Irony alert! Biden lies: "Every single hospital bed in America will be occupied in the next 15 years with an Alzheimer’s patient"

The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.
So do you agree with Veggie Joe or not?
I've twice said "no".

But that isn't what I'm talking about. I think this is too complicated for you.
The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infarct. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infarcts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my sig for example of Joe's balance issues). A Neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between Delirium and Dementia or Alzheimer's is with Delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Any Neurologist or Clinical Psychologist can do the same.

I find it amazing you Dims voted for the guy. You must be proud you literally voted for a guy who's brain damaged. I would like to say I am surprised, but I am not. Very sad. :(
literally voted for a brain damaged
So you can't say for sure, and you're just playing politics 'cuz it's fun 'n stuff. Good.

Oh, and voters often vote against people, too. Perhaps that has somehow never occurred to you.

That's what I did. Twice. Not everyone blindly adores the former guy like you do. True story.

I wonder why you guys just can't comprehend that.
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I bet ya, every one of those hospital beds,

OVER the next 15 years, does have an Alzheimer's patient filling it, at least once, during the next 15 year time span!!
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I bet ya, every one of those hospital beds,

OVER the next 15 years, does have an Alzheimer's patient filling it, at least once, during the next 15 year time span!!
Even in the children's wards?

Actually your wording of the statement makes sense if not taken too literally....for example the children's wards/hospitals will not.

Yes he overstated the point but it is quite serious...

US has 919k hospital beds...

Alzheimer's is on the rise considerably and the Health Service needs to be prepared...

Truly one of the worst diseases a person can get... Destroys the family as it destroys the person..

Sorry but making political points out of it is a bit sick IMHO..

I bet ya, every one of those hospital beds,

OVER the next 15 years, does have an Alzheimer's patient filling it, at least once, during the next 15 year time span!!
Good God, the lengths you deranged progressives will go to defend this guy is actually kind of scary. You would have been defending Hitler murdering Jews in the 40's, and slept like a baby at night while doing so.
The only question is: did he say this because he's a liar, or was it his own Alzheimer's that made him believe something this ridiculous?

President Biden has repeatedly claimed that in the not-too-distant future hospital beds in America will be full of Alzheimer’s patients. He first spoke about this issue in March while visiting a cancer hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and repeated it in more detail last week during a speech in Cleveland, Ohio.

"You know, if we don’t do something about Alzheimer’s in America, every single, solitary hospital bed that exists in America—as the nurses can tell you—every single one will be occupied in the next 15 years with an Alzheimer’s patient—every one," Biden said in his speech on May 27.

The claim was so outrageous The Washington Post gave it “four Pinocchios” and called it a “Biden original.”
One of those beds has his name on it

I bet ya, every one of those hospital beds,

OVER the next 15 years, does have an Alzheimer's patient filling it, at least once, during the next 15 year time span!!
Good God, the lengths you deranged progressives will go to defend this guy is actually kind of scary. You would have been defending Hitler murdering Jews in the 40's, and slept like a baby at night while doing so.
Have a cup of coffee! :lol: It was humor.

As far as the rest of your garbage, look in the mirror, trump cultist!!!

I bet ya, every one of those hospital beds,

OVER the next 15 years, does have an Alzheimer's patient filling it, at least once, during the next 15 year time span!!
Good God, the lengths you deranged progressives will go to defend this guy is actually kind of scary. You would have been defending Hitler murdering Jews in the 40's, and slept like a baby at night while doing so.
Have a cup of coffee! :lol: It was humor.

As far as the rest of your garbage, look in the mirror, trump cultist!!!

Humor? That you find the current state of affairs humorous is really quite disgusting. Biden is now president, so you might want to try living in the present, Trump is gone. :cuckoo: Your vote makes you responsible for what is now occurring in this country, and none of it is good. Have you ever had one critical thought for anyone with a 'D' after their name, if not, you might want to reevaluate and take your head out of your ass. Have a good day! ;)
The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infarct. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infarcts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my sig for example of Joe's balance issues). A Neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between Delirium and Dementia or Alzheimer's is with Delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Any Neurologist or Clinical Psychologist can do the same.

I find it amazing you Dims voted for the guy. You must be proud you literally voted for a guy who's brain damaged. I would like to say I am surprised, but I am not. Very sad. :(
literally voted for a brain damaged
So you can't say for sure, and you're just playing politics 'cuz it's fun 'n stuff. Good.

Oh, and voters often vote against people, too. Perhaps that has somehow never occurred to you.

That's what I did. Twice. Not everyone blindly adores the former guy like you do. True story.

I wonder why you guys just can't comprehend that.

You really are a complete fucking idiot. Mac & Cheese. :lol:
The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infract. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infracts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my Sig). A neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between delirium and dementia or Alzheimer's is delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Ditto any neurologist can do the same.

Amazing you Dim idiots voted for the guy. Very sad. :(
Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.
Fuck you for giving us Trump as the alternative.
Obama and Biden gave you Trump as Biden and Harris will give him to you again!
Have a cup of coffee! It was humor.
Biden's comment about Alzheimers? Humor?
Weakest deflection I've ever seen. Just sadly lame.

Undoubtedly Joe was projecting his inner fears as his mental facilities are about as stable
as ten story tall bunch of Jenga blocks.

By the way, the new drug that ironically Alzheimer's patients will never ever remember is on it's way.

Wise up. Stop being a transparently ignorant partisan.
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The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infract. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infracts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my Sig). A neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between delirium and dementia or Alzheimer's is delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Ditto any neurologist can do the same.

Amazing you Dim idiots voted for the guy. Very sad. :(
Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.
Fuck you for giving us Trump as the alternative.
Obama and Biden gave you Trump as Biden and Harris will give him to you again!

Who do you think gave us Biden? You realize Biden couldn't have beaten any other Republican than Trump, right?

And no, Trump will never see the inside of the Oval Office again. 2/3rds of America think he's full of shit with his Big Lie.
The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infract. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infracts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my Sig). A neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between delirium and dementia or Alzheimer's is delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Ditto any neurologist can do the same.

Amazing you Dim idiots voted for the guy. Very sad. :(
Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.
Fuck you for giving us Trump as the alternative.
Obama and Biden gave you Trump as Biden and Harris will give him to you again!

Who do you think gave us Biden? You realize Biden couldn't have beaten any other Republican than Trump, right?

And no, Trump will never see the inside of the Oval Office again. 2/3rds of America think he's full of shit with his Big Lie.
Biden didn't beat Trump. Biden was chosen because he has dementia and they can use him to get their agenda passed. Which thank God one of your own isn't going for it on federalizing our election system.
The rubes don't know what Alzheimer's is any more than they know what communism is.

It has multiple syllables, so they think that saying it makes them sound all grown up.

I was a licensed clinician for years. Since you know so much more than any stupid Trumpsters I'd love to hear your differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia or delirium.

I will wait patiently for your response. And I don't care if you cheat, you'll still get it wrong. :D
It doesn't take much effort to recognize the various symptoms of dementia. While I have training in doing that for my profession, I'm sure your training is much better.

Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

Your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.

What are the symptoms of dementia versus Alzheimer's or Delirium. Remember, you're the expert, not stupid tube Trumpsters. I will wait patently for your response. :)
I'm not an expert. I have experience in it, but I'm not an expert. So you just lied.

But I do know that short term memory is affected, repeating, confusion, irritability. If I notice anything like that, there are specific actions I have to take.

My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infract. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infracts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my Sig). A neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between delirium and dementia or Alzheimer's is delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Ditto any neurologist can do the same.

Amazing you Dim idiots voted for the guy. Very sad. :(
Again: Since you're experienced in this, you're lying if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's. You're just playing politics.

I notice you haven't said he has Alzheimer's or dementia. Are you saying he does?
that's twice---'if you're claiming he has Alzheimer's'----obviously she isn't, and you want it that and your rube friends are just arrogant and ignorant.
Fuck you for giving us Trump as the alternative.
Obama and Biden gave you Trump as Biden and Harris will give him to you again!

Who do you think gave us Biden? You realize Biden couldn't have beaten any other Republican than Trump, right?

And no, Trump will never see the inside of the Oval Office again. 2/3rds of America think he's full of shit with his Big Lie.
Who gave us Biden? Thousands of fake 'mail in' ballots and other various forms of voter fraud in key districts within key states.
My educated guess is Joe is suffering from vascular dementia. Probably due do a silent lacunar infarct. He has had brain surgery before for a brain bleed. Many lacunar infarcts affect the pons and mid brain. These areas affect both short and long term memory as well as basic balance and coordination (see my sig for example of Joe's balance issues). A Neurologist friend of mine agrees. Of course all of this is with the caveat I have not done a clinical evaluation.

Btw....the differential between Delirium and Dementia or Alzheimer's is with Delirium there is a clouding of consciousness and cognitive, with the others just cognition. Joe clearly has clouding of cognition.

I could tell you within a 5 minute clinical interview exactly what is going on with Joe and how impaired he is. Any Neurologist or Clinical Psychologist can do the same.

I find it amazing you Dims voted for the guy. You must be proud you literally voted for a guy who's brain damaged. I would like to say I am surprised, but I am not. Very sad.
It's that amazing hubris of the DNC, specifically clearing all of Joe's rivals away in the primaries, and
then gifting this amazing corrupt and un-accomplished forty plus year veteran of the Senate
with nothing to show for his time there except several mansions and time as Barry Obama 's
He's there because he will unquestioningly follow Obama's agenda as Obama himself bragged just last week.
This is Obama's third term by proxy using a mentally disabled man as Obama's sock puppet.

He was cognitively disadvantaged going into the White House and he's not getting better.
Every day brings yet another example of his mental disabilities.
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