Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

And from the mouth of a protester in the same article from the local news paper.

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

Jordan said a large portion of protesters came from outside of the city. Many obscured their faces with bandanas, and a few wore gas masks and carried sticks.

“OK, we’re all here for Occupy, right?” yelled a young woman at the start of the meeting, to a resounding affirmative reply.

“And we’re all here for nonviolence, right?” she yelled, prompting a mixture of yeses and nos.
And from the mouth of a protester in the same article from the local news paper.

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

Jordan said a large portion of protesters came from outside of the city. Many obscured their faces with bandanas, and a few wore gas masks and carried sticks.

“OK, we’re all here for Occupy, right?” yelled a young woman at the start of the meeting, to a resounding affirmative reply.

“And we’re all here for nonviolence, right?” she yelled, prompting a mixture of yeses and nos.

Well many of these jerks are big Bill Ayers disciples. But the police were wrong on this one. The video shows this very clearly.
And from the mouth of a protester in the same article from the local news paper.

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

Jordan said a large portion of protesters came from outside of the city. Many obscured their faces with bandanas, and a few wore gas masks and carried sticks.

“OK, we’re all here for Occupy, right?” yelled a young woman at the start of the meeting, to a resounding affirmative reply.

“And we’re all here for nonviolence, right?” she yelled, prompting a mixture of yeses and nos.

Well many of these jerks are big Bill Ayers disciples. But the police were wrong on this one. The video shows this very clearly.

No they were not. This is a post from the OWS website and message board. Read it all.

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink
And from the mouth of a protester in the same article from the local news paper.

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

Jordan said a large portion of protesters came from outside of the city. Many obscured their faces with bandanas, and a few wore gas masks and carried sticks.

“OK, we’re all here for Occupy, right?” yelled a young woman at the start of the meeting, to a resounding affirmative reply.

“And we’re all here for nonviolence, right?” she yelled, prompting a mixture of yeses and nos.

Well many of these jerks are big Bill Ayers disciples. But the police were wrong on this one. The video shows this very clearly.

No they were not. This is a post from the OWS website and message board. Read it all.

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink

I hear what you're saying and i'm not defending the idiots who got violent. I'm just talking about this incident. The Police saw that the man was down and injured. They also saw fellow citizens trying to help. Yet they decided to fire on them from point-blank range anyway. The Police are public servants so at least one of them should have showed some compassion and tried to help. The fact none of them did shows that at our own police are willing to be have like brutal thugs if they're ordered to do so. It's what happened in Nazi Germany. They were all just "following orders." Just one of these officers should have stepped up and done the right thing. In my opinion they should be punished.
I watched the video several times, and come away with a couple of thoughts here, first let me say that the young man (vet) who was injured has my sympathy and hopes for a full recovery and heart felt thanks for his service to our nation. Having said that , the young man took it upon himself to voice his opinion as given to him under the constitution and those in which he himself defended for our nation. However, in doing so, he was injured in the process and given the environment in which they were in at the time, it was in my humble opinion a tragic accident of circumstance. To use the face of a vet being injured as the reasonng to denegrate an entire department for it's actions is not only unfair it's wrong because often times standing on the other side of that line are (vets) too. Yes, in fact in every place your going to find people who are going to step out of line , the police included, and when they do they need to be disciplined for their actions, and the same holds true for anyone. Lastly, having seen the officer fire what appeared to be a "flash bang" into the crowd of young people that were assisting the injured was on its surface uncalled for, having not been there, I do not know all the circumstances, however if true that officer falls under the guidelines of those above that should be disciplined. This does not mean however, that an entire department is bad, nor does it mean everyone of these young people are incorrect as well.
Well many of these jerks are big Bill Ayers disciples. But the police were wrong on this one. The video shows this very clearly.

No they were not. This is a post from the OWS website and message board. Read it all.

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink

Please read post at the bottom of this thread or check out Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

The Oakland Tribune live blogged the entire day and night's events and it shows the police warned, explained that the campers were illegally staying, cleared the camps out and THEN the UNION got involved, stirred things up, and a larger group showed up to face off with police. They threw paint and bottles at the police and smashed a police cruiser window in.

Scott Olson was injured because he joined a crowd that returned that evening to defy police AFTER the "peaceful protest" was ended and the camp cleared out earlier in the morning.

Why must you lie about what actually transpired?
reply permalink

I hear what you're saying and i'm not defending the idiots who got violent. I'm just talking about this incident. The Police saw that the man was down and injured. They also saw fellow citizens trying to help. Yet they decided to fire on them from point-blank range anyway. The Police are public servants so at least one of them should have showed some compassion and tried to help. The fact none of them did shows that at our own police are willing to be have like brutal thugs if they're ordered to do so. It's what happened in Nazi Germany. They were all just "following orders." Just one of these officers should have stepped up and done the right thing. In my opinion they should be punished.

I see your point, I really do. But look at it from the cops point of view. What the video shows is a crowed descending on the wounded guy. Say he had a neck injury and he was paralyzed by the actions of the crowed, or say the cop jumped the barricade and and moved the kid and the kid died, or the protesters who were looking to escalate the situation attacked the cop. He did what was best which was to disperse the crowed by throwing, not shooting a flash bang grande into the crowed. The cop (as far as we know) has not been relieved of his duty, and there is still no evidence that the kid was shot with anything. It looks awful, but when you get past the ugliness of the situation it makes sense. If he told them to move so EMT could get in there they would not have. Those protestors, including the kid that got hurt were there for trouble. And they are planning for more tonight. Don't take my word for it go to there website and read it.
I believe this man is now dead. It's a very very sad tragedy. The Police should be prosecuted. Their callousness and cruelty is pretty shocking. Why couldn't just one step up and do the right thing? It goes to their poor training. They shouldn't be trained to be Nazi Storm Troopers. They should be trained to be good & honorable public servants who care about their fellow citizens. Something went terribly wrong here in regards to their training. I'll pray for this man's family.
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I believe this man is now dead. It's a very very sad tragedy. The Police should be prosecuted. Their callousness and cruelty is pretty shocking. Why couldn't just one step up and do the right thing? It goes to their poor training. They shouldn't be trained to be Nazi Storm Troopers. They should be trained to be good & honorable public servants who care about their fellow citizens. Something went terribly wrong here in regards to their training. I'll pray for this man's family.

They did what they were trained to do. No video has com forward showing any evidence of projectiles being fired. And no evidence has been prevented showing that the cops inflicted his injury at this point. If the kid is dead his blood is on the hands of those who started fighting with the police, as well as his own stupidity considering he was there to cause trouble. Read it on OWS own web site.

He made the right decision. I'll give him kudos for this. Obviously these Police were not trained properly. They showed absolutely no regard for their fellow citizens. We have to stop training our Police the same way we train our Military. There is a big difference between the two. It looks like we've decided as a nation to turn our Police into Storm Troopers. That's a terrible mistake. I still can't believe not one officer stepped up to help the man. Instead they fired grenades at him and those trying to help. What were they thinking? Someone has to be prosecuted over this man's death. Period,end of story.
Here is a link to the live blog, which is a much better source then OWS on the issue. I have included a comment from a participant with the link.

Live Blog: Library Director refused to close main library during protests - Inside Bay Area

6:25 a.m. 'Stupid people who were provoking the cops'

Michael Porter, 24, works full time selling DirectTV, has camped at the Occupy Oakland site for the last 8 days.
He was disheartened to see everyone disperse last night-- down to 30 people after 3 a.m.
"We lost a lot of them because of the tear gas. And it was because of stupid people who were provoking the cops.

He made the right decision. I'll give him kudos for this. Obviously these Police were not trained properly. They showed absolutely no regard for their fellow citizens. We have to stop training our Police the same way we train our Military. There is a big difference between the two. It looks like we've decided as a nation to turn our Police into Storm Troopers. That's a terrible mistake. I still can't believe not one officer stepped up to help the man. Instead they fired grenades at him and those trying to help. What were they thinking? Someone has to be prosecuted over this man's death. Period,end of story.

Yeah right, right up until you need them. Then they are your hero's.

Now I see why everyone picks on you. No mention of OWS here.

OAKLAND -- The city with the state's highest violent crime rate is again in search of a top cop after Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts announced his resignation Tuesday, saying a burdensome "bureaucracy" left him without enough power to fight crime and build community trust in his department.

Read more: Oakland chief resigns as police takeover threatened

Now I see why everyone picks on you. No mention of OWS here.

OAKLAND -- The city with the state's highest violent crime rate is again in search of a top cop after Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts announced his resignation Tuesday, saying a burdensome "bureaucracy" left him without enough power to fight crime and build community trust in his department.

Read more: Oakland chief resigns as police takeover threatened

How blind can you be?

I was showing that this police department has had a VERY bad rep for many years.

Do you ever take in real information or just make up lies as you go no matter what the other side actually says?
I believe this man is now dead. It's a very very sad tragedy. The Police should be prosecuted. Their callousness and cruelty is pretty shocking. Why couldn't just one step up and do the right thing? It goes to their poor training. They shouldn't be trained to be Nazi Storm Troopers. They should be trained to be good & honorable public servants who care about their fellow citizens. Something went terribly wrong here in regards to their training. I'll pray for this man's family.

Nope. You OWS guys dont get your martyr today.

War vet hurt in Occupy Oakland protest improving

(10-27) 10:07 PDT OAKLAND --

An Iraq war veteran who was injured during the raucous Occupy Oakland protest Tuesday night was upgraded to fair condition this morning at Highland Hospital in Oakland, a nursing supervisor said.

Read more: War vet hurt in Occupy Oakland protest improving
The OPD has had a VERY bad reputation for many years for abusing citizens rights.
If it comes down to helping one of your fellow citizens or following orders,just go ahead and help your fellow citizen. It's just not good enough to claim you were only "following orders." Many Nazis made that very same claim. The Police have to accept their punishment.

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