IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.
you know this was payback for taking the house away from the democrats in 2010

it would depend upon whether the groups were really grass roots or whether they are nationally funded by entities such as the Koch Bros.

As opposed to George Soros?

Good pt. My comparison was not good. It's tax exempt if not tied to a particular candidate. But, the problem my bad comparison illustrates is ... when does support cross the line? I'm not a fan of taxes, but the IRS is in a difficult position.

I was wondering how the IRS could be removed from decision making. Tax it all or tax none?
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Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.

Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.
I guess a mere apology absolves them of all wrong-doing. Gee, i wonder if they'll be that forgiving when collecting that Taxpayer Cash? Somehow i don't think so. ;)
nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.

Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.

Goldwater was a man of principal, thanks for pointing that out and to those who call him a racist, dont know him and dont know how he voted.
from the link

Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias. After her talk, she told The AP that no high level IRS officials knew about the practice.

Not even liberals are dumb enough to buy that bullshit.

The groups that were single out should sue for discrimination and charge the irs with election fraud.
And the highest level IRS official was a BUSH appointee carrying out a typical GOP False Flag Operation.

He openly admitted it was done

Therefor when you say 'false flag' you're a lying hackfuck.

but how should today be different...
Since the BUSH appointee DENIED it, that would make YOU the lying hackfuck!

From the link in the OP:

IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on their political views.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman told a House Ways and Means subcommittee.
I love the word-for-word exact titles by different RWrs repeating their daily talking points. :D

Do you love it as much when liberals do it?

Sorry I am not going to search to see what is posted, ignore at will or just STFU.
Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.

Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.

Goldwater was a man of principal, thanks for pointing that out and to those who call him a racist, dont know him and dont know how he voted.

Goldwater thought states rights were more important than civil rights, i.e., human rights.

If that doesn't make him a racist, it certainly does make him an enabler of racism.
nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.

Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.

Yawn. I was there, btw.
He met with Republican congressional leaders soon after, and was told he faced certain impeachment in the House and had, at most, 15 senators prepared to vote for his acquittal—far fewer than the 34 he needed to avoid removal from office.[200]
No, the only president impeached in the 20th century was Clinton.

The charges of lying, obstructing justice, etc were only the most provable. But they might have had Clinton on taking payoffs from the Chinese. If the witnesses ever stopped fleeing the country, disapearing, or dying.
Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.

Goldwater was a man of principal, thanks for pointing that out and to those who call him a racist, dont know him and dont know how he voted.

Goldwater thought states rights were more important than civil rights, i.e., human rights.

If that doesn't make him a racist, it certainly does make him an enabler of racism.

Private property is a human right.
They admit it. Finally.Nice intimidation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS official said Friday.

Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups.

In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.

"That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review," Lerner said at a conference sponsored by the American Bar Association.

"The IRS would like to apologize for that," she added.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups
IRS also cancelled benefits on conservatives who paid into social security. They bored down on us, and that's heinous when we're retired, have a fixed income, and they take 1/3 of it away. Some of us were disabled, and they turned down our disability requests!

I hate the IRS and the Obama government that fixates on screwing Republicans, conservatives, tea party members, and the lot!! On the other end, they raise our taxes so we're screwed twice. They do it because we saved our money for retirement, we have it, and they're targeting all sources of people's good fortune to turn it into quick cash so poor people can buy drugs with no-questions-asked food stamps and double dealing (we won't notice if you file twice if you are an illegal or have a history of getting food stamps).

Social Security took $500 away from my husband every month and $300 from me. They're taking that money we set aside for our social security and giving it to people who broke the law.

I'm sick of Obama and his damned giving away of my social security savings. I earned that. Obama took it away from me, gave it to someone who voted for him.

That's my money, not the Democrat National Party's criminal fund division's.
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Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
No he wasn't.

Richard Nixon was never impeached, and that's a fact of history.

Stop lying.
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Richard Nixon was not impeached.

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