IRS Memo Says They Must Hand Over trump's Tax Returns

IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.
Tell me again what their legislative need is?

There is no requirement for that in the law.
You are obviously ignorant of the law... I wont wast my time explaining it to you AGAIN!

This is the law we are talking about.

(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(2) Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request by the Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish him with any return or return information specified in such request. Such Chief of Staff may submit such return or return information to any committee described in paragraph (1), except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(3) Other committees
Pursuant to an action by, and upon written request by the chairman of, a committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives (other than a committee specified in paragraph (1)) specially authorized to inspect any return or return information by a resolution of the Senate or the House of Representatives or, in the case of a joint committee (other than the joint committee specified in paragraph (1)) by concurrent resolution, the Secretary shall furnish such committee, or a duly authorized and designated subcommittee thereof, sitting in closed executive session, with any return or return information which such resolution authorizes the committee or subcommittee to inspect. Any resolution described in this paragraph shall specify the purpose for which the return or return information is to be furnished and that such information cannot reasonably be obtained from any other source."

There are np ifs ands or buts in the law. Try reading it for a change instead of making it up.


You didn't post a link and the "law" doesn't even pertain to President Trump Taxes documents anyway.

Again read the 4th Amendment or read the House Investigative Rules you were shown in post 32, they don't support your delusions.


Drop that shovel, you are getting too close to China.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.
Err..just to point out..that both the constitution and the law of the land support Congress's right to order the IRS to provide materials needed in an investigation.

Back at Executive Order or Executive Privilege do not undo the law or the Constitution either.

There was an investigation; two and a half years, and Trump was found guilty of nothing.

Bullshit. The report clearly stated that Trump was not exonerated.
When a prosecutor fails to find indictable behaviors they do not indict... This exonerates the president by the failure to take due process course..
I finally decided to read this so called secret memo in the link, that is a supposed … he he.... ha ha..... "bombshell"

This is what it really is.... PDF LINK

It is a DRAFT memo, with no dates, ZERO signatures and no IRS heading on it. It has ZERO legal force in it, just a jumble of words devoid of legal authority behind it.

Heck this is from Washington Post:

"The IRS said the memo, titled “Congressional Access to Returns and Return Information,” was a draft document written by a lawyer in the Office of Chief Counsel and did not represent the agency’s “official position.” The memo is stamped “DRAFT,” it is not signed, and it does not reference Trump.

Precisely who wrote the memo and reviewed it could not be learned. The agency says IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig and current chief counsel Michael Desmond, who was confirmed by the Senate in February, were not familiar with it until a Post inquiry this week."

red bolding mine


Trump haters should drop this dead end.
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I finally decided to read this so called secret memo in the link, that is a supposed … he he.... ha ha..... "bombshell"

This is what it really is.... PDF LINK

It is a DRAFT memo, with no dates, ZERO signatures and no IRS heading on it. It has ZERO legal force in it, just a jumble of words devoid of legal authority behind it.

Heck this is from Washington Post:

"The IRS said the memo, titled “Congressional Access to Returns and Return Information,” was a draft document written by a lawyer in the Office of Chief Counsel and did not represent the agency’s “official position.” The memo is stamped “DRAFT,” it is not signed, and it does not reference Trump.

Precisely who wrote the memo and reviewed it could not be learned. The agency says IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig and current chief counsel Michael Desmond, who was confirmed by the Senate in February, were not familiar with it until a Post inquiry this week."

red bolding mine


You have NOTHING!

They are DESPERATE and grasping at any straw they can find... One of these times it will be the hole in the dam that they unplug by pulling on it...
Since when is an IRS TAX MEMO LAW....and who wrote it and when.....people are born in the dark...but not last night!
I'm beginning to wonder if trump should just show them what they want. If he has nothing to hide, then he has nothing to worry about.

I'm beginning to think trump is a sinking ship, whether he is guilty or not, public opinion will stain him if the left keeps this up, and if this continues through next year, it could hurt him. Would it not be a good idea to find a strong conservative candidate and put support behind him instead? The dems have over 22 candidates lined up ready to take his job. Any bad public opinion can only hurt trump, and there is going to be a major push from the left for voter turnout and despite what people think, Biden and Sanders are very strong candidates because of their popularity with the left.

The more trump holds back, the more it will hurt him. He either needs to put this to rest quickly, or he faces the real possibility of losing the next election. It would be wise to have a strong candidate for the right waiting just in case things go south for trump.

I'm not saying I think trump is guilty or innocent, what I'm saying is, this constant narrative from the left may very well have an effect in swaying people.

Am I wrong here?

You misspelled "clowns".
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.
Glodilocks cant stonewall the law much longer ... he WILL get his ...
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused
But, turning them over to congress is not the problem for the desperate democrats.

They probably already have his tax returns. They just can't find a way to legally make the information public so they can score political points, and it is driving them pooh-flinging crazy.


i am glad the dems are preoccupied with this nonsense. It means they are not doing other shit to fuck liberty right in the ass.

It is Republicans who are trying to take away people's right to vote and if they do Republicans try to prevent the vote from being counted. You want to make the votes of people who vote against you invalid. The fact is that Congress has every right to perform its oversight duty.
GOP hasn't taken the right of any legit voters' right to vote away. I get the fact that you're desperate and need a new lie to spread.

Oversight did not include in Fascist
powers to override the Bill of Rights.

Let's me make it easy for you: What would you say if Trump ordered the IRS and FBI to dig into every Democrat Leadership members taxes and private info for political reasons? Would you be okay with that?
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.

Let me explain this so you understand.

In this country, professional politicians usually run for the presidency. With that goal in mind, they also understand they may one day need to release their returns to the public should they make it that far; not because it's required by law, but because it's required by the press.

So they make sure their returns look acceptable for the press: give enough to charity to make them happy, don't take all deductions so they pay an acceptable amount of tax, things like that.

Trump is not a professional politician, he's a professional businessman. Whether he thought of running for President or not, he never thought he'd actually be President. Therefore his tax returns are not structured for public view. His tax returns are for maximum business profits which means he took every tax deduction and paid as little as allowable by law.

Congress is the legislative body of our government. Congress can confiscate the tax returns of the executive body IF it has something to do with the legislative body. In this case, it doesn't. Democrats want Trumps tax returns to try and take advantage (for political purposes only) of how little he may have paid in taxes, or perhaps how little he may have given to charity.

Congress cannot confiscate tax returns for that reason alone. And given the fact that Trump just went through a 2.5 year investigation by a private a special council, there is no reason for the Congress to do an additional investigation.
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused
Actually, the President has the greatest reason in the world to claim Executive Privilege --

It's called 'National Security'.

For more than 3 Years Hillary and her team, the Obama administration, and now the Democrats in Congress have undermined this President and government and have and continue to attempt to conduct a political coup to reverse the results of the 2016 election.

3 years, 4 investigations, 100+ witnesses questioned, thousands of documents handed over, and the only prosecutable crimes that posed / pose a threat to our national security are the ones Democrats have and continue to perpetrate.

Nadler's and the Democrats' obsessive crusade to remove President Trump from office has been undeniably proven by not only the Chairman of the Judicial Committee' ordering the US AG to break the law but also holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for NOT obeying his demand to break the law.

The Chairman of the Judicial Committee and Speaker if the House ordering the top law enforcer in the United States to break the law and then punishing him for NOT breaking the law is an unprecedented assault on our Constitution and Rule of Law as well as a threat to our Democracy and National Security.

It shows the depths of their desperation and determination to remove this President of the United States.

HIGH-RANKING DEMOCRATS IN POSITIONS IF POWER WITHIN THE GOVT, ABUSING THEIR POSITIONS AND POWER demanding the US AG break the law and punishing him for not doing so also proves their actions have nothing to do with 'justice' or 'protecting this country's but is instead a mission to reversing the 2016 election results EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION AND RULE OF LAW TO SUCCESSFULLY CARRY OUT THEIR INITIAL FAILED COUP.

One of the continuing effect of their criminal course of action is the massive division tearing this country apart -- for the last 3 years the Trump-hating criminal Democrats have continued to successfully achieve what Russia's interference (that began in 2014) was intended to do divide this nation and undermine the President of the United States and the US Government.

This is proof the President has more than enough reason to fight the continuing Democrat attempt to affect what is in essence a political coup -- the removal of the President of United States from effort that began the minute the winner of the 2016 election was announced.
Secret electronic surveillance of US citizens without their knowledge using warrants obtained as a result of FISA Court Abuses is NOT 'Spying' according to Comey, Wray, Democrats, and criminal-defending snowflakes.

The FBI collaborating with and using Foreign Western Intelligence sources to set up a Trump team member / volunteer in an attempt to take Trump down is perfectly fine according to those same people.

The FBI opening up its own investigation and counter-intelligence operation on a US President based on political opposition research bought by the opposing political party's Presidential candidate, provided by a proven biased Trump-hating foreign spy who was working with Russians and for the FBI - both a document and source they KNEW were unreliable and lies/a liar BEFORE they knowingly intentionally chose to commit FISA Court Abuses to begin illegally spying on the Trump team ... THAT IS NOT ONLY FRIGHTENING BUT, AGAIN, IS ALSO AN ASSAULT ON OUR CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW, AND DEMOCRACY!

The threat is not the most successful President in decades - in some cases EVER. Democrats have proven and continue to prove they are a far greater threat.

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