IRS joins Mueller's investigation

How much weight can the testimony of a disgraced perjuring head of the IRS and his proven corrupt agency carry in an investigation?

Mueller continues to undermine his own investigation by filling his team with ultra biased Democratic party and Hillary Clinton donors and Clinton lawyers, numerous conflicts of interest, and now buying using the criminal IRS.
2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.

Yeah because the same IRS that audited Trump how many times will find something this time I swear to God they better. Am I right?

Trump’s tax returns will be immediately under audit

Yes, I guess the 20th time is the charm...

Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

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She was ordered to hand over official emails, was allowed to delete personal ones.

I think it's time for right wingers to MOVE ON past Clinton and her god damn emails.
The evidence will surface, and very soon! This Mueller guy is a sharp cookie. IQ probably twice that of the self-declared 'Smart guy' in the WH.
There's probably hundreds of reasons the Orange Idiot won't release his tax returns, and Mueller will hang them out for the world to see.

You do realize trumps returns have been audited, right?
2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.

Yeah because the same IRS that audited Trump how many times will find something this time I swear to God they better. Am I right?

Trump’s tax returns will be immediately under audit


Absolutely they might, because the ONLY thing IRS looks at normally is tax liability compliance. You could be running a cocaine ring and IRS wouldn't give two shits so long as you paid your taxes, unless another enforcement agency asks them about it first.

Who is the idiot now?
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This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.

I bet Donnie is really glad he fired Comey right about now.

On Fox Business last night, two people were complaining that Mueller's investigation had no right to be working with the NY AG who is a nasty Democrat. Out of Mueller's jurisdiction, the Right says. Mueller's mission was too "hazy" and not well enough defined.
I don't think the Right had any problem when Starr's Whitewater investigation turned up Monica Lewinsky, though, did they?
Bunch of whiners.
2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.
Trump has been audited by the IRS the past 25 years straight. What the fuck are they going to find there?

Sure, that may time up some loose ends on Trump's hotel-building in Moscow, but that has nothing to do with collusion or "hacking" the coronation of Hilldabeast.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She was ordered to hand over official emails, was allowed to delete personal ones.

I think it's time for right wingers to MOVE ON past Clinton and her god damn emails.
No, she was not "allowed" to delete personal emails. She did it despite the entire server being subpoenaed. I love the way snowflakes just invent things that never happened.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She was ordered to hand over official emails, was allowed to delete personal ones.

I think it's time for right wingers to MOVE ON past Clinton and her god damn emails.
No, she was not "allowed" to delete personal emails. She did it despite the entire server being subpoenaed. I love the way snowflakes just invent things that never happened.
Hey--I've got an idea.
If Lefties will let go of losing the election, would the Right let go the Clinton email investigation?
1....2....3.... everyone ready? Open both hands wide and LET GO.
Trump has done more than said mean things, but I know your propaganda masters have worked very hard to keep you in the dark about it.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
Trumps Cucks ..

has a nice ring to it doesn't it !

this investigation will be a long drawn out, history making event event .. the country is already immune to the horseshit that spews out of RussianWingers, so by the time Mueller starts to really hammer Trump and his Cartel of crooks, nobody will even know you're alive and bitching - OR GIVE A SHIT.

wheres the evidence ... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.

Yeah because the same IRS that audited Trump how many times will find something this time I swear to God they better. Am I right?

Trump’s tax returns will be immediately under audit


Absolutely they might, because the ONLY thing IRS looks at normally is tax liability compliance. You could be running a cocaine ring and IRS wouldn't give two shits so long as you paid your taxes, unless another enforcement agency asks them about it first.

Who is the idiot now?

You are.

Because the IRS was Auditing Trump when he was campaigning for President and none of them wanted Trump to win. They would have notified the DOJ right away.

The IRS wants to tax your illegal income

"The IRS would most certainly immediately report it to law enforcement," says Joseph Henchman, vice president of legal and state projects at the Tax Foundation, a think tank.

The IRS' spokesman declined to comment on the issue.

Now you can pretend that the IRS would not disclose it if you want. I mean the NSA was prohibited from doing so and when exposed shrugged and said they could not comment because it would reveal top secret ways and means.

The FBI prohibits the police from revealing how Stingray works even if ordered to by the court.

So there are laws, and then there are laws.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Clinton is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.
I think this investigation will reveal Donald Trump has a serious personal conflict between the interests of the United States and his holdings in the KGB's thug's country.

I firmly believe Trump is hostage to Putin. Trump has assets in Russia which can be seized on a whim, and this prevents Trump from putting America's security interests first.

Trump's tax returns would show just how deeply he is beholden to Putin.
2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.

Yeah because the same IRS that audited Trump how many times will find something this time I swear to God they better. Am I right?

Trump’s tax returns will be immediately under audit


Absolutely they might, because the ONLY thing IRS looks at normally is tax liability compliance. You could be running a cocaine ring and IRS wouldn't give two shits so long as you paid your taxes, unless another enforcement agency asks them about it first.

Who is the idiot now?

You are.

Because the IRS was Auditing Trump when he was campaigning for President and none of them wanted Trump to win. They would have notified the DOJ right away.

The IRS wants to tax your illegal income

"The IRS would most certainly immediately report it to law enforcement," says Joseph Henchman, vice president of legal and state projects at the Tax Foundation, a think tank.

The IRS' spokesman declined to comment on the issue.

Now you can pretend that the IRS would not disclose it if you want. I mean the NSA was prohibited from doing so and when exposed shrugged and said they could not comment because it would reveal top secret ways and means.

The FBI prohibits the police from revealing how Stingray works even if ordered to by the court.

So there are laws, and then there are laws.

there are leaks, and there are leaks ... 43's returns were leaked and they were about 1/100th as wanted by the public eye as Trumps are.
2500 Special agents/investigators sifting through the cracks looking for evidence -

Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump's going to need a new hat that reads CONVICT.

From the article.........

It’s been widely reported that the special counsel’s team is trying to “flip” Paul Manafort, the president’s former campaign CEO, in hopes he will provide evidence against his former colleagues. Former federal prosecutors tell The Daily Beast one of Manafort’s biggest legal liabilities could be to what’s called a “check the box” prosecution. Federal law requires that people who have money in foreign bank accounts check a box on their tax returns disclosing that. And there’s speculation that Manafort may have neglected to check that box, which would be a felony. This is exactly the kind of allegation the IRS would look into.
Yeah because the same IRS that audited Trump how many times will find something this time I swear to God they better. Am I right?

Trump’s tax returns will be immediately under audit


I'm not sure anyone is stating that Trump did something that the IRS would find "illegal"....HOWEVER, his tax returns would reveal that his bullshit line that he had nothing to do with Russia was...well,bullshit.......and that although he did not cheat on his taxes, he LIED to his sheep herd. (Can you day "baaaaa"?)

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