Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

And you forgot the citizen which is a local paper, you still only have a video showing a slanted view in an attempt to prove your lies as true. Here is some more for you. Now post your proof you vet, wannabe .

Veteran Injured During Oakland Protests -

Mayor Jean Quan said Oakland supports the protesters' goals, but had to act when a small number of them threw rocks, paint and bottles at the police.

"We had, on one hand, demonstrators who tried to rush banks, other demonstrators saying don't do that, and we had police officers, for the most part, 99 percent, who took a lot of abuse," the mayor said. "So yesterday was a sad day for us."

"The citizen which is a local paper"... The paper did not claim to have any eyewitness testimony among its staff. It only reported what was said by officials.

And, again, those officials are the only people who have reported any throwing of anything. There is NO PROOF. Show us some proof.

But you can't, because you have none.

Na, got plenty you fake. You are using the Gore method of lying. Say it over and over again and it will be true. Sorry dude, but you lack eye witnesses to. And for every little video you post the cops have about ten. That video is being watched right now by other cops. just as it was after the retard got tagged by a beer bottle by one of his buddy's. This is why the news has not run with the story. This is why the Mayer and police chief have come out in support of there police officers. Sorry bub. To say otherwise is just a lie.
Na, got plenty you fake. You are using the Gore method of lying. Say it over and over again and it will be true. Sorry dude, but you lack eye witnesses to. And for every little video you post the cops have about ten. That video is being watched right now by other cops. just as it was after the retard got tagged by a beer bottle by one of his buddy's. This is why the news has not run with the story. This is why the Mayer and police chief have come out in support of there police officers. Sorry bub. To say otherwise is just a lie.

The news HAS run with the story.

Go to Google news, right now.

The very first story on the feed is this one.

But I'm really just going to stop arguing with you now, because you are clearly insane.

Na, got plenty you fake. You are using the Gore method of lying. Say it over and over again and it will be true. Sorry dude, but you lack eye witnesses to. And for every little video you post the cops have about ten. That video is being watched right now by other cops. just as it was after the retard got tagged by a beer bottle by one of his buddy's. This is why the news has not run with the story. This is why the Mayer and police chief have come out in support of there police officers. Sorry bub. To say otherwise is just a lie.

The news HAS run with the story.

Go to Google news, right now.

The very first story on the feed is this one.

But I'm really just going to stop arguing with you now, because you are clearly insane.


Na, not insane, just pointing out your lies. There is zero proof in that video of any device being used to launch tear gas. And the twerp is not in that video either as you promised. And no, the media has not said the loser was shot in the head with a riot control device they said he was hit by a projectile, but not what type of projectile. There was a whole lot of "fuck the police" but no cops shooting into the crowd. You are caught telling lies again.
Need to send Oakland officers to other cities to command and coordinate further action against the unlawful.

True, And they would be good at it to. They dont get much credit for it, but they are very well trained and professional when it comes to dealing with scum like this. Still, no evidence has been presented that the loser was shot by something and not just pelted by a beer bottle.

Im willing to go out on the limb and say he was hit by a canister. IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You disperse when ordered to disperse.

Both videos are telling. All you hear is canisters hitting the ground, boom, and "fuck the police". Oh, and the little pussies gagging and coughing. They didn't even get a good gassing. I have been gassed better.
No, those in they media are uninformed, you are lying. Let me guess you are a forensics professional to. You are full of shit, and all you post is OWS video nothing more. You do this to protect your feeble lies.

Why would I need to be a "forensics professional"? And what do you mean, "too"?

Have I claimed to be some other sort of expert?

I've presented what most people would consider to be pretty damning evidence that this person was injured by police.

You have presented NOTHING except for testimony from the alleged perpetrators of the crime.

And yet, you keep bitching and moaning that I am some sort of "liar".

You can keep on repeating yourself over and over all you want.

This is not some Orwellian world where repetition = truth. 2 +2 does not equal 5, even if you repeat it a million times.

He was injured by police while occupying an area ordered clear.

Is that a fair statement?

I would agree the he was injured by SOMEONE while occupying an order to clear. There have only been assumptions on the part of LWS as to who or what the dud was hit with. None of the videos show any proof at all as to what caused the injury.
Well well, seems as though the left has got their new hero, and a picture of him just before he got his head busted has surfaced...... Notice which side of the police barricade he is standing on.......

I also hope that guy in the sailor outfit is no longer on active duty, and if he is please identify him so he can be prosecuted under the UCMJ.

Well well, seems as though the left has got their new hero, and a picture of him just before he got his head busted has surfaced...... Notice which side of the police barricade he is standing on.......

I also hope that guy in the sailor outfit is no longer on active duty, and if he is please identify him so he can be prosecuted under the UCMJ.


If that Sailor is still active he will get his ass handed to him.
True, And they would be good at it to. They dont get much credit for it, but they are very well trained and professional when it comes to dealing with scum like this. Still, no evidence has been presented that the loser was shot by something and not just pelted by a beer bottle.

Im willing to go out on the limb and say he was hit by a canister. IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You disperse when ordered to disperse.

Both videos are telling. All you hear is canisters hitting the ground, boom, and "fuck the police". Oh, and the little pussies gagging and coughing. They didn't even get a good gassing. I have been gassed better.

What in gods name is a good gassing?:confused:
Well well, seems as though the left has got their new hero, and a picture of him just before he got his head busted has surfaced...... Notice which side of the police barricade he is standing on.......

I also hope that guy in the sailor outfit is no longer on active duty, and if he is please identify him so he can be prosecuted under the UCMJ.


If that Sailor is still active he will get his ass handed to him.

He will. Most likely he is a less then desirable working as a janitor at the MEPS center there in Oakland on his way out . He could also just be a twerp who bought his stuff as well.
Im willing to go out on the limb and say he was hit by a canister. IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You disperse when ordered to disperse.

Both videos are telling. All you hear is canisters hitting the ground, boom, and "fuck the police". Oh, and the little pussies gagging and coughing. They didn't even get a good gassing. I have been gassed better.

What in gods name is a good gassing?:confused:

LOL Really. I have been through more gas chambers and hit with more CS in the field than I care to remember and only once, when a dumb ass Major got caught without his mask, would i call it good..............
Im willing to go out on the limb and say he was hit by a canister. IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You disperse when ordered to disperse.

Both videos are telling. All you hear is canisters hitting the ground, boom, and "fuck the police". Oh, and the little pussies gagging and coughing. They didn't even get a good gassing. I have been gassed better.

What in gods name is a good gassing?:confused:

When you immediately have gallons of snot shooting out of your nose and you are barfing as you crawl away. The protestors in LWS videos were able to yell "fuck the police" so they barely got gassed. I was not implying that a CS gassing was fun.
What in gods name is a good gassing?:confused:

LOL Really. I have been through more gas chambers and hit with more CS in the field than I care to remember and only once, when a dumb ass Major got caught without his mask, would i call it good..............

Word. Though the snot that was hanging in long strings like two feet below everyone's nose as they exited the gas chamber in basic was pretty damn funny.

Good story:

My buddy was a bit of a pussy, and couldn't recite the alphabet backwards while in the room, as we were asked to. So he ran out after a couple of failed attempts.

Well, standing outside the chamber was the company commander. And as soon as he got out the door, the captain orders him to get back in there.

My buddy, eyes clouded, snot running down his face screams "Fuck you!" and then, slowly realizing who he is addressing, adds a belated "Sir!".

The captain just started laughing his ass off, and sent him back in without saying another word about it.
Survive two tours only to be taken out by a flash grenade.

No evidence that that was the case at all. The Mayer of Oakland As well as the Police chief, both of whom have proven time and again that they are willing to throw there cops under the buss have defended the actions of the police. There is an investigation just getting started, and no doubt there are hours of police video that wont be put up on youtube to tell there side of the story. As hungry as this crowed is for a martyr, if their were real evidence, it would be a bigger deal now. So far no evidence has been presented that a cop shot the guy in the head with anything. You dont see it in any of the videos that have been posted and the only people that say he was shot with anything are other protesters.
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Im willing to go out on the limb and say he was hit by a canister. IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You disperse when ordered to disperse.

Both videos are telling. All you hear is canisters hitting the ground, boom, and "fuck the police". Oh, and the little pussies gagging and coughing. They didn't even get a good gassing. I have been gassed better.

What in gods name is a good gassing?:confused:

Do you recall Ethel Merman's description of her wedding night to Ernest Borgnine? He covered her head with a blanket and let go with a huge fart. She divorced him 32 days later. That's a good gassing.
The police were ordered to clear the area for cleaning. The shitters didn't want their shit cleaned up. They have no right to spread disease.
The police were ordered to clear the area for cleaning. The shitters didn't want their shit cleaned up. They have no right to spread disease.

Its a long article, but the cops statement is down there .

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

Protesters crowded into the corner of the encampment closest to Broadway and 14th, locked arms, and began chanting “You are the 99 percent!” as police moved slowly in.

“Attention, all persons of Frank Ogawa Plaza,” an officer announced. “This is the Oakland Police Department. It has been determined you are illegally blocking Frank Ogawa Plaza and are subject to arrest.”

The department advised protesters to gather their belongings, secure their dogs and exit toward Telegraph Avenue. After six announcements, and another five minute warning, officers declared the protest an unlawful assembly.

A few protesters began lighting firecrackers and throwing bottles. Police responded with bean bag guns and tear gas, which floated backwards towards officers and reporters standing behind them.

“I didn’t realize this is what we were up against,” said Alex Matkin, who had been camping in Snow Park when he heard about the arrests. “I thought there were gonna be 50-60 officers. They came out in full force.”

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