Irony: CAIR Refusing to Cooperate in Hearings On Why Muslims Don't Cooperate

It was pretty well known that the OKC bombings were done as a reaction to Ruby Ridge and Waco. I don't recall any mention of religion in the bombings, just a desire to strike back at the government.

I think the valid comparison to bring up is the Christian militia they busted up back in Indiana that was planning the whole sale slaughter of cops, or the folks that blow up abortion clinics. Those are both examples of religiously motivated violence that are committed mostly by white guys.

The irony here is that King was a big supporter of the NRA back when the NRA was all about violence. The only difference between the NRA back in the day and Al-Queda is that the NRA only wishes they could have staged an operation on the scale of 9/11. They only held back attacks in the USA for the same reason Al-Queda holds off from attacking Saudi Arabia: Money.

NRA? do you mean the IRA? or the Nothern Alliance?


Lack of sleep. I meant the Irish Republican Army. I'll go back and edit my posts. I've had a few false alarms this week with my wife's pregnancy. I should know better than to type on less than a few hours sleep.

Its all good we all make mistakes, I kind of knew what you meant anyways cause I knew you didn't mean the National Rifle Association.
Good for them.

When you know you're facing a hostile witness with his own agenda, why give him the time of day? King's on a witch hunt, and isn't going to stop until he finds one. Why help him?

If you want to have a real discussion about religious abuse, violence, and crime in the United States have one. Let's talk about the folks that blow up Abortion Clinics and target doctors and nurses. Let's talk about the Catholic Church and its cover up of the child abuse scandals. Let's have that conversation about the Latter Day Saints and their numerous scandals. Hell, let's talk about Scientologists who staged the single largest infiltration of the US government, and one of the most damaging acts of information destruction in US history.

Instead, the guy that supported the NRA back when their idea of negotiation was a car bomb wants to go on a witch hunt because these other terrorists look different than his preferred brand of terrorist. Screw him. I'd tell him to take a hike too.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't that only happen one time?

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It happens more often than you think. The problem is it makes the news pretty rarely.
Well then the fact that Holder and Napolitano said that this was a major concern of theirs obviously means they were falsely accusing Muslims of something that they know would never happen. Were they just witch-hunting too?

Holder and Napolitano are law enforcement folks. Different ball game so the analogy fails.

No it doesn't.

Are they making up this whole idea that Muslims in the USA are getting radicalized, or did they wrongly accuse the Muslim community of it?

And no, there's absolutely no reason to cooperate with someone you know is openly hostile to you, especially when they control the format. It's why Democrats that go on Hannity and Limbaugh are idiots. If someone is openly hostile, why bother. King wants a witch hunt, which means there's absolutely nothing that CAIR can say or do that won't get twisted to fit King's agenda. When the rules are rigged, don't play the game.

Again, King has no issues with the NRA when their idea of negotiation was a car bombing. How he gets off on his high horse here is ridiculous.

Of COURSE there's a VERY good reason to cooperate. Unless you're actually guilty or know it's true.
Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Time: Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes.

McVeigh No Christian; Worshipped Himself; Said “Science Is My Religion”

Who ya gonna believe, "The American View", a rightwing fundamentalist religious organization or...Time Magazine, one of the most respected news magazines in America?

On second thought...don't answer that. I fear you'll go with the wingnuts.

Political views and religious beliefs
McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military.[82]

McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[83] During his childhood, he and his father attended daily Mass at Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York.[citation needed] In a March, 1996, interview with Time magazine, McVeigh professed his belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[83] In June, 2001, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News claiming to be an agnostic[84] and told the authors of American Terrorist that he did not believe in Hell.[85] McVeigh once said that he believed the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside them. He had also said, "Science is my religion."[86]

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who ya gonna believe, "The American View", a rightwing fundamentalist religious organization or...Time Magazine, one of the most respected news magazines in America?

On second thought...don't answer that. I fear you'll go with the wingnuts.

Political views and religious beliefs
McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military.[82]

McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[83] During his childhood, he and his father attended daily Mass at Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York.[citation needed] In a March, 1996, interview with Time magazine, McVeigh professed his belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[83] In June, 2001, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News claiming to be an agnostic[84] and told the authors of American Terrorist that he did not believe in Hell.[85] McVeigh once said that he believed the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside them. He had also said, "Science is my religion."[86]

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh good, now we have a religious wingnut site an Wikipedia...

and a direct quote from Time Magazine acknowledging his belief.

You were saying?
No it doesn't.

Yes, it does make a difference. Congress should stay out of the law enforcement game.

And no, there's absolutely no reason to cooperate if you know that anything you say, do, or offer will be twisted to fit the other guy's agenda. None. Do you think that Limbaugh or Hannity is likely to ever show up on The Daily Show? Why is that?

Again, if the game is rigged going in, the only smart move is to not play. That's why the Bush Administration flagrantly ignored Congressional subpoenas during the Pelosi/Reid era, or did you think they had something to hide?
Good for them.

When you know you're facing a hostile witness with his own agenda, why give him the time of day? King's on a witch hunt, and isn't going to stop until he finds one. Why help him?

If you want to have a real discussion about religious abuse, violence, and crime in the United States have one. Let's talk about the folks that blow up Abortion Clinics and target doctors and nurses. Let's talk about the Catholic Church and its cover up of the child abuse scandals. Let's have that conversation about the Latter Day Saints and their numerous scandals. Hell, let's talk about Scientologists who staged the single largest infiltration of the US government, and one of the most damaging acts of information destruction in US history.

Instead, the guy that supported the NRA back when their idea of negotiation was a car bomb wants to go on a witch hunt because these other terrorists look different than his preferred brand of terrorist. Screw him. I'd tell him to take a hike too.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't that only happen one time?

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It happens more often than you think. The problem is it makes the news pretty rarely.

You know what I can believe it, I have had discussions with some anti abortion people on here and they are nutty as a tin can shit house.
All these hearings are going to accomplish, is giving the radicals more reason to hate us, and create a worse environment for Muslim Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism.

Would you like us to do nothing to rid good muslims of this cancer amoung them?

Are you ok with immam telling members not to go to the police about thier missing kids or they will go to hell?

cuz that is exactly what one of the family members said was told to him and others when he went looking for his missing son.

I know you are not one for religion (I think)

But imagine you were

Your son goes missing, you turn to your comminty for help, a priest comes along and tells you to stop looking and not to call the cops or you will be excommunicated (damned to hell)

You cool with that? I mean you do want eternity in heaven and not the lake of fire, right?

YOu think the hearings are going to do this?
They will accomplish no such thing.

It will expose important information to the public. So that when there are raids on masques the true nuts on the left are not screaming racisism, w/o other people being able to point to now known facts about what may actually be happening.

Living in the dark about how the radicals treat the rest is not a good place to be.
Hell, Al Capone bought good milk for orphanes, and people thought he was a great guy
You know what I can believe it, I have had discussions with some anti abortion people on here and they are nutty as a tin can shit house.

Part of it is that we are a Christian nation, so when a criminal is Christian, it's like saying water is wet here in the USA. It's when the criminal in question isn't Christian that people stand up and take notice.

And I've known more than a few truly nutty Pro-Lifers. Most are reasonable decent people. I've known a few really really really crazy Pro-Choicers too, so this whole insanity isn't just limited to one side.
Would you like us to do nothing to rid good muslims of this cancer amoung them?

Are you ok with immam telling members not to go to the police about thier missing kids or they will go to hell?

cuz that is exactly what one of the family members said was told to him and others when he went looking for his missing son.

I know you are not one for religion (I think)

But imagine you were

Your son goes missing, you turn to your comminty for help, a priest comes along and tells you to stop looking and not to call the cops or you will be excommunicated (damned to hell)

You cool with that? I mean you do want eternity in heaven and not the lake of fire, right?

YOu think the hearings are going to do this?
They will accomplish no such thing.

It will expose important information to the public. So that when there are raids on masques the true nuts on the left are not screaming racisism, w/o other people being able to point to now known facts about what may actually be happening.

Living in the dark about how the radicals treat the rest is not a good place to be.
Hell, Al Capone bought good milk for orphanes, and people thought he was a great guy

I would take Al Capone any day over those Radical Islamic nut jobs.
All these hearings are going to accomplish, is giving the radicals more reason to hate us, and create a worse environment for Muslim Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism.

Would you like us to do nothing to rid good muslims of this cancer amoung them?

Are you ok with immam telling members not to go to the police about thier missing kids or they will go to hell?

cuz that is exactly what one of the family members said was told to him and others when he went looking for his missing son.

I know you are not one for religion (I think)

But imagine you were

Your son goes missing, you turn to your comminty for help, a priest comes along and tells you to stop looking and not to call the cops or you will be excommunicated (damned to hell)

You cool with that? I mean you do want eternity in heaven and not the lake of fire, right?

I would tell the Imam to go fuck himself, and go to the authorities about my son.

When it comes to protecting my family I have no issue becoming violent.

But keep in mind; these people do not question the existance of hell and do NOT question the immams

Out of 21 families the man knew about only 1 went to the cops
Would you like us to do nothing to rid good muslims of this cancer amoung them?

Are you ok with immam telling members not to go to the police about thier missing kids or they will go to hell?

cuz that is exactly what one of the family members said was told to him and others when he went looking for his missing son.

I know you are not one for religion (I think)

But imagine you were

Your son goes missing, you turn to your comminty for help, a priest comes along and tells you to stop looking and not to call the cops or you will be excommunicated (damned to hell)

You cool with that? I mean you do want eternity in heaven and not the lake of fire, right?

I would tell the Imam to go fuck himself, and go to the authorities about my son.

When it comes to protecting my family I have no issue becoming violent.

But keep in mind; these people do not question the existance of hell and do NOT question the immams

Out of 21 families the man knew about only 1 went to the cops

In most of Somalia there is no police so they are used to going to the Imam first, plus when they come here they are so out of their element they trust their Imams more than the Police. Its fucked up.
YOu think the hearings are going to do this?
They will accomplish no such thing.

It will expose important information to the public. So that when there are raids on masques the true nuts on the left are not screaming racisism, w/o other people being able to point to now known facts about what may actually be happening.

Living in the dark about how the radicals treat the rest is not a good place to be.
Hell, Al Capone bought good milk for orphanes, and people thought he was a great guy

I would take Al Capone any day over those Radical Islamic nut jobs.

He would pay you to kill, has plenty of milk, and will take care of your family if you died or went to jail. A real sweet heart.

Radicals will kill you if you don't kill yourself. I have no idea how they treat the family. but will make you get rid of your dogs and pictures of MLK, or else. Aaannd no milk.
It will expose important information to the public. So that when there are raids on masques the true nuts on the left are not screaming racisism, w/o other people being able to point to now known facts about what may actually be happening.

Living in the dark about how the radicals treat the rest is not a good place to be.
Hell, Al Capone bought good milk for orphanes, and people thought he was a great guy

I would take Al Capone any day over those Radical Islamic nut jobs.

He would pay you to kill, has plenty of milk, and will take care of your family if you died or went to jail. A real sweet heart.

Radicals will kill you if you don't kill yourself. I have no idea how they treat the family. but will make you get rid of your dogs and pictures of MLK, or else. Aaannd no milk.

Al Capone was no saint but he only fucked with you if you tried to get into his business and take money out of his pocket, Islamic Nut jobs will kill you just because you are a non believer. Capone never killed no women or kids, these guys don't care. I put Capone over them any day of the week.
I would tell the Imam to go fuck himself, and go to the authorities about my son.

When it comes to protecting my family I have no issue becoming violent.

But keep in mind; these people do not question the existance of hell and do NOT question the immams

Out of 21 families the man knew about only 1 went to the cops

In most of Somalia there is no police so they are used to going to the Imam first, plus when they come here they are so out of their element they trust their Imams more than the Police. Its fucked up.

Thus by exposing this information to the public, we all become more aware of how easy it is for radicals to control a population of our citizens.


You accidentally in a round about way just tought that the hearing today was a great idea.
When it comes to protecting my family I have no issue becoming violent.

But keep in mind; these people do not question the existance of hell and do NOT question the immams

Out of 21 families the man knew about only 1 went to the cops

In most of Somalia there is no police so they are used to going to the Imam first, plus when they come here they are so out of their element they trust their Imams more than the Police. Its fucked up.

Thus by exposing this information to the public, we all become more aware of how easy it is for radicals to control a population of our citizens.


You accidentally in a round about way just tought that the hearing today was a great idea.

Good point.:clap2:
No it doesn't.

Yes, it does make a difference. Congress should stay out of the law enforcement game.

Congress should stay out of the Ketchup making game, but they didn't.

Congress should stay out of Major League Baseball players doing steroids (which is also illegal) but they didn't.

In this case, Peter King is NOT getting into a law enforcement issue....he is fact finding about domestic terrorism. We got rid of the terrorism is a law enforcement issue when the 911 Commission said quite clearly that that approach failed us.

Again, if the game is rigged going in, the only smart move is to not play. That's why the Bush Administration flagrantly ignored Congressional subpoenas during the Pelosi/Reid era, or did you think they had something to hide?

Fact finding is just that. There is no end game in it. No one is on trial. No one has an agenda other than trying to find out how prevalent the problem is and how we may be able to prevent it.

Since CAIR is supposedly the mouthpiece for Muslims and their relations with Americans, they SHOULD be there to give their input better than anyone else. Especially when one of the main questions is about the amount of cooperation there is between the Muslim community and law enforcement! Not COOPERATING simply ADDS to the perception that they don't want Muslims to cooperate!

Please remember that one of the CAIR Chapters not long ago advertised meetings that advocated NOT talking to the FBI.


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.

“I think it’s subject to misinterpretation,” spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told Fox News Radio when speaking about the poster. “We decided out of extreme caution to take it down.”

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