IRS joins Mueller's investigation

IMO the IRS will focus on Manafort and let the money trail lead them to any and all criminal activity. From what I've read he's ass deep in more than one money laundering ploy.

Trump may or may not fall within the circle of crooks associated with Manafort . The answer is hiding in the shadow of big business and Russia. Impossible to even begin to imagine lies are hiding innocence, and not guilt.

True,Manafort AND Flynn are the most vulnerable "links" in Trump's weakening facade.

faced with jail time and the prospect of immunity, these two will NOT fall on their own sword for the sake of the orange clown.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Clinton is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

The most likely scenario for Trump, is resignation on the rationale that his businesses are in desperate need of his guidance, AND that congress just refused to work.....

.........and then he can golf every fucking day......LOL

He golfs practically every day now, on our dime!
Oh look, another witch hunt destined to leave liberals feeling putrid and empty.
What makes this a witch hunt to you?

Unless you're a liberal, JUSTICE means you're investigated for an alleged crime. In the case of Trump, there are no alleged crimes. They simply hope and make allegations up, and when those fail they look a little deeper. At the end of the day liberals will further be exposed for what they are, which is corrupt and putrid.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Clinton is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

The most likely scenario for Trump, is resignation on the rationale that his businesses are in desperate need of his guidance, AND that congress just refused to work.....

.........and then he can golf every fucking day......LOL

He golfs practically every day now, on our dime!
yes,,he's a pig without an original idea in his head
Unless you're a liberal, JUSTICE means you're investigated for an alleged crime. In the case of Trump, there are no alleged crimes. They simply hope and make allegations up, and when those fail they look a little deeper. At the end of the day liberals will further be exposed for what they are, which is corrupt and putrid.

You realize the whole story behind firing James Comey has been turned upside down. Trump wrote a letter firing Comey, prior to getting the Rosenstein recomendation. The white house counsel stopped Trumps first letter giving a completely different reason for firing Comey.
Unless you're a liberal, JUSTICE means you're investigated for an alleged crime. In the case of Trump, there are no alleged crimes. They simply hope and make allegations up, and when those fail they look a little deeper. At the end of the day liberals will further be exposed for what they are, which is corrupt and putrid.

You realize the whole story behind firing James Comey has been turned upside down. Trump wrote a letter firing Comey, prior to getting the Rosenstein recomendation. The white house counsel stopped Trumps first letter giving a completely different reason for firing Comey.

Upside down? HA!. Trump wanted to fire Comey, simple as that. He deserved to be fired. His authoring Clinton's exoneration prior to completing an investigation was just one example how fucked up Comey is. He then declared Hillary's indiscretions & lies "unintentional".
Upside down? HA!. Trump wanted to fire Comey, simple as that. He deserved to be fired. His authoring Clinton's exoneration prior to completing an investigation was just one example how fucked up Comey is. He then declared Hillary's indiscretions & lies "unintentional".
Trump can fire somebody for any reason he wants. The problem is that Trump fired Comey for a different reason than he put in the letter.
Upside down? HA!. Trump wanted to fire Comey, simple as that. He deserved to be fired. His authoring Clinton's exoneration prior to completing an investigation was just one example how fucked up Comey is. He then declared Hillary's indiscretions & lies "unintentional".
Trump can fire somebody for any reason he wants. The problem is that Trump fired Comey for a different reason than he put in the letter.

Not really. yes he can fire, but he can still be held accountable if the reason for doing that is illegal.

For example if Trump took a bribe to fire someone, clearly that is still criminal. Firing to obstruct justice works the same way.
Upside down? HA!. Trump wanted to fire Comey, simple as that. He deserved to be fired. His authoring Clinton's exoneration prior to completing an investigation was just one example how fucked up Comey is. He then declared Hillary's indiscretions & lies "unintentional".
Trump can fire somebody for any reason he wants. The problem is that Trump fired Comey for a different reason than he put in the letter.

LOL, it doesn't matter.
Witch hunt, fake news, unfair!
The only arguments the Trumpists have.
Oh, and 'What about Hillary!'

Hillary proof of using an unsecured server was through emails showing up in public for all to see, she deleted 30,000 emails during an investigation, she used bleach bit to further prove her innocence I'm sure. This is called physical evidence of wrong doing.

Trumps proof? A news article suggests there may be wrong doing that might involve Russia. Even Senator Feinstein responded on a CNN interview, that she say no physical evidence that leads to a crime. The DNC even fails to cooperate and turn over the server that they "claim" was hacked by Russia, to allow the FBI to investigate the true source to confirm signs it was breached. Why is that?

You are clueless, Clinton's emails were never leaked out. DNC and Podesta email accounts were hacked, not Clinton's.

Your right Clinton deleted hers after she was ordered to turn them over to investigators.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She was ordered to hand over official emails, was allowed to delete personal ones.

I think it's time for right wingers to MOVE ON past Clinton and her god damn emails.

So you are telling me that a government official, who CLEARLY understands they are being investigated by the FBI for having secret or top secret emails on her personal unsecured server, is allowed to take it upon herself to delete emails (unsupervised by a government official outside her department) from her account, and just be allowed to "say" they were ALL of a personal nature.

Do you seriously think things through before you post? That would be like having the police banging on your door, and when you answer, they announce to you that they have a court order to enter. While you respond, "HOLD UP!!! Give me just five minutes, I have some very personal items I like to go through and get rid of real quick first!!" :lol: Yes antontoo, that makes complete sense. Why don't you try backing that crap up in a link, that clearly states Hillary (completely unsupervised) was allowed to choose which emails to delete that she SAYS was just personal. Show me that such an act would actually maintain the credibility of an investigation that she herself is under.
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If anyone falls, it won't be Trump. It might be Stone or Manafort or some other scuzzball, at which point Trump will say, "I barely knew the guy. What did you say his name was again?"
The Democratic Party's dirty politics, mass voter fraud and one sided Press is a threat to our democracy.

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