IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
They admit it. Finally.Nice intimidation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS official said Friday.

Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups.

In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.

"That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review," Lerner said at a conference sponsored by the American Bar Association.

"The IRS would like to apologize for that," she added.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups
Why wouldn't they look hard at people who will do anything to get out of paying their taxes and are "anti-government" astroturfers? I'd audit them too.
Why wouldn't they look hard at people who will do anything to get out of paying their taxes and are "anti-government" astroturfers? I'd audit them too.

Wouldn't that be "profiling"?


I recall the IRS going after a liberal church that queried the morality of Iraq and war in general. I seriously wonder how the IRS can avoid profiling. In the church case, they rightfully got judically smacked because the church had speakers of various viewpoints, not just their own. But the church got the legal bills.
you know this was payback for taking the house away from the democrats in 2010
Just more abuse of power by this Administration.. like demoting the Whistleblower..

Nothing new here.. CHICAGOLAND POLITICS.. CORRUPT AND DIRTY-- A librul's middle name.
you know this was payback for taking the house away from the democrats in 2010

it would depend upon whether the groups were really grass roots or whether they are nationally funded by entities such as the Koch Bros.

These kinds of posts are worthless. Both sides of the aisle have their financial backers.. Both swim in corporate cronyism.. so why even bother with stupid shit about the Koch brothers? That Nazi fuck Soros is no different.
As usual, no one will be held accountable. No one will go to jail. We have an out of control criminal Government at this point. An empty apology is likely all you'll get. What a country we've become.
As usual, no one will be held accountable. No one will go to jail. We have an out of control criminal Government at this point. An empty apology is likely all you'll get. What a country we've become.

It does seem sort of an inherent conflict of interest for the govt to be deciding which groups are bipartisan grass roots citizen coalitions pursuing a social agenda and which are actually tied to spec candidates.

The swift boaters ... anyone really think they should be tax exempt? seriously.

I don't see any question the IRS conversely didn't over react with individual tea party groups. That's in hindsight though. The gop tied itself damn close to the tea parties over "death panels" and don't socialize my medicare back in 2010.

Still, govt has too much power. Perhaps we should just tax em all (left and right) and let God sort it out.
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
Just more abuse of power by this Administration.. like demoting the Whistleblower..

Nothing new here.. CHICAGOLAND POLITICS.. CORRUPT AND DIRTY-- A librul's middle name.
More like a CORRUPT & DIRTY GOP False Flag Politics operation. The head of the IRS who gave the orders was a BBUSH appointee.

From the OP's link:

IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on their political views.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman told a House Ways and Means subcommittee.

Shulman was appointed by President George W. Bush. His 6-year term ended in November
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
Then McConehead and Boner should be impeached since this is obviously a GOP False Flag Operation carried out by a Bush appointee as IRS Commissioner!!!
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

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