool the idiots into submission....
The Iranians told us in advance where the missiles would hit so that no one would be harmed.
Well who do you believe?....ROTFLMFAO

Iranian state television said on Wednesday that at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on U.S. targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted. State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures. It also said U.S. helicopters and military equipment were "severely damaged".

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think Iran intentionally missed all targets, knowing that if they killed an American, the real war would start. Instead they did the next best thing by simply being able to claim that they hit a base with rockets, thereby saving face. Since they can lie about the 80 casualties to their own people, they will probably call it good.

The "war" is over.
I agree....I think Iran is playing to their idiot base just like Trump plays to his idiot base.....

and those of us who are sane are still stuck with endless wars for the foreseeable future due to how easy it is to fool the idiots into submission....
I nailed it. This general agrees with everything i predicted. I am the smartest poster on USMB! Hurray for me!

What were Iran's goals with the attack on bases in Iraq housing U.S. troops?

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