Iranians and Iraqis celebrate thank Trump for airstrike that killed ruthless military general

Iranians and Iraqis are celebrating after the Pentagon, under the direction of President Trump, carried out an airstrike in Baghdad that killed Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani.
Iranians And Iraqis Celebrate, Thank Trump For Airstrike That Killed Ruthless Military General
MSM won't tell the sheep the truth but hey good luck believing what your told by msm

The Iraqis (and Iranians) are celebrating in the streets their hero Trump.
Who killed both Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Iraqi military commander, head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, and Qasem Soleimani, Iranian major general, commander of the Quds Force, both strangely caught in IRAQ at the Baghdad airport, then sent them an American Flag FU with the promise that they haven't seen anything yet if they don't soon learn their place.
The world celebrates as Nancy and her goonsquad of Democratic scrum scowl as to what to do, what to do, about that ever-present terrible problem, Donald.
My heart goes out to the leaders of Iraq, here is my heartfelt salute to you and yours from the USA.


When they can get Alex Jones on the war wagon, it's fucking over.

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