'Iraq is Finished'...Our unwise wars have caused a Domino Effect


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There may still be a few neocons in the U.S. (Dick Cheney, for example) who will justify the devastating decision by the GWB administration to attack and invade Iraq......Not only has the downfall of Hussein emboldened and empowered Iran, but the sectarian divide that had always existed has now transformed into a huge chasm and the domino theory (once used as an excuse for our war in Vietnam) is in full reality-mode as Syria, Yemen, Libya and several African countries fall to all-out civil wars.

The following excerpt is from The Atlantic...a credible source.....adn relays the words of actual citizens of that region who now see NO hope for a return to a unified Iraq.

Iraq Is Finished The Atlantic

The conversation soon turned to Daesh (known as ISIS in the West), and how the group had formed. A common view I’ve heard in the region, propagated by Sunni and Shiite alike, is that Daesh is the creation of the United States. There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq or Islamic State before the U.S. invasion in 2003. Therefore, so the twisted reasoning goes, the United States must have deliberately created the group in order to make Sunnis and Shiites fight each other, thereby allowing the U.S to continue dominating the region. Local media had reported on alleged U.S. airdrops to Daesh. Some outlets even referred to Daesh's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as an Israeli-trained Mossad agent.
One of my dining companions asked me where I thought the group came from. I responded that Daesh was a symptom of a much larger problem.Regional sectarian conflict was an unintended consequence of the Iraq War and the manner in which the United States had left the country, both of which had empowered Iran and changed the balance of power in the Middle East. In my view, regional competition—of which Iran versus Saudi Arabia is the main but not only dimension—exacerbated existing fault lines. Those countries’ support for extreme sectarian actors in different countries had now turned local grievances over poor governance into proxy wars. Iran was funding and training Shiite militias, as well as advising regimes in Baghdad and Damascus. Gulf financing had flowed to Sunni fighters, including the ones that ultimately became Daesh. At the same time, there was a symbiotic relationship between corrupt elites in Iraq and terrorists—they justified each other's existence, each claiming to provide protection from the other.
Azzam’s was only one of numerous explanations of Daesh’s origins and power that I heard from Iraqis during my visit to Jordan. All of these explanations contained some truth: There was no one simple reason, but rather a complex set of factors, that had enabled the group to take control of so much of Iraq.
But I had a more basic question: "Who are Daesh?" Many, he told me, had come out of the town of Tal Afar, where there had been bitter fighting between the Sunni and Shiite populations during the civil war. They were former Baathists, members of Saddam Hussein’s party who had been purged from Iraq’s government following the international intervention to oust Hussein. Then, after 2003, some became al-Qaeda, and now they were Daesh. They felt excluded and marginalized. Daesh gave them a sense of empowerment and let them present themselves as the defenders of the Sunnis against Shiites, Iran, and the United States.
"Iraq is finished," he lamented to me. "There is no state left. It is a state of militias.”
The Atlantic...a credible source....

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The Atlantic...a credible source....


It is best that morons like you keep reading Breibart, listen to Rush and worship at the altaer of Fox......This thread was obciously bot for mental midgets.
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Good thing we have obama on the job to set things straight.
I mean just look at the magic he's worked in the middle east so far.

Yep, blaming the fireman for the actions of the arsonist is always a "good" ...albeit, moronic......excuse.
The Atlantic...a credible source....


It is best that morons like you keep reading Breibart, listen to Rush and worship at the altaer of Fox......This thread was obciously bot for mental midgets.

According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.
The Atlantic...a credible source....


It is best that morons like you keep reading Breibart, listen to Rush and worship at the altaer of Fox......This thread was obciously bot for mental midgets.

According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.

President Bush was forced to negotiate a new SOFA by the Iraqis and the UN which set the timetable for the US withdrawal.
The Atlantic...a credible source....


It is best that morons like you keep reading Breibart, listen to Rush and worship at the altaer of Fox......This thread was obciously bot for mental midgets.

According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.

President Bush was forced to negotiate a new SOFA by the Iraqis and the UN which set the timetable for the US withdrawal.

Thank you....Most idiotic right wingers conveniently forget (or they just too dumb to remember or admit) that the deal to withdraw our troops was mandated way before Obama and mandated by the very same corrupt Iraqis that Cheney and Bush helped to install in power there.

But, as usual, such "forgetfulness" is expected from Obama haters.
According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.
Bush created the vacuum. Were we supposed to stay there forever?
The Atlantic...a credible source....


It is best that morons like you keep reading Breibart, listen to Rush and worship at the altaer of Fox......This thread was obciously bot for mental midgets.

According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.

President Bush was forced to negotiate a new SOFA by the Iraqis and the UN which set the timetable for the US withdrawal.

Thank you....Most idiotic right wingers conveniently forget (or they just too dumb to remember or admit) that the deal to withdraw our troops was mandated way before Obama and mandated by the very same corrupt Iraqis that Cheney and Bush helped to install in power there.

But, as usual, such "forgetfulness" is expected from Obama haters.

It is a inconvenient fact that President Bush signed it, everybody and their mother knows of the signing event too, where the President became the target of a shoe throwing angry Arab!
According to your "logic," Bush should have know that Obama would pull all of our troops out of Iraq and create a vacuum that is being filled by Iran and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria (who he refused to support). Nice delusion.
Bush created the vacuum. Were we supposed to stay there forever?
Of course not. Why stay in Iraq when Syria, Lybia, Israel & pretty much all of the middle east is there just waiting for us to fuck it up....

Our decision to take out Saddam handed the reigns of Middle East power and influence to Iran, began an Iraqi civil war and created even MORE hatred for us all through the region.

But this decision only cost us trillions of dollars and the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

President Bush was forced to negotiate a new SOFA by the Iraqis and the UN which set the timetable for the US withdrawal.

Cleverly worded nonsense. Obama deliberately failed to obtain a new SOFA so that he would have a pretext for removing all U.S. troops from this "bad" war (that we had already won). Don't you think the "blame Bush" mantra is getting a bit old?

Our decision to take out Saddam handed the reigns of Middle East power and influence to Iran, began an Iraqi civil war and created even MORE hatred for us all through the region.

But this decision only cost us trillions of dollars and the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.


Indeed, however "confusing" right wingers with facts....especially on this forum.....only triggers angry, inane or profane responses from folks who have chosen to remain as dumb...as when they voted for Bush-baby in the first place.
President Bush was forced to negotiate a new SOFA by the Iraqis and the UN which set the timetable for the US withdrawal.

Cleverly worded nonsense. Obama deliberately failed to obtain a new SOFA so that he would have a pretext for removing all U.S. troops from this "bad" war (that we had already won). Don't you think the "blame Bush" mantra is getting a bit old?

QST....Exactly WHO stated that we are not in the business of "regime change"????

Bush and company decided that Iraq was not worth staying since the lucrative oil contracts that Cheney and "friends" wanted so badly went mostly to China instead.

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