IRS shuts down the Hunter investigation.

Cool story, bro.
Is the IRS obligated to audit the president? Agency procedures say yes, and both former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden say the department audited their tax returns regularly. Not so for former President Donald Trump. During his first two years in office, the IRS failed to audit him.

A congressional panel says the IRS failed to pursue mandatory audits of Donald Trump on a timely basis during his presidency.

But the revelation about the IRS's failure to perform the required audit of Trump's taxes—
Is the IRS obligated to audit the president? Agency procedures say yes, and both former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden say the department audited their tax returns regularly. Not so for former President Donald Trump. During his first two years in office, the IRS failed to audit him.

A congressional panel says the IRS failed to pursue mandatory audits of Donald Trump on a timely basis during his presidency.

But the revelation about the IRS's failure to perform the required audit of Trump's taxes—
With the way the government has been up Trump's ass for the last SEVEN FUCKING YEARS, you're here claiming the IRS has YET to look into his taxes???????

With the way the government has been up Trump's ass for the last SEVEN FUCKING YEARS, you're here claiming the IRS has YET to look into his taxes???????
Now you know why Trump fought so long and hard to keep his taxes secret.

Meanwhile every other president and VP has released years of tax returns.
That’s actually pretty funny that a doper such as Hunter Biden has multi million dollar businesses. What exactly are those businesses?

Let’s remember that Hunter Biden never paid any back taxes. Those were paid by attorney Kevin Morris. I can be honest (leftists won’t), and understand that without influence peddling, $2,000,000 in unpaid taxes is not hand-waved off by the IRS unless there’s conniving taking place.

Because he’s the president’s son and being protected by the left is why he is not in jail.
Exactly. Who does Hunter think he is? Trump?

Only der Fuhrer is allowed to skimp on paying his taxes.
Exactly. Who does Hunter think he is? Trump?

Only der Fuhrer is allowed to skimp on paying his taxes.
The “what about Trump” screeching is a failed argument. Firstly, it was the Trump organization that was fined, not Trump. Secondly, Hunter Biden is under no leftist Jihad as Trump is. It was the left that lied and cheated throughout their years long Russia Collusion Jihad and even now the Biden Stasi consisting of the DOJ, FBI, MSM and leftist politicians are not yet held accountable for their lies, election interference and illegalities.
The “what about Trump” screeching is a failed argument. Firstly, it was the Trump organization that was fined, not Trump. Secondly, Hunter Biden is under no leftist Jihad as Trump is. It was the left that lied and cheated throughout their years long Russia Collusion Jihad and even now the Biden Stasi consisting of the DOJ, FBI, MSM and leftist politicians are not yet held accountable for their lies, election interference and illegalities.
LOL All that gibberish talking points and yet you deliberately chose to ignore the main point I made.

You accuse Hunter of not paying his taxes and yet... your orange fuhrer not only never paid his taxes but is on record of bragging about it.

So, are you also condemning your orange fuhrer for not paying his taxes? Yes or No?

I don't think you will address this question because you are a trumptard but hey, surprise me. Go.
LOL All that gibberish talking points and yet you deliberately chose to ignore the main point I made.

You accuse Hunter of not paying his taxes and yet... your orange fuhrer not only never paid his taxes but is on record of bragging about it.

So, are you also condemning your orange fuhrer for not paying his taxes? Yes or No?

I don't think you will address this question because you are a trumptard but hey, surprise me. Go.
Do you understand the facts, yes or no? The Trump organization was found guilty. That’s the fact.

Try to understand the facts. It was the IRS that found Hunter Biden negligent in tax payments.

Can you read? Yes or no?
Of course the filthy ass Potatohead administration will deny justice to the American people to protect the Biden Crime Syndicate. Just like the damn Worthless Negro Administration protected the crimes of Crooked Hillary because she was the Democrat Presidential Nominee.

The US is a Banana Republic pretending to be a Constitutional Republic.

Probably just a coincidence.....
surely this administration would never be involved in obstruction of justice.

If true, my best guess based on 30 years of listening to conservatives' stories, is that this was the latest (but certainly not the last) conservative nothingburger as the so-called FBI whistleblower "scandal" shows. Yeah, we are now living in a world of conservative bumper pool scandals. It's nothing but a string of conspiracy theories, one after another.
The “what about Trump” screeching is a failed argument. Firstly, it was the Trump organization that was fined, not Trump. Secondly, Hunter Biden is under no leftist Jihad as Trump is. It was the left that lied and cheated throughout their years long Russia Collusion Jihad and even now the Biden Stasi consisting of the DOJ, FBI, MSM and leftist politicians are not yet held accountable for their lies, election interference and illegalities.

Democrats are never held accountable.
If true, my best guess based on 30 years of listening to conservatives' stories, is that this was the latest (but certainly not the last) conservative nothingburger as the so-called FBI whistleblower "scandal" shows. Yeah, we are now living in a world of conservative bumper pool scandals. It's nothing but a string of conspiracy theories, one after another.

Which all are later proven to be true.
,, and we're in this war for what reason?

This below sums it up and saves me from typing it all! :)

1. Ukraine keeps the war from spreading​

World wars start in Europe and the Russian Army rolling westward is a clear and present danger to the U.S. and its NATO allies. The restoration of peace depends on Ukraine pushing the Russians back into their territory. Because our support would allow Ukraine to finish the job, we would prevent a larger European conflict that would drag the U.S. into a world war.

2. Ukraine is degrading a hostile Russia​

The Ukrainians are bleeding Russia of manpower and materiel. Take some rough math. In FY22, $730 billion was appropriated for Defense. The U.S. has spent $19.3 billion since the invasion on weapons for the Ukrainians. That is the equivalent to approximately 2.6% of what we are spending annually on defense. 2.6% is a reasonable investment considering that the Ukrainians are significantly degrading the capability of what the U.S. National Defense Strategy calls an "acute" threat. A Russia with diminished war-making capability gives our European allies time to build their forces to meet their NATO obligations, a longstanding U.S. goal. It also allows the US to shift its resources to the Pacific to protect our economic interests and to deter China from invading Taiwan.

3. Ukrainian success helps restore economic vitality​

The Russian-Ukrainian War has hurt the European and U.S. economies. It has caused spikes in oil prices. By withholding natural gas transfers to Europe, Putin has weaponized energy to pressure Europe to push Ukraine into early peace talks. Europe is a large economic power; the deeper the European economy goes into recession, the more negatively it will affect the U.S. economy. A Russian win could mean higher energy and food prices for Europe and the U.S. The best way to strengthen the global economy would be to hasten a Ukrainian victory.

4. A victorious Ukraine helps the U.S. competition with China

A Chinese takeover of Taiwan would be an economic calamity for the U.S. and an unrecoverable blow to U.S. power and influence. Taiwan would give China greater market power and proximity to the sea’s busiest lanes of international commerce, enhanced clout to dominate Asia. But China is watching everything that happens in Ukraine.

If Ukraine stalls for lack of military assistance and is forced into early negotiations, China may conclude the west did not have the stomach to hang in long enough for Ukraine to defeat Russia. However, if the U.S. and its allies show resolve and Ukraine is successful in pushing back the Russians, China will think twice before invading Taiwan.

Transferring weapons to the Ukrainians need not be at the expense of building up U.S. forces in Asia to deter China. First, Congress should fund the Pacific Deterrence Initiative and other budget requests for the Asian theater. Second, Congress should force the Pentagon to be very clear about tradeoffs between Europe and Asia. This would enable the Congress to better allocate funding for scare weapons systems and munitions. Congress should also undertake urgent measures to grow an enhanced industrial base that can contend with a dangerous Russia and a growing China. Also, Congress should consider that Ukrainian success would deal a defeat to China.

According to the U.S. intelligence community, China and Russia are "more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s." A loss for Russia is a loss for China. We need allies in Asia to stand with us against China. If we abandon Ukraine, our would-be Asian allies will conclude we cannot be trusted.

5. A Ukrainian Victory Promotes American Values​

Russia’s predatory behavior is a threat to the U.S. because Russia seeks, with its ally China, to destroy the U.S.-led post World War II international system built on freedom, economic openness, and democracy.

A successful Ukrainian campaign would be a triumph of our values over those of countries that brutalize their populations, repress human rights, and threaten peace and security by fantasizing about lost glory. A Ukrainian victory promotes western values of freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity and international recognized borders, the fundamentals of peace and security.

Ukrainian battlefield success has advanced U.S. vital interests. The Ukrainians have the Russians on the run and need more time and arms to finish the job. Congress should stand firm against Putin by approving additional military aid.
This below sums it up and saves me from typing it all! :)

1. Ukraine keeps the war from spreading​

World wars start in Europe and the Russian Army rolling westward is a clear and present danger to the U.S. and its NATO allies. The restoration of peace depends on Ukraine pushing the Russians back into their territory. Because our support would allow Ukraine to finish the job, we would prevent a larger European conflict that would drag the U.S. into a world war.

2. Ukraine is degrading a hostile Russia​

The Ukrainians are bleeding Russia of manpower and materiel. Take some rough math. In FY22, $730 billion was appropriated for Defense. The U.S. has spent $19.3 billion since the invasion on weapons for the Ukrainians. That is the equivalent to approximately 2.6% of what we are spending annually on defense. 2.6% is a reasonable investment considering that the Ukrainians are significantly degrading the capability of what the U.S. National Defense Strategy calls an "acute" threat. A Russia with diminished war-making capability gives our European allies time to build their forces to meet their NATO obligations, a longstanding U.S. goal. It also allows the US to shift its resources to the Pacific to protect our economic interests and to deter China from invading Taiwan.

3. Ukrainian success helps restore economic vitality​

The Russian-Ukrainian War has hurt the European and U.S. economies. It has caused spikes in oil prices. By withholding natural gas transfers to Europe, Putin has weaponized energy to pressure Europe to push Ukraine into early peace talks. Europe is a large economic power; the deeper the European economy goes into recession, the more negatively it will affect the U.S. economy. A Russian win could mean higher energy and food prices for Europe and the U.S. The best way to strengthen the global economy would be to hasten a Ukrainian victory.

4. A victorious Ukraine helps the U.S. competition with China

A Chinese takeover of Taiwan would be an economic calamity for the U.S. and an unrecoverable blow to U.S. power and influence. Taiwan would give China greater market power and proximity to the sea’s busiest lanes of international commerce, enhanced clout to dominate Asia. But China is watching everything that happens in Ukraine.

If Ukraine stalls for lack of military assistance and is forced into early negotiations, China may conclude the west did not have the stomach to hang in long enough for Ukraine to defeat Russia. However, if the U.S. and its allies show resolve and Ukraine is successful in pushing back the Russians, China will think twice before invading Taiwan.

Transferring weapons to the Ukrainians need not be at the expense of building up U.S. forces in Asia to deter China. First, Congress should fund the Pacific Deterrence Initiative and other budget requests for the Asian theater. Second, Congress should force the Pentagon to be very clear about tradeoffs between Europe and Asia. This would enable the Congress to better allocate funding for scare weapons systems and munitions. Congress should also undertake urgent measures to grow an enhanced industrial base that can contend with a dangerous Russia and a growing China. Also, Congress should consider that Ukrainian success would deal a defeat to China.

According to the U.S. intelligence community, China and Russia are "more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s." A loss for Russia is a loss for China. We need allies in Asia to stand with us against China. If we abandon Ukraine, our would-be Asian allies will conclude we cannot be trusted.

5. A Ukrainian Victory Promotes American Values​

Russia’s predatory behavior is a threat to the U.S. because Russia seeks, with its ally China, to destroy the U.S.-led post World War II international system built on freedom, economic openness, and democracy.

A successful Ukrainian campaign would be a triumph of our values over those of countries that brutalize their populations, repress human rights, and threaten peace and security by fantasizing about lost glory. A Ukrainian victory promotes western values of freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity and international recognized borders, the fundamentals of peace and security.

Ukrainian battlefield success has advanced U.S. vital interests. The Ukrainians have the Russians on the run and need more time and arms to finish the job. Congress should stand firm against Putin by approving additional military aid.

5. A Ukrainian Victory Promotes American Values LOL​

And now we're trying to push sexual ideology on all our allies.

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