IRS joins Mueller's investigation

This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.

I bet Donnie is really glad he fired Comey right about now.

This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.

I bet Donnie is really glad he fired Comey right about now.

He's sorry he hired that putz Rosenstein.

The witch hunt continues.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'
The evidence will surface, and very soon! This Mueller guy is a sharp cookie. IQ probably twice that of the self-declared 'Smart guy' in the WH.
There's probably hundreds of reasons the Orange Idiot won't release his tax returns, and Mueller will hang them out for the world to see.
The evidence will surface, and very soon! This Mueller guy is a sharp cookie. IQ probably twice that of the self-declared 'Smart guy' in the WH.
There's probably hundreds of reasons the Orange Idiot won't release his tax returns, and Mueller will hang them out for the world to see.
You turds keep saying that. It's just like the global warming scam: the hammer will come down sometime in the far off future.

Mueller cannot publish Trump's tax returns.
Are these the same ones that attacked citizens for their beliefs....................the ones suing their asses right now...............How under Obama they repeatedly investigated people with the IRS, oh no the FBI, ATF, and others because they were conservatives......................

Same ones who didn't prosecute Obama and Hillary for what they did while in office............Destroy evidence and not even tried................

Think so.......................calling out his buddies to cover their own asses for the shit they did.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'
What arguments do we need? Where's the evidence, cockroach?

A lot of opinions on this forum about deeds, misdeeds, opinions, and insults. Maybe everybody ought to take a chill pill and wait for the judicial process to just play itself out instead of relying on fake news and unfounded personal opinion.

In recents months I have noticed that as the degree of insults escalates, intelligent thought and discourse is vanishing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'
What arguments do we need? Where's the evidence, cockroach?

A lot of opinions on this forum about deeds, misdeeds, opinions, and insults. Maybe everybody ought to take a chill pill and wait for the judicial process to just play itself out instead of relying on fake news and unfounded personal opinion.

In recents months I have noticed that as the degree of insults escalates, intelligent thought and discourse is vanishing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We are a divided Nation and tired of hearing the left make accusations...............firing back..........they can go take a long walk off a short bridge........

No surrender..............No compromise..............we are tired of their crap
This news is hilarious.

The head of the IRS, Koskinen, is a criminal who was caught perjuring himself before Congress, a corrupt Obama holdover who should be under Special Counsel investigation / in prison himself.

This is the same IRS who helped Obama illegally target Americans who opposed Obama's ideology and agenda yet was never held Obama.

This is the same IRS the media has reported recently on that has hired back many former agents who have been fired in the past for improper acts in other areas.

Again, the IRS and the head of the department should be under special counsel investigation, many of them already in jail; yet, Mueller's Witch Hunt board will be using them to go after Donald Trump in those associated with him.

Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

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Which is a Federal Crime.........but elite politicians are above the law.........


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