Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
A new bipartisan immigration reform bill now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan
No Irish Need Apply? It’s time to fix the 1965 Immigration Act!


No Irish Need Apply It 8217 s time to fix the 1965 Immigration Act
A new bipartisan immigration reform bill now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.
A new bipartisan immigration reform bill now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.

Yes, but maybe the Irish can claim they are owed reparations for Irish slavery.
I'd be happy to work out a plan for restitution, where they earn their amnesty through mutual work arrangements,
and set up a model for others to follow. See examples of campus plan for managing work-study credits:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs
A new bipartisan immigration reform bill now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.

Yes, but maybe the Irish can claim they are owed reparations for Irish slavery.
I'd be happy to work out a plan for restitution, where they earn their amnesty through mutual work arrangements,
and set up a model for others to follow. See examples of campus plan for managing work-study credits:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

We don't owe the Irish nor anyone else any reparations for a long ago past.
A new bipartisan immigration reform bil. l now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.

Yes, but maybe the Irish can claim they are owed reparations for Irish slavery.
I'd be happy to work out a plan for restitution, where they earn their amnesty through mutual work arrangements,
and set up a model for others to follow. See examples of campus plan for managing work-study credits:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

We don't owe the Irish nor anyone else any reparations for a long ago past.
Participation is voluntary.
Just a matter of matching people up who are willing to adopt and sponsor workers and students, so nobody feels it is dumped on taxpayers. Why not match each applicamt to a program that selects them just like college or jobs you apply for.

You may not owe reparations but someone convicted of trafficking drugs or ppl across the border can pay or work off fines, and those resources can go into student loans until workers pay it back, or into paying restitution directly to help the victims they sold into slavery so the cost is on the wrongdoers not taxpayers unless they choose to invest or donate freely. If citizens lend money who dont owe restitution for crimes,interest should be earned just like the private investors paid interest off federal reserve debts lent to the govt. And the land for housing such supervised campuses and job programs should serve as collateral against loans. Colleges do his voluntarily so why cant a network be set up for immigrant workers to apply and be matched to programs and sponsors who accept responsibility for registering and monitoring that students credits as required to complete the program.

There is plenty of restitution owed for organized crimes along the border. Our politicians havent been able to collect on it because they are too busy buying and sellng voters themselves. But the ppl directly affected and involved can set up restitution if they are accountable and can compel authority and respect of the laws. If we make it consistent, we can hold ppl to account.
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A new bipartisan immigration reform bil. l now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.

Yes, but maybe the Irish can claim they are owed reparations for Irish slavery.
I'd be happy to work out a plan for restitution, where they earn their amnesty through mutual work arrangements,
and set up a model for others to follow. See examples of campus plan for managing work-study credits:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

We don't owe the Irish nor anyone else any reparations for a long ago past.
Participation is voluntary.
Just a matter of matching people up who are willing to adopt and sponsor workers and students, so nobody feels it is dumped on taxpayers. Why not match each applicamt to a program that selects them just like college or jobs you apply for.

You may not owe reparations but someone convicted of trafficking drugs or ppl across the border can pay or work off fines, and those resources can go into student loans until workers pay it back, or into paying restitution directly to help the victims they sold into slavery so the cost is on the wrongdoers not taxpayers unless they choose to invest or donate freely. If citizens lend money who dont owe restitution for crimes,interest should be earned just like the private investors paid interest off federal reserve debts lent to the govt. And the land for housing such supervised campuses and job programs should serve as collateral against loans. Colleges do his voluntarily so why cant a network be set up for immigrant workers to apply and be matched to programs and sponsors who accept responsibility for registering and monitoring that students credits as required to complete the program.

There is plenty of restitution owed for organized crimes along the border. Our politicians havent been able to collect on it because they are too busy buying and sellng voters themselves. But the ppl directly affected and involved can set up restitution if they are accountable and can compel authority and respect of the laws. If we make it consistent, we can hold ppl to account.

If in this country illegally I don't care who they are they must be deported. We don't owe anyone alive today reparations over a long ago past. Those people on both sides are all dead now. We don't need illegal aliens here either competing for jobs, college spots and resources against Americans. No exceptions!
A new bipartisan immigration reform bil. l now before the US Senate could improve the status of undocumented Irish people in the US. One of its main drivers is Ciaran Staunton, president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. He joined Myles in studio

click on "US Immigration" to listen to the interview.

RT - Today with Myles Dungan

No such thing as an "undocumented". They are illegal aliens and the Irish here illegally need to go back home along with the Mexicans, etc. Reform is just the PC word for amnesty.

Yes, but maybe the Irish can claim they are owed reparations for Irish slavery.
I'd be happy to work out a plan for restitution, where they earn their amnesty through mutual work arrangements,
and set up a model for others to follow. See examples of campus plan for managing work-study credits:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

We don't owe the Irish nor anyone else any reparations for a long ago past.
Participation is voluntary.
Just a matter of matching people up who are willing to adopt and sponsor workers and students, so nobody feels it is dumped on taxpayers. Why not match each applicamt to a program that selects them just like college or jobs you apply for.

You may not owe reparations but someone convicted of trafficking drugs or ppl across the border can pay or work off fines, and those resources can go into student loans until workers pay it back, or into paying restitution directly to help the victims they sold into slavery so the cost is on the wrongdoers not taxpayers unless they choose to invest or donate freely. If citizens lend money who dont owe restitution for crimes,interest should be earned just like the private investors paid interest off federal reserve debts lent to the govt. And the land for housing such supervised campuses and job programs should serve as collateral against loans. Colleges do his voluntarily so why cant a network be set up for immigrant workers to apply and be matched to programs and sponsors who accept responsibility for registering and monitoring that students credits as required to complete the program.

There is plenty of restitution owed for organized crimes along the border. Our politicians havent been able to collect on it because they are too busy buying and sellng voters themselves. But the ppl directly affected and involved can set up restitution if they are accountable and can compel authority and respect of the laws. If we make it consistent, we can hold ppl to account.

If in this country illegally I don't care who they are they must be deported. We don't owe anyone alive today reparations over a long ago past. Those people on both sides are all dead now. We don't need illegal aliens here either competing for jobs, college spots and resources against Americans. No exceptions!

That's why participation is voluntary.

Some people DO believe reparations are owed, so THOSE people can set up their own system of reparations to exercise THEIR beliefs.

I AGREE this cost cannot be imposed on anyone who doesn't agree.

But I DO believe restitution is owed to taxpayers for the crimes of illegal deportees who raped, robbed or killed citizens due to lax enforcement.

After My Daughter s Death -- A Father s View of the Immigration Debate Fox News
HPD Illegal immigrant charged in officer s death had been deported before

Restitution is also owed for native born citizens who rape, rob, kill, abuse or traffic others.

So if you feel you are owed reparations from govt and/or criminals for YOUR taxdollars spent imprisoning convicts who are nationals from other countries here illegally, that counts as reparations also.

When Schwarzenegger was Governor he pointed out that billions of state tax dollars were spent incarcerating nationals from Mexico or other countries, and recommended building prisons in Mexico.
Schwarzenegger Build prisons in Mexico

This is the closest I have found to any public leader pushing for plans to develop the border in a way that doubles as border security at the same time.

With Jail Costs Rising Arizona Wants to Build Private Prison in Mexico -
Mexico to Build 2 Private Prisons by Year-End
USA s Prison Industrial Complex Moves South of the Border Alliance for Global Justice

If you don't like how I present similar, maybe you might side with Schwarzenegger's proposal and agree that restitution is owed to taxpayers for crimes we shouldn't have to pay for, especially if committed by illegal traffickers who aren't citizens.

The restitution owed for criminal trafficking can be invested as penalties, credits or labor to build and develop the border without costing more to taxpayers. All the churches who want an alternative to the death penalty can invest in building alternative prisons for life sentences at hard labor along the border. People who were opposed to trillions in war spending and damages from sanctions before that which destroyed the health care system in Iraq can demand equal credits be invested along the border to create housing and health care for Veterans, including jobs in prison security for convicted deportees and dangerous criminals who would normally be on death row costing millions of dollars to taxpayers.

Whatever people feel they are owed restitution for, for crimes or abuses that cost taxpayers money who shouldn't pay for the crimes of others, can be demanded in credits or other reimbursement to create sustainable development on the border that solves these problems.

It can be done completely voluntarily in terms of who funds which projects.

The security and shared ownership of the development would have to be worked out between the states or governments involved. If the churches want to make it a church-owned project, similar to how the Vatican is a city-state, then 4-5 such city-states could be set up along the border to manage all this development as a voluntary project. and just use the govt military for security along the border. It depends how the people want to set it up who want to see reparations for crimes.

If you don't feel you are owed anything for the trillions spent on war while leaving Vets disabled, jobless and homeless.
Or the billions spent on crime and incarceration for drug, human and other illegal trafficking.
Then you don't have to participate.

From what I see, people on all sides of the crime and trafficking issues want restitution for different things they don't agree should be dumped on taxpayers. So why not set up a system for matching the restitution demanded to the wrongdoers who racked up those costs, and work out a plan to pay back for the debts and damaged incurred.

Everyone can win if we organize in teams and redress the grievances on all sides. We don't have to agree, the teams can work on different angles to solve the different problems and pay people back who were burdened by crimes they didn't commit, and charge the costs back to the people who did commit crimes and incur those costs. The point is accountability.
How typical of the Micks. Honestly, you give those brigands an inch and they'll take a parking lot.
How typical of the Micks. Honestly, you give those brigands an inch and they'll take a parking lot.

You are 'lean', mean, hate machine.

I did four tours of N. Ireland, son. I'm more qualified than anyone on this board when it comes to commenting on chancers from the bogs.

Don't call me son, you racist bitch. Irish people are one of the nicest group of people in the U.S.
How typical of the Micks. Honestly, you give those brigands an inch and they'll take a parking lot.

You are 'lean', mean, hate machine.

I did four tours of N. Ireland, son. I'm more qualified than anyone on this board when it comes to commenting on chancers from the bogs.

Don't call me son, you racist bitch. Irish people are one of the nicest group of people in the U.S.

I'll call you whatever I wish, son. There are plenty of decent, reasonable Irish men and women. This lobby group, however, are a bunch of chancers.

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