CDZ Ireland Study: Mask Mandates in Schools are Child Abuse?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Making children wear masks in the classroom can stunt language skills and exacerbate anxiety, a health report commissioned by the Irish government has found.

Here's what we know
- There's no evidence that children spread the disease at any noticeable level
- Children are immensely safe from any serious effects of COVID, only .05% of kids under the age of 11 die from COVID
- The Flu is far more deadly for kids than COVID
- Masks make kids scared, anxious, and are stunted by masks

Yet, the Democrats and Media are ALL IN on mask mandates in schools. Talk about overkill for a political narrative.

It reminds me of how the left argued for lockdowns, and tried to claim how many lives it saved (without a control group) all the while ignoring that suicides went up like 300% and there were huge psychological suffering effects.

I guess those lives didn't matter as much.. and I guess these kids need to be terrorized because of a few outliers, all the while ignoring and not acting on far more dangerous issues for children.

This.. is.. all.. politics. The left is saying "Show you're virtuous and obey.. BE the post-modern blind follower of left-wing politicians, and brand anyone who disagrees as the worst kind of person"
There are many medical organizations and medical professionals that have claimed masks are ineffective for the most part, and can cause a myriad of medical problems to form in kids and adults that are constantly wearing masks.

Masks cut of a majority of the oxygen a human body requires in order to function properly.
Wearing a mask all day cuts your oxygen intake down to a dangerous level, because you are pretty much breathing your own exhaust while masked.

If you wear a loose mask, you shouldn't even bother wearing one at all then. But it will still restrict your oxygen intake.

These dropped oxygen levels can lead to all sorts of problems forming----

Panic Attacks
Lowered brain activity
Polluted blood
Polluted lungs
Brain cells dying because they are starved of oxygen
Skin allergies
Skin rashes
OCD's about having things on or close to your face

Just SO many things that can happen.

I remember hearing about Mumps, Chicken Pox, and Measles "parties" that parents would take their young toddlers to, so they would all get sick at the same time. The parents were ready with the outcomes, and have their kids immune systems bolstered early on by dealing with this as early as possible.

Did it work? For the most part yes. But the side effect is, you don't know your childs immune system. So you don't really know HOW they are going to process through the sickness. You also don't know if forcing them to be contaminated at such an early age will set off other conditions that could eventually destroy the kids life or health.

I believe that schools and the government should allow the parents to make decisions like this. So, whatever the outcome of their decision, the school cannot be held responsible if anything negative happens. Let the parents decide. Have them sign legal paperwork stating this.

If the schools maintain a clean building, teach cleanliness, teach actual FACTS about social and world diseases, and put in clean air filtration systems, then kids should be ok as they are. If the kids WANT to wear a mask, let them, what is the long as they know they need to go outside once or twice a day and remove their masks for some short breathing exercises.

I can only see the next several generations being hypochondriacs and schizophrenics from all of this, if the politics are NOT removed from this issue immediately.
Democrats are pro-child abuse, no surprise there..

and .. Yup, it seems like most Democrats have turned into freedom hating mini-gestapo, totally willing to turn their offspring over to the Democrat Senility Party for processing.

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