Irrefutable legal arguments supporting the right of secession

It's interesting to know how you would like to treat your fellow Americans.

Is everybody seeing this?

Lookit bripat make warm fuzzies for a man - and that man's co-conspirators - who killed a US President.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you approve of presidential assassination.

My attitude towards the man who assassinated Lincoln would be exactly the same as if he had assassinated Hitler, and for the exact same reason.

Lincoln was a tyrant and a mass murderer. He deserved to hang for his war crimes, along with all his generals.

^ Bripat announces again his approval of presidential assassination.

I hope the NSA is keeping an eye on you.

I don't approve a presidential assassination solely because it doesn't work. It only makes the one assassinated into a saint, and then his agenda becomes even more virulent.
And most historians agree that the South would have been treated more kindly after the war had Lincoln lived, like a brother come home rather than conquered territory. It's sad how things turned out, but there can be no doubt Lincoln had a lead ball with his name on it after all the death, suffering, and destruction he inflicted on the American continent.

The suffering and death is laid at the feet of those in rebellion: the South. Their logical basis of secession was irrational. They had no authority to secede. And they attacked US troops to open the war.

Every step to war is laid at the feet of the south. The United States rightly put down a rebellion within its territory. As it had every authority to do.
Secessionists dictated that strong measures were necessary. Any bad results can be laid at their feet.
Lincoln cultists dictated that strong measures were necessary. Any bad results can be laid at their feet.

When those in rebellion killed US troops, they began an armed conflict. The South can hardly complain about the outcome of a fight they started.
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The assassination of Lincoln only increased the tragic consequences for the South after the failed rebellion. His murder by a frustrated coward only made things worse.

He sure as hell wasn't a coward. Assassinating a dictator takes a lot of courage.
How was lincoln a dictator? Oh wait, he wasn't, you're a fucking nut, this doesn't surprise me since you believe "marxism" has infected all of society, dude, you have no fucking idea what marxism is, let alone anything about lincoln.

He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

Mod edit: *No linking to other forums
  • The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.
  • The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.
  • He suspended the writ of habeas corpus without the consent of Congress (as required by the Constitution).
  • He illegally shut down and confiscated the printing presses of dozens of newspapers that had spoken out against him.
  • He re-instated and summarily promoted an Army officer who had been court martialed and cashiered by the US Army for war crimes.
  • He even had an arrest warrant issued for the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court because said justice refused to back his illegal actions.
  • Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Lincolns actions were illegal, criminal and unconstitutional.
  • He invaded the South without the consent of Congress as required by the Constitution.
  • He blockaded Southern ports without a declaration of war, as required by the Constitution.
  • He imprisoned without trial, hundreds of newspaper editors and owners and censored all newspaper and telegraph communication.
  • He created two new states without the consent of the citizens of those states in order to artificially inflate the Republican Party's electoral vote.
  • He ordered Federal troops to interfere with Northern elections to assure his Parties victories.
  • He confiscated private property, including firearms, in violation of the Second Amendment; and effectively gutted the Tenth and Ninth Amendments as well.
  • He had his Generals attack US cities full of women and children and burn them to the ground.

"War is Hell"

From February 1864 until the end of the American Civil War (1861-65) in April 1865, "Andersonville, Georgia, served as the site of a notorious Confederate military prison. The prison at Andersonville, officially called Camp Sumter, was the South’s largest prison for captured Union soldiers and known for its unhealthy conditions and high death rate. In all, approximately 13,000 Union prisoners perished at Andersonville, and following the war its commander, Captain Henry Wirz (1823-65), was tried, convicted and executed for war crimes."

Andersonville - American Civil War -

Look at that disgusting shrine. It's almost a copy of the temple the Greeks built to honor the God Zeus. The Lincoln cult has made him into a god.

The funniest part is the fact that it's a complete fraud. Lincoln was a mass murderer and a dictator. Be belongs alongside Stalin, Mao and Hitler.


The fuuniest part of your posts is your complete lack of self awareness. You really don't have a clue to how crazy you are.
The assassination of Lincoln only increased the tragic consequences for the South after the failed rebellion. His murder by a frustrated coward only made things worse.

He sure as hell wasn't a coward. Assassinating a dictator takes a lot of courage.
How was lincoln a dictator? Oh wait, he wasn't, you're a fucking nut, this doesn't surprise me since you believe "marxism" has infected all of society, dude, you have no fucking idea what marxism is, let alone anything about lincoln.

He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

Lincoln s Crimes and Violations of the Constitution... - The History Forum

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.
  • Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.
  • Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7
  • Lincoln also had arrested...
    • Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8
    • Most of the Baltimore city council #9
    • The police commissioner of Baltimore #10
    • The mayor of Baltimore #11
    • Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12
    • These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.
  • April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.
  • The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.
  • The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.
  • He suspended the writ of habeas corpus without the consent of Congress (as required by the Constitution).
  • He illegally shut down and confiscated the printing presses of dozens of newspapers that had spoken out against him.
  • He re-instated and summarily promoted an Army officer who had been court martialed and cashiered by the US Army for war crimes.
  • He even had an arrest warrant issued for the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court because said justice refused to back his illegal actions.
  • Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Lincolns actions were illegal, criminal and unconstitutional.
  • He invaded the South without the consent of Congress as required by the Constitution.
  • He blockaded Southern ports without a declaration of war, as required by the Constitution.
  • He imprisoned without trial, hundreds of newspaper editors and owners and censored all newspaper and telegraph communication.
  • He created two new states without the consent of the citizens of those states in order to artificially inflate the Republican Party's electoral vote.
  • He ordered Federal troops to interfere with Northern elections to assure his Parties victories.
  • He confiscated private property, including firearms, in violation of the Second Amendment; and effectively gutted the Tenth and Ninth Amendments as well.
  • He had his Generals attack US cities full of women and children and burn them to the ground.


I agree. That is EXACTLY what you are. A little brat with his fingers in his ears.
Good for you. That's the first step toward finally healing.

That is so clever!
He sure as hell wasn't a coward. Assassinating a dictator takes a lot of courage.
How was lincoln a dictator? Oh wait, he wasn't, you're a fucking nut, this doesn't surprise me since you believe "marxism" has infected all of society, dude, you have no fucking idea what marxism is, let alone anything about lincoln.

He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.
How was lincoln a dictator? Oh wait, he wasn't, you're a fucking nut, this doesn't surprise me since you believe "marxism" has infected all of society, dude, you have no fucking idea what marxism is, let alone anything about lincoln.

He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.

The inference I draw, in the context of clause 9, is that Congress may make no law to deny the PRIVILEGE of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. It is the Executive who would need to respond in cases of Rebellion or invasion, as the President can act expeditiously and the Congress cannot.
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How was lincoln a dictator? Oh wait, he wasn't, you're a fucking nut, this doesn't surprise me since you believe "marxism" has infected all of society, dude, you have no fucking idea what marxism is, let alone anything about lincoln.

He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.

The states unilaterally claiming 'secession' is obviously a rebellion. As was their attack on US soldiers in Ft. Sumpter.
I think we can just re-paste our previous posts. We always come back to the same refusal to accept that secession is not achieved by just declaring it, that areas claiming to leave the Perpetual Union are in rebellion against their sworn contract, and that extra-legal revolution is, of course, an option and illegal.
He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.

The states unilaterally claiming 'secession' is obviously a rebellion. As was their attack on US soldiers in Ft. Sumpter.

I think we can just re-paste our previous posts. We always come back to the same refusal to accept that secession is not achieved by just declaring it, that areas claiming to leave the Perpetual Union are in rebellion against their sworn contract, and that extra-legal revolution is, of course, an option and illegal.

Agreed. bripat is an armchair radical, methinks he posts simply to get attention.
He threw people into concentration camps without a trial. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing criticism of his policies. He threw the entire state legislature of Maryland in prison. He had people executed without a trial. He waged war on his fellow Americans.

How is he not a dictator?
Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.

The states unilaterally claiming 'secession' is obviously a rebellion. As was their attack on US soldiers in Ft. Sumpter.

Concentration camps? What the hell? Oh, because lincoln is the only one who ever did this.. We might aswell call the president during the red scare a dictator for viciously hunting down communists/socialists and shutting down the left wing, but no, you're ok with that, you partisan fuck. He executed people without a trial? Oh, you mean the people who declared war on the union? Fuck off, you've been shit on through this entire thread, you're a laughing stock on par with PC.

American Concentration Camps

Lincoln's first act was the suspension of habeas corpus on April 27, 1861. Habeas Corpus or, literally, "find the body," was the Constitutional law that required the government to actually provide a reason for locking someone away. There would be no protests allowed and all those who didn't want to be drafted, etc. found themselves as a disappearo in one of Abe's new Happy Camps, if they were lucky. If they weren't so lucky they found themselves executed without even a Bush tribunal or, as the citizens of New York City found out, being slaughtered by broadsides from US Battleships anchored in the harbor. Half of New York City was either burnt to the ground or shelled into little pieces along with the residents of old New York. Talk about your collateral damage! Hundreds died, thousands were wounded and many blacks were lynched!
Article I, Section 9

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Only Congress may suspend it, not the President, and there was no rebellion or Invasion except the one ordered by Lincoln.

The states unilaterally claiming 'secession' is obviously a rebellion. As was their attack on US soldiers in Ft. Sumpter.


Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

A State cannot strip away a constitutionally delegated power of the Federal government. And jurisdiction over both South Carolina and the Federal Enclave of Ft. Sumpter are explicitly articulated federal powers.

Making any 'declaration of secession' meaningless. As the federal government's jurisdiction remains. The State of South Carolina lacks the authority to void that jurisdiction.

You can't get around that.
The assassination of Lincoln only increased the tragic consequences for the South after the failed rebellion. His murder by a frustrated coward only made things worse.

Yeah, Lincoln was such a humanitarian. He only killed 850,000 of them!
Please stay in Canada we don't need those to stupid to understand simple history

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Let's face it whether secession is legal or not has nothing to do with the civil war since the south started the war before Lincoln even made it to Washington. You keep hearing Lincoln was a traitor and killed all those men in the war but it wasn't him that attacked first. Even before the legality of the democrats hissy fit the fired on ships and invaded federal land.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

“There is absolutely no federal law that states can't secede, so the supremacy clause simply doesn't apply to this situation.”

Ignorant nonsense.

The Supremacy Clause clearly states that Federal law, the rulings of Federal courts, the Constitution, and its case law are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, where Constitutional case law clearly prohibits one or more states from leaving the Union absent the consent of all the other states.

What you fail to understand is that the Union is an agreement between and among all citizens of the United States, not an agreement among the states (US Term Limits v. Thornton), where the states are prohibited from interfering with the relationship between the people and their National government, as indeed 'secession' would manifest as such unwarranted and unauthorized interference by the states.

The 10th amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Where does the Constitution say that "case law" replaced the Constitution again?
Your argument for the 10th amendment requires there first be a power to secede, because the 10th does not itself create any power. Thus, while you are undoubtedly more civil that the obscene child, you add nothing to his argument which is contradicted not just by supreme court case law, but perhaps more importantly by Madison's and other's writings of what they thought the states gave up when the ratified the constitution with the first ten amendments.

“There is absolutely no federal law that states can't secede, so the supremacy clause simply doesn't apply to this situation.”

Ignorant nonsense.

The Supremacy Clause clearly states that Federal law, the rulings of Federal courts, the Constitution, and its case law are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, where Constitutional case law clearly prohibits one or more states from leaving the Union absent the consent of all the other states.

What you fail to understand is that the Union is an agreement between and among all citizens of the United States, not an agreement among the states (US Term Limits v. Thornton), where the states are prohibited from interfering with the relationship between the people and their National government, as indeed 'secession' would manifest as such unwarranted and unauthorized interference by the states.

The 10th amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Where does the Constitution say that "case law" replaced the Constitution again?
Your argument for the 10th amendment requires there first be a power to secede, because the 10th does not itself create any power. Thus, while you are undoubtedly more civil that the obscene child, you add nothing to his argument which is contradicted not just by supreme court case law, but perhaps more importantly by Madison's and other's writings of what they thought the states gave up when the ratified the constitution with the first ten amendments.

The 10th requires there be a power to secede? That makes no sense. The 10th says all powers not ceded to the Federal government remain with the States or the people, that says specifically there does not need to be a power to secede, there needs to be a Federal power stopping secession, and clearly there isn't one.

And as I asked before, when the Feds block secession, clearly there is then no consent of the governed, which is central to the whole concept of our system. Without consent of the governed, we are subjects and not citizens of the government. It's preposterous to say the Federal government has the power to force the people to remain under it's domain after they withdraw consent

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