IRS Employees claim lives in danger over Tea Party Bias Case

Should their testimony be secret?

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You types threatened for years until you were beat down. I have no trouble with the threat makers in this case going to jail and losing their property for a long time.
You types threatened for years until you were beat down. I have no trouble with the threat makers in this case going to jail and losing their property for a long time.
Tell me about Liberal protests versus the Tea Party Fakey.

If you haven't figured it out yet..............I don't give a damn what you think.
You types threatened for years until you were beat down. I have no trouble with the threat makers in this case going to jail and losing their property for a long time.
Tell me about Liberal protests versus the Tea Party Fakey. If you haven't figured it out yet..............I don't give a damn what you think.
beaglebeak, what you think is immaterial. The threat makers will be punished.
You types threatened for years until you were beat down. I have no trouble with the threat makers in this case going to jail and losing their property for a long time.
Tell me about Liberal protests versus the Tea Party Fakey. If you haven't figured it out yet..............I don't give a damn what you think.
beaglebeak, what you think is immaterial. The threat makers will be punished.

hmmm............They say they are being prove it...............They sure as hell threatened American Citizens because of their views..........CRY ME A RIVER..........

They abused power.............I don't care what they think.........I want them under the jail............All the hurdles against those fighting them........THEY ARE WINNING...............THEY REFUSE TO GIVE UP..................THEY REFUSE TO BACK DOWN................DAMN I'M PROUD OF THEM............
Riddle me this.................

Starkey............I think you cheat on taxes.............

You should be audited.................just because I say so..............

THAT'S WHAT THEY DID...................They should be TARRED AND FEATHERED.........and made to Cluck like a chicken.
well looky here! Govt profiles conservative white people!??

This is the greatest injustice ever !! Only brown people are allowed to be profiled !!!
Riddle me this.................
Starkey............I think you cheat on taxes.............You should be audited.................just because I say so..............THAT'S WHAT THEY DID...................They should be TARRED AND FEATHERED.........and made to Cluck like a chicken.
Wah! ^^ Is not Donald being audited.
Riddle me this.................
Starkey............I think you cheat on taxes.............You should be audited.................just because I say so..............THAT'S WHAT THEY DID...................They should be TARRED AND FEATHERED.........and made to Cluck like a chicken.
Wah! ^^ Is not Donald being audited. every other year.............Has the IRS won a case with him yet.............

I have always felt that people who work for the Government are the Government and as such, are not an individual citizen when they are are representing the Government in a hearing or a trial. Therefore they should not be allowed to invoke the 5th Amendment. I believe the Founding Fathers did not take that into consideration that when the Amendments were drawn up. For example, Citizen Lois Lerner was not being charged; the IRS was being being charged and Lois Lerner was the IRS Spokesperson. Any Government Spokesperson invoking the 5th Amendment should be charged with obstruction of justice.
The left is threatening the snitches. That's normal for criminals. The trial should be public. Tell the truth. If the left makes death threats, get the same kind of gun you want to prohibit others from having.
Those criminals who are threatening people, left or right, need to be taken into custody.
"threatening" = noticing too much truth Jake Starkey doesn't want us to notice....
Threatening may be criminal behavior, so, yeah, the LEO will look into that.

That happened in Hemphill only once. The sitting down at sheriff's office was very unhappy for those far right freaks.
So if you notice Global Warming is a fraud and Israel was behind 911, you should go to jail?

Why not fudge it Joshua style, like with a bogus "terror attack" and kill 'em all?
The IRS targeting scandal is exactly why leftists should NOT be in the WHite House.

There should have been a special prosecutor and Obama should have been impeached....right?

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