IRS shuts down the Hunter investigation.


Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY!!!! Then Vice President Biden did not make a penny off of Ukraine, and it is not illegal for his son to do business with Ukrainians....or be a board member! It may look bad, but in no way, shape, or form....was it illegal for Hunter to be a board member or have business over there.

You are being fooled by your beloved right wing Congress critters and right wing partisan media...imo.

What "business"? Why would Hunter Biden be magically appointed to the board of a Ukrainian energy company if he has absolutely no experience in the energy industry? Same thing with his dealings with China and Russia. Businesses usually have something to offer in exchange for money. What did the Biden family offer those rich CCP businessmen in exchange, or the wife of the former mayor of Moscow?
As they should have.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and tax forms should be confidential.

The fact that this "whistleblower" was upset the IRS was willing to settle with Hunter and threatened to leak confidential information, is a good reason to remove this team.
So you think the IRS should have no oversight? And remember when democrats didn't care about TRUMP's taxes being leaked even though he was a private citizen?
The bullshit conspiracy theories were the Russian collusion crap created by the DNC and Hillary and misused by the FBI and DOJ to investigate Trump.

It was NOT created by Hillary...that bull shit was debunked ages and ages ago. Papadopoulos doings, etc started the investigation....
This investigation in to Hunter's taxes involved a $30,000 mistake is what I read just two days ago when I was researching why the IRS Supervisor and team were removed from the case.
Yeah, curious why an entire team of IRS agents investigating Hunter Biden was shut down. It must have something to do with conflicting vacation schedules…. or something.


It’s just blatant influence peddling promoted and arranged by the left to protect Hunter Biden and eventual links to Papa Joe and the larger Biden crime family syndicate.
It was NOT created by Hillary...that bull shit was debunked ages and ages ago. Papadopoulos doings, etc started the investigation....

The DNC paid Steele for the dossier. If you really believe there was no collusion between Hillary Clinton and the DNC, I have a bridge in NYC I'd love to sell you.
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What "business"? Why would Hunter Biden be magically appointed to the board of a Ukrainian energy company if he has absolutely no experience in the energy industry? Same thing with his dealings with China and Russia. Businesses usually have something to offer in exchange for money. What did the Biden family offer those rich CCP businessmen in exchange, or the wife of the former mayor of Moscow?
Likely, Burisma wanted to use his last name and the prestigious last names of other famous board members they hired to put on a good face for the company, after they had gotten in to so much trouble a few years earlier.... which is common, for businesses that have gotten in to past troubles, trying to re-emerge in to the marketplace looking prettier than before, is my guess.
Yeah, curious why an entire team of IRS agents investigating Hunter Biden was shut down. It must have something to do with conflicting vacation schedules…. or something.


It’s just blatant influence peddling promoted and arranged by the left to protect Hunter Biden and eventual links to Papa Joe and the larger Biden crime family syndicate.
I didn't read it was shut down, what I read was just that they were removed for breaking the IRS PROTOCOL on it. They could be replaced with other agents...??
Likely, Burisma wanted to use his last name and the prestigious last names of other famous board members they hired to put on a good face for the company, after they had gotten in to so much trouble a few years earlier.... which is common, for businesses that have gotten in to past troubles, trying to re-emerge in to the marketplace looking prettier than before, is my guess.

And Hunter's father facilitated that, which is called "influence peddling."
That would mean that the investigation is continuing. The IRS knows the full depth and scope of the Biden's corruption, they don't want leakers to jeopardize their investigation.
My “read” is that the IRS knows the full depth and scope of the Biden crime family and will make every effort to bury it. Biden gave the IRS $billions in new funding along with 87,000 new agents. The IRS is beholden to their gift-giver.
It was NOT created by Hillary...that bull shit was debunked ages and ages ago. Papadopoulos doings, etc started the investigation....
I’m talking about the Steele Dossier.


FBI failed to corroborate Steele dossier allegations

The report is critical of the Steele dossier, the explosive document that had been used by the FBI to bolster its case for probable cause to secure surveillance warrants against a former Trump campaign adviser.

The Steele dossier contained unverified allegations about Trump’s connections to Russia, including his alleged business dealings, rumors of lurid trysts in Moscow and claims that his campaign collaborated with the Kremlin in 2016.

Crossfire Hurricane investigation “did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations” contained in the controversial Steele dossier, which was used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant, Durham found.

“As noted, it was not until mid-September that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators received several of the Steele Reports. Within days of their receipt, the unvetted and unverified Steele Reports were used to support probable cause in the FBI’s FISA applications targeting (Carter) Page, a U.S. citizen who, for a period of time, had been an advisor to Trump,” the report says.

Russian disinformation! :)

Dutch spies stole alleged Russian Intelligence that said the Russians believed Hillary was trying to connect Trump to the Russian election interference that was happening by the Russians.... Stolen emails etc.

I don't know if Hillary and the DNC believed Trump was connected to her campaign and the DNCs stolen hacked email files released by them on to wikikeaks.....

but I sure did believe Trump was at the time.... As a candidate he was constantly praising Putin and demeaning AMERICA, and he had his ties to his best friend forever Putin with business in Moscow, and he asked the Russians to steal more emails, and then within 24hours the Russian operatives tried again.....

I was sitting in my living room watching Trump spout his Russian loving nonsense and said to myself, I sure hope the FBI or CIA is investigating this guy for traitorous actions connecting him to theft and our foreign adversaries....!!!
There is more evidence that Joe Biden is guilty of selling out to China than Trump sold out to Russia. However, I will bet you will say Joe Biden is as honest as George Washington.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least that you still feel Trump colluded with Putin.

My “read” is that the IRS knows the full depth and scope of the Biden crime family and will make every effort to bury it. Biden gave the IRS $billions in new funding along with 87,000 new agents. The IRS is beholden to their gift-giver.

That sounds right. The IRS knows how corrupt the Biden family is, but they don't want the rest of the country to know.
Of course the filthy ass Potatohead administration will deny justice to the American people to protect the Biden Crime Syndicate. Just like the damn Worthless Negro Administration protected the crimes of Crooked Hillary because she was the Democrat Presidential Nominee.

The US is a Banana Republic pretending to be a Constitutional Republic.
As they should have.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and tax forms should be confidential.

The fact that this "whistleblower" was upset the IRS was willing to settle with Hunter and threatened to leak confidential information, is a good reason to remove this team.
Oh, but Trump’s tax records were fair game.Another example of the weaponization of a federal agency.
really, I don't recall putin invading ukraine during trump
He didn't have to. Trump was letting him keep the Donbass and Crimea, frustrating efforts by the Ukraine to defend itself, and giving Putin a free hand in Syria and other places.

Not checking the right box on the BATF form is worth 10 years in prison, alone. Should he not be held accountable because he's the president's son?

Except that is almost never checked or prosecuted. He should probably be held as responsible as anyone else is.... not at all.
He can make a good argument that he wasn't taking drugs at the time he filled out the form.

That’s actually pretty funny that a doper such as Hunter Biden has multi million dollar businesses. What exactly are those businesses?

Let’s remember that Hunter Biden never paid any back taxes. Those were paid by attorney Kevin Morris. I can be honest (leftists won’t), and understand that without influence peddling, $2,000,000 in unpaid taxes is not hand-waved off by the IRS unless there’s conniving taking place.

Actually, the amount he owed was $112K, not 2 million. That's according to the IRS.


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