
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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Sorry about that. Will comply.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
Pelosi calling a protest an "insurrection" is total demagoguery.
Pelosi wants to grand stand with her "Jan 6" hearings.
It is the same as a witch hunt and a soviet style show trial.
If the Dems are so sure that Obiden won, then why are they crapping themselves over the election audits.
The Dems are going to be kicked to the curb hard in 2022.
People are disgusted by the Leftist's hate, racism, corruption, lying and violence.


poor dems, they are afraid of a little old lady with a flag lol
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Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:
Meh, #GoFuckYourself
that's the best you've got? Thanks for proving my point by displaying the intellectual dishonesty and impotence that the OP refers to. So unless you can't do better in the next response, I won't bother answering and just ignore you further.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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No what's ironic is the party that allowed riots, looting and arson with virtually zero charges, and the few that were charged were released mostly with no bail, are holding people charged with trespassing with no bail in solitary confinement. Not only is it ironic, it's down right hypocritical. So GFY.

What amazes me about Republicans is that they had 10 Congressional hearings about Benghazi and won’t allow one on the Jan 6 Trump Insurrection

To my knowledge there are already 3 congressional investigations on the topic. Are you ever not a lying commie propagandist?

Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Dude, as a Rookie, you may want to read the rules. I could be wrong, but I'm betting you generally should NOT post in all RED. Mods generally keep that for themself.

Meantime, take your "Move On" argument and stick it where the sun doesn't shine: you idiots have been shouting to move on for SEVEN MONTHS while the rest of us try to get answers to the TEN THOUSAND OBVIOUS QUESTIONS begging to be asked about the 2020 election!

No investigation is possible into 1/6 without admitting it all happened because HALF OF AMERICA FEELS THE 2020 ELECTION WAS A SHAM.
Okay, thanks for the heads about font color.

As for the rest: The POINT of the OP is the IRONY is that folk who can't get past the Civil War suddenly want to get past a modern day investigation into an attempted insurrection (remember the Confederate flag waver inside the Capitol on Jan. 6th?)

Can you say "hypocrits" boys & girls? Sure you can ... I knew you could.

See, if the very LEADERSHIP OF THE OPPOSITION PARTY acknowledge and concede a lost election, then that's it. Your "obvious questions" have been asked and answered, examined by GOP and Dems, and the answer is the same.....Trump lost both electoral and popular.
And no "half of America" isn't kneeling at the alter of Cheeto Jeezus. If you've got valid documentation to this, please produce it. Otherwise, the OP is a valid observation.
So one dude carrying the flag of the Tennessee Army is the whole of Trumpsters?....And you've miraculously read that guy's mind to know that he's singularly upset over the war between the states?

I advise you that there's tremendously stiff competition on this forum for the title of the most stupid poster....Though you sure are coming in hot.
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What is ironic is liberals who could not have cared less about the riots that went on all through 2020 because they were done by people more likely to vote Democrat than Republican want an investigation into one that went on for a few hours on one day. Let's not pretend the reason the left wants this so badly is for any other reason than you think keeping it in the spotlight will help you in next years midterms. This is being investigated by law enforcement people have been arrested and will get there day in court the only thing a commission will do is give us another taxpayer funded partisan shit show where everyone spouts off there talking and pretends like they didn't already have their mind made up about this months ago.
What amazes me about Republicans is that they had 10 Congressional hearings about Benghazi and won’t allow one on the Jan 6 Trump Insurrection

To my knowledge there are already 3 congressional investigations on the topic. Are you ever not a lying commie propagandist?


Ya want more commie?????????????

The POINT of the OP is the IRONY is that folk who can't get past the Civil War
WHO can't get past the Civil War? It is YOU idiots who can't seem to get past it, all bent out of shape over some 100 year old statue denoting some soldier or event that fought for the Confederacy tearing them all down, unable to live with the history of them and making laws outlawing the commemoration of American History right down to banning certain flags!

Keep in mind that all the Civil War was was a bunch of states who increasingly saw they wanted to go a different direction the North was unwilling to go taking their RIGHT to secede, the SAME right used by the North to battle for THEIR independence from England and DENY it to the southern states FORCING them to go to war over it! All of the deaths and suffering of the Civil War was really not over slavery in the South but over the North's unwillingness to let these other states go their own way and lose control of all their land!

suddenly want to get past a modern day investigation into an attempted insurrection
BULLSHIT. There was no insurrection nor ATTEMPTED insurrection. People who claim that clearly don't understand the meaning of an insurrection, and it is laughable that a loose band of haphazard vagabonds who protested at the Capitol wearing ordinary street clothes, bring their wives and kids, not even covering their faces, bringing no weapons and not even knowing the layout of the inside of the Capitol who were largely LET IN by some of the police there who were sympathetic, amounted to anything more than a protest over legitimate unanswered questions about the election gone bad and turned into a small riot.

DON'T THINK YOU ARE GOING TO COME HERE from wherever you came from and lie to and bullshit people here!

Your "obvious questions" have been asked and answered
No they haven't! That is more total BULLSHIT.

"half of America" isn't kneeling at the alter of Cheeto Jeezus
Cheeto Jesus? A common far leftwing term passed around by all the grape Koolaid drinking useful idiots of the Left told them by their media masters. I guess the Cheeto comment stems from the non-existent orange that the Left seem to somehow always see on Trump even though his skin is no different from anyone else's. Apparently you all have eyesight problems. And the Jesus part actually signifies the resentment, fear and concern that Trump has a far larger and stronger following than anyone on the Left ever has or conceivably ever will!

. If you've got valid documentation to this, please produce it.
Have no idea what that is supposed to refer to, but funny how you idiots want "valid" documentation for everything yet offer NONE to explain how an idiot asshole like Biddum could get 81 million votes, how all of the evidence of fraud is somehow all wrong, fictitious and debunked while unable to point to where, when or by who this ever happened, and a dozen other things you always claim but can never back up with any supporting evidence.
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Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:
So one dude carrying the flag of the Tennessee Army is the whole of Trumpsters?....And you've miraculously read that guy's mind to know that he's singularly upset over the war between the states? I advise you that there's tremendously stiff competition on this forum for the title of the most stupid poster....Though you sure are coming in hot.

It doesn't take much to trip up the Left and reveal their plans, nor lay bare their sheeple organization. All you need to do is give any leftard an inch and he always hangs himself with transparently borrowed, unoriginal phrases, copycat thinking, and claims that make no sense that the minute they are put under examination they fall apart.

The Progressive radicals of the democrat party are too used to blowing their bullshit up their own asses willingly mistakingly thinking that it will go over as easily unchallenged by us.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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No what's ironic is the party that allowed riots, looting and arson with virtually zero charges, and the few that were charged were released mostly with no bail, are holding people charged with trespassing with no bail in solitary confinement. Not only is it ironic, it's down right hypocritical. So GFY.

Reality check: PolitiFact - Quotes by 4 Democrats twisted to make it look like they endorsed riots

Now, anything to add regarding what the OP points to?

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