IRS shuts down the Hunter investigation.

He didn't have to. Trump was letting him keep the Donbass and Crimea, frustrating efforts by the Ukraine to defend itself, and giving Putin a free hand in Syria and other places.

Except that is almost never checked or prosecuted. He should probably be held as responsible as anyone else is.... not at all.
He can make a good argument that he wasn't taking drugs at the time he filled out the form.

Actually, the amount he owed was $112K, not 2 million. That's according to the IRS.

Actually, Biden’s rep says otherwise.

Who's the right ?
At least they're not hypocrites.

If this was about Donald Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden you know how different the story would be .

I’m wondering how much the full court press against Hunter Biden has been retaliation and deflection because the Senate is investigating Mick Mulvaney and Jared Kushner and all the money they received from the Saudi’s.

There’s virtually nothing about that investigation anywhere in the media.
The Right is so frigging stupid. No American politician has to do these shaddy underhanded deals. Trump only did them because he's also stupid. The Supreme Court legalized bribery in this county already and lobbyists and corporations do it right out in the open. You MAGATs are so balls deep in conspiracy that you miss the forest for the trees. Joe Biden is absolutely corrupt as are most politicians but they are corrupt in a perfectly legal way by allowing themselves to be bought and paid for by corporations. At the very least we should make them wear patches like Nascar drivers from all the businesses who donated to them since Republicans don't seem at all interested in ever checking corporate power unless it releases a woke Ad.
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Actually, Biden’s rep says otherwise.

The Yahoo pieces over a year old, so I think we can safely assume that since they didn’t charge him for over a year, somebody made a decision not to file charges.

Wrapping up, the investigation, would seem the logical thing to do at this point.
The Right is so frigging stupid. No American politician has to do these shaddy underhanded deals. Trump only did them because he's also stupid. The Supreme Court legalized bribery in this county already and lobbyists and corporations do it right out in the open. You MAGATs are so balls deep in conspiracy that you miss the forest for the trees. Joe Biden is absolutely corrupt as are most politicians but they are corrupt in a perfectly legal way by allowing themselves to be bought and paid for by corporations. At the very least we should make them where patches like Nascar drivers from all the businesses who donated to them since Republicans don't seem at all interested in ever checking corporate power unless it releases a woke Ad.

Ever since Citizens United v FEC, corporations could donate unlimited amounts toward political campaigns.

It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010. The court held 5–4 that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.
The Yahoo pieces over a year old, so I think we can safely assume that since they didn’t charge him for over a year, somebody made a decision not to file charges.

Wrapping up, the investigation, would seem the logical thing to do at this point.

I heard this as an explaination.

The IRS supervisor and team leaked Hunter's private information.

That is against all IRS PROTOCOL, illegal. Now that means the DOJ can not prosecute the case. Any defense lawyer would chew the IRS up and spit them out for this illegal action based on bias....and illegal actions by the IRS.

This is why they were removed from the case. And why Hunter will likely not be charged in a court of law, due to their actiins, aswell.
No, it just says he paid 2 million in taxes, not that this was ever at dispute, Chatbot.

The IRS said the only thing at issue is $112K from 2015 he and his ex-wife owe.

The kind of thing the IRS normally just levies a fine for.
Yes, the representative said, “…that his tax bill, totaling about $2 million, has been paid off”.

Pay attention, Woke-Bot.
Criminal Penalties:

§7213 specifies that willful unauthorized disclosure of returns or return information by an employee or former employee is a felony. The penalty can be a fine of up to $5,000 or up to five (5) years in jail, or both, plus costs of prosecution.
We know the 87,000 new IRS agents Potatohead wants to hire won't be looking into any Biden family tax evasion, don't we?
We know the 87,000 new IRS agents Potatohead wants to hire won't be looking into any Biden family tax evasion, don't we?
Maybe now they'll have enough IRS agents to audit Trumps taxes like they were required to do by law and didn't while Trump was president.
Except he never disputed that he owed 2 million dollars...
Except he owed $2 million in back taxes he never paid. The taxes were paid by someone else because he’s a loser and a layabout.
Maybe now they'll have enough IRS agents to audit Trumps taxes like they were required to do by law and didn't while Trump was president.
Except he never disputed that he owed 2 million dollars...
I wouldn't say "never disputed". I'm sure after getting an IRS letter, which just says you owe this much.


Hunter had his lawyer/accountant ask for a transcript explaining how they came up with the $2 million figure.
This is the big fallacy about taxes. When it comes to valuing various deductions and expenses, the IRS goes by what others valued similar items, to determine if a persons valuations are disputable. But when it comes to big ticket items, the IRS has no comparative basis to dispute the figures given, and thus accepts them, even if they are wildly exagerated.

The IRS doesn't subpoena someone's mortgage or loan applications from banks, to check the valuation of property.

It wasn't until investigators got their hands on both Trumps taxes, and loan applications, and put them side by side, that the tax fraud / bank fraud, scheme was revealed.

The IRS would have never caught it.
This is the big fallacy about taxes. When it comes to valuing various deductions and expenses, the IRS goes by what others valued similar items, to determine if a persons valuations are disputable. But when it comes to big ticket items, the IRS has no comparative basis to dispute the figures given, and thus accepts them, even if they are wildly exagerated.

The IRS doesn't subpoena someone's mortgage or loan applications from banks, to check the valuation of property.

It wasn't until investigators got their hands on both Trumps taxes, and loan applications, and put them side by side, that the tax fraud / bank fraud, scheme was revealed.

The IRS would have never caught it.
Trump is audited every freaking year forever!!!


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