Is a Constitutional Crisis looming? (Poll)

Does the USSC need to step up and review the 34 felony counts before the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 56.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 43.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.
One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.

I think the trial on if Trump sold top secrets to our enemies should happen before the election.

One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.

On what specific grounds would you expect it to be overturned?
I think the trial on if Trump sold top secrets to our enemies should happen before the election.
That is probably the most serious case against Trump. Then again, the Bragg charges were considered very weak, but ended up in a 34 count conviction.

So why did the democrats wait so long to push the charges? Election interference?

Serves them right if the trials get delayed past November.
On what specific grounds would you expect it to be overturned?
States can't prosecute Federal Laws.
Illegitimate jury instructions. Violates the 6th Amendment on due process. The "covered up crimes" were never adjudicated in court.
Conflicted judge.
No change of venue.
Judge denied witness testimony, Costello, Schiller, Smith the Fed Election Law expert

There are many more
This is why MAGA is always so stunned. Their media isn't telling them the truth.

In the 2020 election, 95% of Republicans thought Trump would win, 70% in a landslide, even though Biden was leading by 6-7 points.

Biden won by 4%, and the margins in the swing states were narrower. But 95%, 70% in a landslide? Complete delusion.

One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.
I think there is coming Constitutional crisis but this is it. It will come because the electoral college skews the national vote and the SCOTUS has become unrepresentative of the people.
One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.
they had best get to reviewing the immunity claim. if trump is immune, shouldn't we know that before the election?
One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.
Trump defects to Moscow. Puts his name on Vodka, Hotels, streets, Steaks...renames Truth - PRAVDA
I don't understand the 'constitutional crisis' part, if the voters elect Biden knowing what they will already know in November then so be it. A presidential candidate should not be above the law, however dishonestly it is applied. Even if an ex-president candidate is the Accused. If there is a miscarriage of justice and the voters allow it to influence their vote, then that is the way it goes. IOW, you get the gov't you deserve. I don't see how the Constitution or any law can address the misuse of our justice system.
One lady on with George Stephanopolous this morning had a very concerning scenario.

Say that Biden wins a very close election in November.

Then say that Trump's 34 count conviction gets overturned soon after. That makes Biden's win illegitimate due to obvious election interference.

So what happens? Or, what should happen?

I think that the USSC needs to step in and review the 34 felony counts and either confirm, or overturn them before the election. As one GOP lawyer said, the 34 counts could be affected by the presidential immunity decision.
Trump predicted one, but...

What if you People-of-the-Cult took Trump at his own words?

Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis

“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said during a November 5, 2016, campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, reviewed by CNN’s KFile. “It would grind government to a halt.”

“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.”

“She has no right to be running, you know that,” Trump said. “No right.”

Trump added at a November 5, 2016, rally in Denver that as “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation,” Clinton’s controversies would make it “virtually impossible for her to govern.”
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States can't prosecute Federal Laws.
Illegitimate jury instructions. Violates the 6th Amendment on due process. The "covered up crimes" were never adjudicated in court.
Conflicted judge.
No change of venue.
Judge denied witness testimony, Costello, Schiller, Smith the Fed Election Law expert

There are many more

One hopes that ridiculous trial and verdict will be overturned before the election. But I'm not sure that will happen in the state of New York by a state Court of Appeals. Anybody heard or read anything about that?
States can't prosecute Federal Laws.

They didn't.

Illegitimate jury instructions. Violates the 6th Amendment on due process.

What was illegitimate?

The "covered up crimes" were never adjudicated in court.

They don't have to be.

Conflicted judge.

You have proof he was conflicted?

No change of venue.

The crimes was committed in New York.

Judge denied witness testimony, Costello, Schiller, Smith the Fed Election Law expert

Judges allow witnesses and testimony pertinent to the case. This is normal.

There are many more
Sure their are.
I think there is coming Constitutional crisis but this is it. It will come because the electoral college skews the national vote and the SCOTUS has become unrepresentative of the people.
1. The EC is in the US Constitution. Whining about it is childish. There will NEVER be an Amendment changing it.

2. SCOTUS is what it is. Whine all you want.
States can prosecute state Laws.
Legitimate jury instructions uphold the 6th Amendment on due process. There were no cover up crimes.
Absolutely fair judge.
No change of venue is immaterial
Judge allowed witness testimony, including Costello, etc.
SCOTUS will not hear the appeal.
One hopes that ridiculous trial and verdict will be overturned before the election. But I'm not sure that will happen in the state of New York by a state Court of Appeals. Anybody heard or read anything about that?
1. Any NY State appeal needs to happen after sentencing. So there is one wasted month. The state appeals will not happen before the election.

2. Appealing directly to the USSC needs 4 justices to vote yes to take it. Worth a shot.

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