IRS Memo Says They Must Hand Over trump's Tax Returns

The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused
So what is the Legal Rationale for Congress to demand the tax returns of a Private Citizen or The President for that Matter, or The Tax Returns of a Corporation?

Or does Congress not have to respect The Right To Privacy?
Due Process?
Probably Cause?
Presumption of Innocence?
The 5th Amendment?
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

The memo clearly states the law. Congress has a right to see Trump's tax returns and there is no wiggle room in the law and nothing for anyone to decide. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight.

You are the ones who wants to turn this into NAZI Germany. You believe that Trump can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases.

You are incorrect. Please see post #14
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

According to the House's own rules, they are forbidden to even ask for Trumps tax returns.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
While the power to investigate is broad, the Supreme Court has since ruled that Congress must confine itself to “legislative purposes” and avoid the strictly private affairs of individual citizens.

Since there is no legislative purpose for their request, it should be rejected.


The law has not been overturned and gives the IRS no wiggle room.

What law? The law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court? This is a personal question, not a legislative one. And it should be struck down by the courts, and it will be when it gets to the SCOTUS.

I'm beginning to wonder if trump should just show them what they want. If he has nothing to hide, then he has nothing to worry about.

I'm beginning to think trump is a sinking ship, whether he is guilty or not, public opinion will stain him if the left keeps this up, and if this continues through next year, it could hurt him. Would it not be a good idea to find a strong conservative candidate and put support behind him instead? The dems have over 22 candidates lined up ready to take his job. Any bad public opinion can only hurt trump, and there is going to be a major push from the left for voter turnout and despite what people think, Biden and Sanders are very strong candidates because of their popularity with the left.

The more trump holds back, the more it will hurt him. He either needs to put this to rest quickly, or he faces the real possibility of losing the next election. It would be wise to have a strong candidate for the right waiting just in case things go south for trump.

I'm not saying I think trump is guilty or innocent, what I'm saying is, this constant narrative from the left may very well have an effect in swaying people.

Am I wrong here?

Since the left would intend to smear any GOP candidate, I doubt it would matter. Only thing to do is to fight fire with fire.

When children are having tantrums they will move from issue to issue so libs just following their course.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.

Let me explain this so you understand.

In this country, professional politicians usually run for the presidency. With that goal in mind, they also understand they may one day need to release their returns to the public should they make it that far; not because it's required by law, but because it's required by the press.

So they make sure their returns look acceptable for the press: give enough to charity to make them happy, don't take all deductions so they pay an acceptable amount of tax, things like that.

Trump is not a professional politician, he's a professional businessman. Whether he thought of running for President or not, he never thought he'd actually be President. Therefore his tax returns are not structured for public view. His tax returns are for maximum business profits which means he took every tax deduction and paid as little as allowable by law.

Congress is the legislative body of our government. Congress can confiscate the tax returns of the executive body IF it has something to do with the legislative body. In this case, it doesn't. Democrats want Trumps tax returns to try and take advantage (for political purposes only) of how little he may have paid in taxes, or perhaps how little he may have given to charity.

Congress cannot confiscate tax returns for that reason alone. And given the fact that Trump just went through a 2.5 year investigation by a private a special council, there is no reason for the Congress to do an additional investigation.
All you do is spin....I asked s direct question...I'll give you another chance to answer...and to be honest with yourself.

I can't be anymore honest than that. Sorry you don't like honesty, but mosts leftists don't.
I'm beginning to wonder if trump should just show them what they want. If he has nothing to hide, then he has nothing to worry about.

I'm beginning to think trump is a sinking ship, whether he is guilty or not, public opinion will stain him if the left keeps this up, and if this continues through next year, it could hurt him. Would it not be a good idea to find a strong conservative candidate and put support behind him instead? The dems have over 22 candidates lined up ready to take his job. Any bad public opinion can only hurt trump, and there is going to be a major push from the left for voter turnout and despite what people think, Biden and Sanders are very strong candidates because of their popularity with the left.

The more trump holds back, the more it will hurt him. He either needs to put this to rest quickly, or he faces the real possibility of losing the next election. It would be wise to have a strong candidate for the right waiting just in case things go south for trump.

I'm not saying I think trump is guilty or innocent, what I'm saying is, this constant narrative from the left may very well have an effect in swaying people.

Am I wrong here?

Since the left would intend to smear any GOP candidate, I doubt it would matter. Only thing to do is to fight fire with fire.


I think the right is incapable of fighting fire with fire. The right seems to have lost its fortitude, or maybe they never actually had any...

Dems are always on the attack and repubs are always on the defensive, and this keeps the right in check. If they are always having to put out fires, they cant mount an offense. Plus, the right never seems to be persistent. They accuse, dems deny, and the right says "ok..." but they never keep up the pressure like the left does.

Take Hillary, for example, regardless of what she did with those emails, it is illegal to have classified material removed from its place of custody. Simply her having the material on her computer was illegal.

Then, she said "what, like with a cloth?".....and then mysteriously phones, tablets, and computers she had were smashed and destroyed, and then she used comouter programs to wipe her hard drives so they were unrecoverable.

She did all of this, which would make any normal person look extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......eeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmm..........mmmmmmmmmmmmly guilty.......but she denied, and dems said "fake news", and it all went away.

If Hillary, with all of that evidence against her, got away with it, and the repubs dropped it and didnt keep up the pressure, I dont hold much faith they will "have a long memory" the next time a Democrat holds the white house.


And when I say " the right", I dont mean the normal citizenry, I mean those in Washington.
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The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

First, there is nothing wrong with Trump's taxes. His financial disclosure forms which he did file tell far more.

Second, this will open the door for Pelosi's tax returns, or Soros' or any number of other liberal big shot donors who pretend to be the friend of the little guy.

Remember this, and don't forget it. Trump is true to himself, he's genuine. He's a billionaire,and he's proud of it. He isn't some pansy who pretends that having money is wrong. That just isn't Trump. But Pelosi, she pretends to "care" while she lives in a mansion and doesn't even have change to spare for her city's legions of homeless.
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

First, there is nothing wrong with Trump's taxes. His financial disclosure forms which he did file tell far more.

Second, this will open the door for Pelosi's tax returns, or Soros' or any number of other liberal big shot donors who pretend to be the friend of the little guy.

Remember this, and don't forget it. Trump is true to himself, he's genuine. He's a billionaire,and he's proud of it. He isn't some pansy who pretends that having money is wrong. That just isn't Trump. But Pelosi, she pretends to "care" while she lives in a mansion and doesn't even have change to spare for her city's legions of homeless.
Yep, they should probably do a bit more inward investigating. I'm still wondering why even looking into the billions given to California for a rail project that was cancelled and the money never returned, and pelosis husband was part of the deal for the rail system that was supposed to be built.

Or, all the money allocated to California that went to improve communities and properties that are all near properties that Pelosi owns, which increased their values. Nobody seems to be even acknowledging these things.

Ahh well, laws...good for the goose but not the gander I suppose...[emoji849]
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

The memo clearly states the law. Congress has a right to see Trump's tax returns and there is no wiggle room in the law and nothing for anyone to decide. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight.

You are the ones who wants to turn this into NAZI Germany. You believe that Trump can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases.
The Constitution gives the power of oversight on the Executive. Past tax returns are of a private citizen, not the executive. The Constitution does NOT give them broad oversight powers over private citizens.

They aren't entitled to it. As has been stated, there is no legislative purpose for them to have them and at best, they may be, if the executive privilege isn't invoked, have authority over the past two years, only.
This isn't NAZI Germany.

Please tell Trump that
I'm pretty sure that Trump knows the Democrats are acting like Nazis. The whole world can see it.

Reading the posts, I just had a thought.

What if the game plan is to get Trump's tax returns only for the motive of creating another lie about him? That would seem like it's worth all this trouble to me.

So they get his returns, and somebody "leaks" to the media some nefarious thing about Trump whether it's true or not. Like always, the lapdogs will spread the stories like wildfire. It will continue to be talking points on their shows for weeks. You know how the left is with their "anonymous" sources......

Of course Trump denies any accusation, but the Democrats and MSM insist it's true. How would Trump prove he's the one telling the truth? That's right, he would have to make his tax returns public.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.
The cult actually believes that Trump is taking some sort of moral high ground & defending "The Presidency" in stonewalling at every turn. The same Trump who screwed around with a porn star then paid her hush money. It's fucking laughable.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the office of the Presidency. He's covering his own sorry ass. That's it.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.
The cult actually believes that Trump is taking some sort of moral high ground & defending "The Presidency" in stonewalling at every turn. The same Trump who screwed around with a porn star then paid her hush money. It's fucking laughable.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the office of the Presidency. He's covering his own sorry ass. That's it.

Sounds like you're talking about the other side. The Commies are going to be on record as hounding a President for four years with worthless investigations because they are scared of letting him do his work. The more work he does, the better for the country. The better for the country, the worse for Democrats.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.
The cult actually believes that Trump is taking some sort of moral high ground & defending "The Presidency" in stonewalling at every turn. The same Trump who screwed around with a porn star then paid her hush money. It's fucking laughable.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the office of the Presidency. He's covering his own sorry ass. That's it.

Sounds like you're talking about the other side. The Commies are going to be on record as hounding a President for four years with worthless investigations because they are scared of letting him do his work. The more work he does, the better for the country. The better for the country, the worse for Democrats.
Be honest with yourself and answer my question please.
IRS memos don't undo laws or the Constitution.

This isn't NAZI Germany.

Democrats are starting to make it look like Nazi Germany, aren't they?
Let's take them out of the equation....trump promised he will release his taxes? Why he doesnt want to?
Why is he also blocking people from seing his grades?

Do you honestly think that trump if he had clean returns and amazing grades, he wouldnt be showing them off every minute ?
I mean the guy is the biggest narcissist and show off to mankind.
The cult actually believes that Trump is taking some sort of moral high ground & defending "The Presidency" in stonewalling at every turn. The same Trump who screwed around with a porn star then paid her hush money. It's fucking laughable.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the office of the Presidency. He's covering his own sorry ass. That's it.

Sounds like you're talking about the other side. The Commies are going to be on record as hounding a President for four years with worthless investigations because they are scared of letting him do his work. The more work he does, the better for the country. The better for the country, the worse for Democrats.
Be honest with yourself and answer my question please.

I only answer questions once......once. If you can't understand the answer and nobody is around to explain it to you, that's your problem--not mine.
The only exception the IRS says they have is if the president claims executive privilege.

The president can't legally claim that privilege for things that happened when he wasn't president and it only applies to matters with his cabinet and executive advisors.

That's on top of the fact that trump has not claimed it either.

Looks like the treasury secretary lied to congress. Again.

Secret IRS Legal Memo Says Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Handed Over to Congress – Mnuchin Lied and Refused

Yo stupid, if the IRS is revealing tax documents to get Trump, what is to stop them from releasing taxes to the local sheriff to get you? Or one of your kids, or any other political target.

I get it, you Stalinist hate Trump, that's all you care about - your festering hatred.

But the rights you are shitting on in your obsession to stage this coup will turn on you.

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