Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!



How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?
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Wow.. who makes threads just to make excuses for a sitting POTUS?? Your stupid opinion isn't news Deanie.. your meltdown is ridiculous.. LMAO
The thread title is mostly true, but omits a key detail. A somewhat more accurate reenactment:

Leave our country, America!

pls keep ur enormous military base in our capital tho, kthx
Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003.
Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003.

Mr. Maliki played down Iraq's need for any major help from the U.S. military, even while acknowledging serious deficiencies in areas including control of airspace and borders. He said the days when ethnic or sectarian-based militias roamed the streets of Iraq and operated above the law were over.

"Not a single militia or gang can confront Iraqi forces and take over a street or a house," said Mr. Maliki. "This is finished; we are comfortable about that."

He said full withdrawal of U.S. troops also will remove a prime motivator of insurgents—both the Shiite fighters tied to militia groups and Iran, and Sunnis linked to Mr. Hussein's ousted Baath party.

Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq but had instead spent the past few months trying to extend it. A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq's continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

Those efforts had never really gone anywhere; One senior U.S. military official told National Journal last weekend that they were stuck at "first base" because of Iraqi reluctance to hold substantive talks.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There - The Atlantic

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, for instance, is a hugely pro-American politician who believes Iraq's security forces will be incapable of protecting the country without sustained foreign assistance. But in a recent interview, he refused to endorse a U.S. troop extension and instead indicated that they should leave.

"We have serious security problems in this country and serious political problems," he said in an interview late last month at his heavily guarded compound in Baghdad. "Keeping Americans in Iraq longer isn't the answer to the problems of Iraq. It may be an answer to the problems of the U.S., but it's definitely not the solution to the problems of my country."
Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003.

Mr. Maliki played down Iraq's need for any major help from the U.S. military, even while acknowledging serious deficiencies in areas including control of airspace and borders. He said the days when ethnic or sectarian-based militias roamed the streets of Iraq and operated above the law were over.

"Not a single militia or gang can confront Iraqi forces and take over a street or a house," said Mr. Maliki. "This is finished; we are comfortable about that."

He said full withdrawal of U.S. troops also will remove a prime motivator of insurgents—both the Shiite fighters tied to militia groups and Iran, and Sunnis linked to Mr. Hussein's ousted Baath party.


Some of what Maliki says is true, but it doesn't matter--the U.S. must leave, and will leave. And it will be ugly when we're gone. Some of knew that from the very beginning; occupiers are hated by the occupied. When we're gone, Iraqis will (1) take vengence on the "traitors" that supported the American occupiers, and (2) will create their own leadership again.

If you can't learn from history, tadpoles, you're doomed to repeat it.
Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003.
Geez, even the Right-wing Wall Street Journal said Iraq wants us out!

Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out
Prime Minister, in Interview, Says Troops Must Leave Next Year as Planned

Dec. 28, 2010 12:01 a.m. ET
BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
So other countries tell us what to do?

Is that the Obammy Doctrine? I thought Obama had Putin scared and feckless.

Can you make us a story and stick with it?
Reason number 17 for going into Iraq was to give them their sovereignty. Guess what? The sovereign nation of Iraq said "thanks, now go".
McCain has said blatantly that Iraq wanted to renegotiate troops staying but Obama refused to negotiate.

So anything said after the negotiations fell apart would be to save face. Geeze louise, why do you lefties keep lying?

It doesn't do any good. The world knows that Obama and other western leaders are to blame for ISIS. All this blood is on the wests hands. All because they wanted to depose Assad.

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history | TheHill

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”
McCain has said blatantly that Iraq wanted to renegotiate troops staying but Obama refused to negotiate.

So anything said after the negotiations fell apart would be to save face. Geeze louise, why do you lefties keep lying?

It doesn't do any good. The world knows that Obama and other western leaders are to blame for ISIS. All this blood is on the wests hands. All because they wanted to depose Assad.

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history | TheHill

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”
Just on another thread there are far left posters trying to claim it was all Bush, not Iraq.

Then the far left blogs say the Iraq's do not want the US there.

Now we hear in the new illegal Obama war, that the Iraqi's want the US there.

So which is far left?

Which propaganda is correct?
Uh, that's because Joe Foot-in-Mouth Biden was in charge of the SOFA negotiation and the Iraqis finally said no.

A real leader would have said, "Uh, sorry, buds, but we're not gonna pull out completely. We're gonna leave a residual force for a few years to make sure you make the transition to a functioning democratic state. So you 'will' sign a SOFA." It's called leadership.
Poor rdean.

When his hero is caught fucking up, he has to think up a lie to defend him. That has kept him running around in circles for the last 6 years.

No, U.S. Troops Didn't Have to Leave Iraq | National Review Online
Like the Right-wing National Journal will ever tell the truth, all they are doing is parroting the GOP revisionist history. They cite the New Yorker to back their phony claim knowing the New Yorker article was too long for the Right to read certain they would never see this:

The last American combat troops departed Iraq on December 18, 2011. Some U.S. officials believe that Maliki never intended to allow soldiers to remain; in a recent e-mail, he denied ever supporting such a plan, saying, “I am the owner of the idea of withdrawing the U.S. troops.”
Uh, that's because Joe Foot-in-Mouth Biden was in charge of the SOFA negotiation and the Iraqis finally said no.

A real leader would have said, "Uh, sorry, buds, but we're not gonna pull out completely. We're gonna leave a residual force for a few years to make sure you make the transition to a functioning democratic state. So you 'will' sign a SOFA." It's called leadership.

Well, you got the part about the Iraqis saying "no" correct.

So if that's what a real leader would have said, why did President Bush sign an agreement pulling the troops out of the Cities by July 2009 and out of the entire country by 2012?

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