IRS Hearing Live Link

According to democrats, they were correcting the Supreme Court's error in the Citizen's United case.
one conservative book club was demanded to list all their books on their lists, and to submit a book report on them.

Miller is who moved Ingram as head into the Obamacare division.
May 2010, (Miller) he was aware of targeting of conservatives for audits as well as the scrutiny of conservative apps.

He was also aware of the publishing of donor lists.

Each time referrals were made.

Also knew of release of info to propublica.

Never informed Congress. Says disclosures were inadvertant, one of the people was disciplined.

Miller testified the IRS did not "target" conservatives.

yeah, both.
They took a break because Miller got visibly angry and stopped giving responsive answers. He would not say that Congress had a right to the information they were seeking.
They took a break because Miller got visibly angry and stopped giving responsive answers. He would not say that Congress had a right to the information they were seeking.

I wouldn't have answered that question as it was phrased either. It's a "gotcha" question and nothing more.
They took a break because Miller got visibly angry and stopped giving responsive answers. He would not say that Congress had a right to the information they were seeking.

The GOP chairman ruined the nature of the hearing with his partisan opening statement and set the tone as a partisan attack. Then Paul Ryan badgered and insulted the witness,which closes the door to an open and honest search for the truth.
They took a break because Miller got visibly angry and stopped giving responsive answers. He would not say that Congress had a right to the information they were seeking.

I wouldn't have answered that question as it was phrased either. It's a "gotcha" question and nothing more.

It is a very simple yes or no question.

No, it's not. Unless you expect a witness to come into a committee meeting with a 10,000 page, detailed outline of every single thing the IRS is doing, you have to accept that a witness can only respond to the questions he's asked. If nobody asks for that information, how can he be expected to know they want it? To try and hold him accountable now for information the committee did not ask for isn't "investigating" anything. It's simply trying to get an "Aha!" response from him and THAT is political grandstanding.
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April 23, 2012
Sarah Hall Ingram
IRS Tax-Exempt & Government Entities Division
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20224

so she was still Commissioner of the Tax Exempt division as of April of 2012, and it appears at that time ithat division included the AFfordable Care Act, if her letter is any indication -
IRS website showing she is still COmmissioner of the Division -
Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division At-a-Glance

Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division At-a-Glance


To provide TE/GE customers top quality service by helping them understand and comply with applicable tax laws and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.

TEGE’s Strategic Priorities are Aligned with the IRS Strategic Goals:

•Strengthen Enforcement Activities
•Advance the Public Interest
•Enable a Paperless Environment
•Promote Self Guidance, Self Assistance and Self Correction
•Enhance Customer Satisfaction
•Foster Proactive Partnerships
•Employ a Highly Qualified, Diverse, and Motivated Workforce
Customer Profile:

•Approximately three million customers that range from small local community organizations and municipalities to major universities, huge pension funds, state governments, and participants of complex tax exempt bond transactions
•Pay more than $220 billion in employment tax and income tax withholding
•Control $8.2 trillion in assets
•Employee Plans taxpayers represent private and public retirement plans with approximately $4 trillion in assets.
•Exempt Organization taxpayers represent more than 1.6 million tax exempt organizations – including about 400,000 religious organizations – with approximately $2.4 trillion in assets.
•Government Entities taxpayers include outstanding tax exempt bonds with a total value of approximately $1.8 trillion, 88,000 federal, state, and local entities, and over 550 federally recognized Indian tribes.
The Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division was established in late 1999 as part of the Internal Revenue Service's modernization effort. This Division replaces the former Assistant Commissioner (Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations) function, which was established as a result of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974.

The Division is designed to serve the needs of three very distinct customer segments: Employee Plans, Exempt Organizations, and Government Entities. The customers range from small local community organizations and municipalities to major universities, huge pension funds, state governments, Indian tribal governments and participants of complex tax exempt bond transactions. These organizations represent a large economic sector with unique needs. Although generally paying no income tax, this sector does pay over $220 billion in employment taxes and income tax withholding and controls approximately $8.2 trillion in assets. Governed by complex, highly specialized provisions of the tax law, this sector is not designed to generate revenue, but rather to ensure that the entities fulfill the policy goals that their tax exemption was designed to achieve.

The TE/GE Division was created to address four basic key customer needs: education and communication, rulings and agreements, examination, and customer account services. Education and communication efforts will focus on helping customers understand their tax responsibilities with outreach programs and activities tailored to their specific needs. Rulings and agreements efforts will provide a strong emphasis on up-front compliance programs, such as the determination, voluntary compliance, and private letter ruling programs. Examination initiatives will identify and address non-compliance, through customized activities within each customer segment, and Customer Account Services will provide taxpayers with efficient tax filings as well as accurate and timely responses to questions and requests for information.

The Commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division is responsible for the uniform interpretation and application of the Federal tax laws on matters pertaining to the Division's customer base. In addition, the Commissioner provides advice and assistance throughout the Service, to the Department of the Treasury, other government agencies, including state governments and Congressional committees, and maintains a particularly close liaison with the Department of Labor and the Pension Guaranty Corporation.

TEGE is Comprised of Three Distinct Business Divisions:

•Employee Plans (EP)
•Exempt Organizations (EO)
•Government Entities (GE)
Leadership Team:


Sarah Hall Ingram, Commissioner (202) 283-2500
(202) 283-9973

Joseph Grant, Deputy Commissioner
(202) 283-2500
(202) 283-9973

Michael Julianelle, Director, Employee Plans
(202) 283-2100
(202) 283-9525

Lois G. Lerner, Director, Exempt Organizations
(202) 283-2300
(202) 283-8858

Moises Medina, Director, Government Entities
(202) 283-9738
(202) 283-9760

Employee Plans (EP) (Tax Information for Retirement Plans)

Mission: To provide Employee Plans customers top quality service by helping them to understand and comply with applicable tax laws, and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.

The EP Activities Cover:

•Employee plans (including the qualification of pension, annuity, profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans, individual retirement arrangements, simplified employee pensions, saving incentive match plans for employees, tax sheltered annuities and IRC 457 plans) and related trusts
•Tax treatment of participants and their beneficiaries
•Deductions for employer contributions and procedural and administrative provisions with respect to such plans
Exempt Organizations (EO) (Tax Information for Charities & Other Non-Profits)

Mission: To provide Exempt Organizations customers top quality service by helping them to understand and comply with applicable tax laws, and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.

Exempt Organizations Include:

•Organizations exempt from income tax under IRC 501 (including private foundations and organizations described in IRC 170(b)(1)(A)(except clause (v))
•Political organizations described in IRC 527
•Organizations described in IRC 4947(a)
•Prepaid legal plans described in IRC 120
•Welfare benefit funds described in IRC 4976
Government Entities (GE) (Tax Information for Government Entities)

Mission: To provide Government Entities customers top quality service by helping them to understand and comply with applicable tax laws, and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.

GE Includes:

•Federal, State and Local Governments (Tax Information for Federal, State, and Local Governments)
•Indian Tribal Governments (Tax Information for Indian Tribal Governments)
•Tax Exempt Bonds (Information for the Tax Exempt Bond Community)

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 24-Apr-2013
seems to me she was running the ACA while also running the tax exempt division (or it was under that division). Was she paying so much attention to Affordable Care Act she didn't know what was going on within the tax exemption division in which she has been the Commissioner?
Instead of demanding to know the details of the prayers a groups members said why not just ask if they prsy to God or obama.
one of the most outrageous things I heard today was the IG stated he does not have any form of datebook so he could give dates, etc.

Also, when a hearing such as this is occurring, why are the witnesses allowed to come in unprepared?
It is simply a known they are going to ask for dates and names of individuals involved. Is there nothing they can do? Charge them with contempt or something? Fine them? Anything?
I can understand on occassion there may be a question they don't have documents for, but overall, the constant` I don't recall, remember, don't have it here, etc. is nothing but a way to skirt and if they are not held accountable for the facts they obviously do have access to, and know will be questioned on, then the truth will never be found out.

What is wrong with our government?? (I know, stupid question)
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Miller is such a retard. He can't even answer a simple question without saying "I don't know".

How much do you know about specific things you did 3 years ago, or even last fall?

Come on man. The deniers are starting to look pretty silly.
If there is this much info out,this early in the game? It's only going to get worse.

The ones seeing conspiracies underneath the tables are looking a little silly too.

Look...let's get down to brass tacks here. Yes, there is more to find out and nobody should object to that. But, the real truths are not going to be found out in a public committee hearing. The cameras are turned on and who doesn't know how a politician reacts to that? The facts will come out in correspondence between staffers, additional written information and hearings without the cameras present. That's how it's done.

The public hearings like this one are just a spectacle for public consumption without any real likelihood of finding out anything at all. Both parties came to this hearing with an agreed upon script and most of them followed that script. If you watched it, you saw it. The GOP engaged in a game of "gotcha" with the witnesses (especially Miller), made their grandstanding and mostly unsubstantiated charges and played to the gallery. The Democrats went to great lengths to note that the IRS does a difficult job and, while we're all upset at this, they "feel the pain." Then, they tried to shift the discussion from what went on to the Citizens United ruling.

It was gamesmanship from beginning to end.

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