IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
No he wasn't.

He resigned after he was informed that he wouldn't survive a HoR vote for impeachment.
nixon was impeached by the house, but not tried in the senate because he resigned after learning he would be convicted.

But the irs stuff wasn't in the charge

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Nixon was not impeached. The appropriate House committee voted to do so but he resigned before being impeached.
The only president impeached in the 20th century is Bill Clinton, darling of the Dem party.

Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.
Nixon was not impeached by the House. Only two presidents were impeached, Johnson and Clinton. That's it.

Stop spreading this lie of yours.
And the highest level IRS official was a BUSH appointee carrying out a typical GOP False Flag Operation.

He openly admitted it was done

Therefor when you say 'false flag' you're a lying hackfuck.

but how should today be different...
Since the BUSH appointee DENIED it, that would make YOU the lying hackfuck!

From the link in the OP:

IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on their political views.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman told a House Ways and Means subcommittee.

I c-p that, with the note; Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

I stand corrected

You are dumber than I thought any liberal could be, and that includes tm.

You're dismissed for being to dumb to have a conversation with.
And once again; another regime scandal in which the higher-ups claim to have no knowledge of it.

They're blaming...

Drum roll.......

I shit you not.....

Wait for it.........


[ame=]Carney: I.R.S. Run By Bush Political Appointee - YouTube[/ame]
Remember Filegate? Remember Sandy Berger? This sort of corrupt/criminal activity is standard procedure whenever the Dems take control of the White House. But their supporters don't care, as long as it helps to keep them in power. And liberals wonder why conservatives don't trust them?
You screech like a wronged woman, take your xanax and shut up.

Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
Then McConehead and Boner should be impeached since this is obviously a GOP False Flag Operation carried out by a Bush appointee as IRS Commissioner!!!
Nixon was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. He would have been, but he chose to resign instead. The telling moment was when Barry Goldwater said he would vote to convict. After that, Nixon knew his fate was sealed.

Slick was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate. As Trent Lott said "if we start impeaching people for having sex with people not their wives, there won't be many of us left." He voted to convict, though.

Goldwater was a man of principal, thanks for pointing that out and to those who call him a racist, dont know him and dont know how he voted.

Goldwater thought states rights were more important than civil rights, i.e., human rights.

If that doesn't make him a racist, it certainly does make him an enabler of racism.

Oh please you he voted for other bills. it just gave more govt control under the guise of antidescrimination.
Bless your heart, Ed!

1) Appointees can resign, (which Shulman did in 2012 after four years on the job) no matter who appointed them. If I land a job with one manager/owner and the business is sold, they decide to retain me, therefore the 'boss' that hired me to begin with, no longer tells me what to do, AND I have to listen to my new 'boss' or lose my job. Shulman served under Bush AND Obama. Obama retained him.
2) This post is about Lois Lerner, who was not an Obama appointee. She worked her way up through the ranks. Lois' 'boss' retained her in the position of Directer (of an agency, not a cabinet member)

Task force targets fraud tied to crisis - Los Angeles Times

Obama's task force will take advantage of new anti-fraud powers and funding enacted by Congress last spring. [2008]
Task force targets fraud tied to crisis - Los Angeles Times

Isn't this interesting....
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release November 17, 2009
Executive Order 13519 - Establishment of the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force
Executive Order 13519 - Establishment of the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force | The White House

And the highest level IRS official was a BUSH appointee carrying out a typical GOP False Flag Operation.

So sorry Ed that this time you CAN'T blame BOOOOOOOOOSH. :eusa_shhh:
Heads should roll at the IRS for this. End of story.

It really pains me when I have to agree with NYcarb.
And the pos rep I will give him for this post will go unacknowledged, as usual.

Unfortunately there will be no rolling heads, just tire track imprints on those who are thrown under the bus.

Just more abuse of power by this Administration.. like demoting the Whistleblower..

Nothing new here.. CHICAGOLAND POLITICS.. CORRUPT AND DIRTY-- A librul's middle name.

Yep. Didn't Nixon do something like this?

Like i've been saying for 4 years...Obama is as (or more) corrupt as Nixon.

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