IRS Memo Says They Must Hand Over trump's Tax Returns

If they get all Trump's taxes then it should be made a law for all future presidents-fair is fair.
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

CPA Dana what do you want to see in his returns please?
If they get all Trump's taxes then it should be made a law for all future presidents-fair is fair.

It's nothing more than their continued attempt to harass the President because he's doing such a great job. The more he focuses on the country, the better job he does.

While the Democrats are trying to put as many road blocks for Trump as they can, I pray that the Republicans don't have a short memory, and make the next Democrat Presidents life a living hell just like they are trying to do to Trump now.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.

State the focus of the investigation, the precise matter they are investigating.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.
Tell me again what their legislative need is?
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

The memo clearly states the law. Congress has a right to see Trump's tax returns and there is no wiggle room in the law and nothing for anyone to decide. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight.

You are the ones who wants to turn this into NAZI Germany. You believe that Trump can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases.
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

According to the House's own rules, they are forbidden to even ask for Trumps tax returns.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
While the power to investigate is broad, the Supreme Court has since ruled that Congress must confine itself to “legislative purposes” and avoid the strictly private affairs of individual citizens.

Since there is no legislative purpose for their request, it should be rejected.


The law has not been overturned and gives the IRS no wiggle room.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.

There was an investigation; two and a half years, and Trump was found guilty of nothing.

Bullshit. The report clearly stated that Trump was not exonerated.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.
Tell me again what their legislative need is?

There is no requirement for that in the law.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.
Tell me again what their legislative need is?

There is no requirement for that in the law.
You are obviously ignorant of the law... I wont wast my time explaining it to you AGAIN!
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

The memo clearly states the law. Congress has a right to see Trump's tax returns and there is no wiggle room in the law and nothing for anyone to decide. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight.

You are the ones who wants to turn this into NAZI Germany. You believe that Trump can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases.

Why did you ignore post 14 that showed the House investigative rules?

"While the power to investigate is broad, the Supreme Court has since ruled that Congress must confine itself to “legislative purposes” and avoid the strictly private affairs of individual citizens."

Have you read the 4th Amendment recently? From Cornell Law

"Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

bolding mine

Democrats have NOT provided probable cause, and have NOT provided any indictments against him. They have NOT shown Legislative purpose either.

Memo's can't override laws, House Rules or the Constitution.

You are being absurd.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
If Chairman Trump's tax returns proved him right, if they made him look good he'd have them plastered all over the media.

If these witneses would make Chairman Trump look good you can bet the farm they'd be testifying.


Make him look right about what exactly? Those returns have zero to do with his presidency.

The Commies only want them to try to embarrass Trump either by how much tax he paid or perhaps charity. There is no legislative or investigational reason for them to confiscate those records; they are personal.

This "You're in my town breathing my air" strategy by the Commies needs to stop and stop now. They don't belong in a Republic with organized government. They need to find a place like the former USSR where the vote of the people is meaningless just like they are trying to make our vote for President Trump meaningless.

It is Republicans who are trying to take away people's right to vote and if they do Republicans try to prevent the vote from being counted. You want to make the votes of people who vote against you invalid. The fact is that Congress has every right to perform its oversight duty.
Already been debunked that was a draft of a memo that never went anywhere. The document, titled Congressional Access to Returns and Return Information which was reportedly written by a lawyer in the Office of Chief Counsel does not appear to be binding and is not the official position of the IRS the memo is unsigned and is stamped with the word “draft.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
If Chairman Trump's tax returns proved him right, if they made him look good he'd have them plastered all over the media.

If these witneses would make Chairman Trump look good you can bet the farm they'd be testifying.


Make him look right about what exactly? Those returns have zero to do with his presidency.

The Commies only want them to try to embarrass Trump either by how much tax he paid or perhaps charity. There is no legislative or investigational reason for them to confiscate those records; they are personal.

This "You're in my town breathing my air" strategy by the Commies needs to stop and stop now. They don't belong in a Republic with organized government. They need to find a place like the former USSR where the vote of the people is meaningless just like they are trying to make our vote for President Trump meaningless.

It is Republicans who are trying to take away people's right to vote and if they do Republicans try to prevent the vote from being counted. You want to make the votes of people who vote against you invalid. The fact is that Congress has every right to perform its oversight duty.
When one lie fails... DEFLECT...
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
If Chairman Trump's tax returns proved him right, if they made him look good he'd have them plastered all over the media.

If these witneses would make Chairman Trump look good you can bet the farm they'd be testifying.


Make him look right about what exactly? Those returns have zero to do with his presidency.

The Commies only want them to try to embarrass Trump either by how much tax he paid or perhaps charity. There is no legislative or investigational reason for them to confiscate those records; they are personal.

This "You're in my town breathing my air" strategy by the Commies needs to stop and stop now. They don't belong in a Republic with organized government. They need to find a place like the former USSR where the vote of the people is meaningless just like they are trying to make our vote for President Trump meaningless.

It is Republicans who are trying to take away people's right to vote and if they do Republicans try to prevent the vote from being counted. You want to make the votes of people who vote against you invalid. The fact is that Congress has every right to perform its oversight duty.
IT was a SCOTUS ruling... Sorry charlie...
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.
Tell me again what their legislative need is?

There is no requirement for that in the law.
You are obviously ignorant of the law... I wont wast my time explaining it to you AGAIN!

This is the law we are talking about.

(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(2) Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request by the Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish him with any return or return information specified in such request. Such Chief of Staff may submit such return or return information to any committee described in paragraph (1), except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(3) Other committees
Pursuant to an action by, and upon written request by the chairman of, a committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives (other than a committee specified in paragraph (1)) specially authorized to inspect any return or return information by a resolution of the Senate or the House of Representatives or, in the case of a joint committee (other than the joint committee specified in paragraph (1)) by concurrent resolution, the Secretary shall furnish such committee, or a duly authorized and designated subcommittee thereof, sitting in closed executive session, with any return or return information which such resolution authorizes the committee or subcommittee to inspect. Any resolution described in this paragraph shall specify the purpose for which the return or return information is to be furnished and that such information cannot reasonably be obtained from any other source."

There are np ifs ands or buts in the law. Try reading it for a change instead of making it up.
I'm beginning to wonder if trump should just show them what they want. If he has nothing to hide, then he has nothing to worry about.

I'm beginning to think trump is a sinking ship, whether he is guilty or not, public opinion will stain him if the left keeps this up, and if this continues through next year, it could hurt him. Would it not be a good idea to find a strong conservative candidate and put support behind him instead? The dems have over 22 candidates lined up ready to take his job. Any bad public opinion can only hurt trump, and there is going to be a major push from the left for voter turnout and despite what people think, Biden and Sanders are very strong candidates because of their popularity with the left.

The more trump holds back, the more it will hurt him. He either needs to put this to rest quickly, or he faces the real possibility of losing the next election. It would be wise to have a strong candidate for the right waiting just in case things go south for trump.

I'm not saying I think trump is guilty or innocent, what I'm saying is, this constant narrative from the left may very well have an effect in swaying people.

Am I wrong here?
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
If Chairman Trump's tax returns proved him right, if they made him look good he'd have them plastered all over the media.

If these witneses would make Chairman Trump look good you can bet the farm they'd be testifying.


Make him look right about what exactly? Those returns have zero to do with his presidency.

The Commies only want them to try to embarrass Trump either by how much tax he paid or perhaps charity. There is no legislative or investigational reason for them to confiscate those records; they are personal.

This "You're in my town breathing my air" strategy by the Commies needs to stop and stop now. They don't belong in a Republic with organized government. They need to find a place like the former USSR where the vote of the people is meaningless just like they are trying to make our vote for President Trump meaningless.

It is Republicans who are trying to take away people's right to vote and if they do Republicans try to prevent the vote from being counted. You want to make the votes of people who vote against you invalid. The fact is that Congress has every right to perform its oversight duty.

Oversight means to check the position of power, not to invade one's privacy. There is nothing in tax returns that provide Congress with any oversight. They are personal and will remain that way. You will see this when the court rules on the matter AGAIN if Democrats insist on pushing it. They only want those records for political purposes, not oversight.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

The memo clearly states the law. Congress has a right to see Trump's tax returns and there is no wiggle room in the law and nothing for anyone to decide. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight.

You are the ones who wants to turn this into NAZI Germany. You believe that Trump can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases.

Short of the Holocaust, I would accept Hitler's fascism over Stalin's Communism any day of the week.

You DO realize Hitler was a piker when compared to Stalin? Or Mao?

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