Is a Jericho scenario possible for the USA in the future???


I am STILL waiting for someone to point out what rights we lost. How the Constitution was "pissed" on. You worry about YOUR Country and we will worry about ours. Or shall we all start pointing out the crap YOUR Country does in its politics?

Rock - get stuffed.

If anyone is going to deport me from this board then it will be an admin or the owner, not you or any other poster.

As for the crap in my country - go your hardest, I'm quite happy to accept its faults, I don't run and hide behind a flag or stupid nationalistic statements. In fact I'd be delighted - if anyone could be bothered - to discuss the many faults of my country. We can't improve unless we admit faults.

You are obsessed with Bush, you can see no wrong in what he or Cheney have done not just to your country but to others.

As for butting out - the day the US stops interfering where it wishes is the day I'll not provide an opinion about the US. Until then suck it up because there's a lot more coming old chum.
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If im not mistaken in the movie a pulse burst was fired directly overhead and knocked out a lot of comms and grids...
In the article below talks about US Lawmakers trying to deal with a possible scenario that what if Iran loaded a nuke on a ship sailed it out to the mid atlantic and fired it to apogee over the USA frying our entire grid and knocking us back to the 18th century...
Iran military journal eyes<br>nuclear EMP attack on U.S.

Sorry peeps but some comments on this post will be oddly out of charactor because they are not born in the USA and are not familiar with our mindset or traditions so ignore them as they are here just to agitate...and if they are from here shame on their sorry parasitic asses....

I've met many, many Americans and they seem like pretty rational people. So it must be a core of nutters that think like this. That seem to actually want a nuclear attack by their own government so that they can live the fantasy. You're right, I don't understand it. I don't want to understand it either.
That's pretty much how it looks to me too. BushCheney pissed over your Constitution and not a peep from the right, not a damn peep. Now Obama has been elected - elected, not selected, not appointed, elected - and it's time to stock up on canned food? There must be a leak from Freeperville.

no.. there was a huge out cry from many excerpt from those with a blind loyalty to Bush and the party..and Obama was selected by the CFR long before he was elected..and I would recommend dehydrated food as opposed to canned...the CFR agenda is moving full speed ahead now the religious gun clutchers are out
I've met many, many Americans and they seem like pretty rational people. So it must be a core of nutters that think like this. That seem to actually want a nuclear attack by their own government so that they can live the fantasy. You're right, I don't understand it. I don't want to understand it either.

I think there are certain elements in America that flirt with disaster scenarios as a method to change. Our politicians are looking more and more the same and the results are depressing. Chaos maybe the only thing they can actually envision as a realistic means to change.
I've met many, many Americans and they seem like pretty rational people. So it must be a core of nutters that think like this. That seem to actually want a nuclear attack by their own government so that they can live the fantasy. You're right, I don't understand it. I don't want to understand it either.

they cling to their demigods....everyone does.

what is wrong with oz? hmmm yall got a wicked welfare system...i know a tranny mistress who lives in sydney i think....them people are crazy.
and mean....i can take crazy or mean but the combo is tough
I've met many, many Americans and they seem like pretty rational people. So it must be a core of nutters that think like this. That seem to actually want a nuclear attack by their own government so that they can live the fantasy. You're right, I don't understand it. I don't want to understand it either.

that's ok don't need to understand..just go sing god save the queen or waltzing militia.. and leave the revolution to the men folk...
no.. there was a huge out cry from many excerpt from those with a blind loyalty to Bush and the party..and Obama was selected by the CFR long before he was elected..and I would recommend dehydrated food as opposed to canned...the CFR agenda is moving full speed ahead now the religious gun clutchers are out

Actually that's a very good point. Dehydrated food is lighter. But what about water? Do you need to have a good supply all the time or can you get by with just a few canteens as you're on the move cross-country?
I think there are certain elements in America that flirt with disaster scenarios as a method to change. Our politicians are looking more and more the same and the results are depressing. Chaos maybe the only thing they can actually envision as a realistic means to change.

What I sense - from afar of course which may be adantageous or not - is that this is a reaction to the election of Obama and the Congress being in the hands of the Democrats. In the wake of the first election that put Bush in power I remember stumbling across Democratic Underground and it had about it the feel of a hospital ward full of victims suffering from PTSD - I'm not trying to be funny here, it's a serious statement. There was outright anger in the forums as well but for the most part there was fear. I thought it quite strange that people would be frightened of their own elected government but there it was.

I haven't visited FreeRepublic but I have read on AlterNet about some of the comments there and they seem to be a bit like the ones on DU after Bush's first election, same sort of reaction.

In a sense, thinking about it, I can understand how people think like that. And it could be a sampling issue as well, these are - on all sides - people who are highly partisan (I know I am, I'm totally bloody unreasonable sometimes about politics) and their reactions are going to be very strong either way.

And I can see your point about chaos. However I don't think it's anywhere near that for the US. Now, I know this is a parisan comment, but the BushCheney administration has driven the US into the blind alley you feel you are in. There's no need for a complete format yet, just let the Obama reboot kick in and see how it goes. If that fails then everyone can get really worried.
they cling to their demigods....everyone does.

what is wrong with oz? hmmm yall got a wicked welfare system...i know a tranny mistress who lives in sydney i think....them people are crazy.
and mean....i can take crazy or mean but the combo is tough

What's wrong with Oz? Depends on where you are but in New South Wales (the state that Sydney is in) the government is corrupt and rotten and the state is just about broke and nothing is working. Where I am we have a government with a treasurer that is openly panicking about the global financial crisis and its effect on us. I mean, way to give confidence to the masses eh? Yes, there's plenty wrong with the country but even an idiot couldn't completely stuff it up because it's very hard to break. Anyway I could start a thread about it I suppose. Might do that but will have a think about it.

Sydney is full of people like the tranny mistress, but then 4 million or so in a one place are going to chuck up a few weirdos, but that's fine, bit of variety is good for a society.

I'm with you on crazy and mean. Bad combo indeed.
That's pretty much how it looks to me too. BushCheney pissed over your Constitution and not a peep from the right, not a damn peep. Now Obama has been elected - elected, not selected, not appointed, elected - and it's time to stock up on canned food? There must be a leak from Freeperville.

I got news for you, I started stocking up long before Bush. Actually it was when Clinton got elected and immediately became bush. After campagining against NAFTA, he signed it. After claiming Bush Sr was wrong from giving China Most Favored Nation status after teh Tienemen square massecur, Clinton made China's trade status with us PERMANENT.

I never understood why the republicans hated Clinton so much, he WAS Bush. I'm interested to see how quickly Obama becomes Bush. Truthfully, I think there is someone else behind the scenes that is pulling the strings.
What I sense - from afar of course which may be adantageous or not - is that this is a reaction to the election of Obama and the Congress being in the hands of the Democrats. In the wake of the first election that put Bush in power I remember stumbling across Democratic Underground and it had about it the feel of a hospital ward full of victims suffering from PTSD - I'm not trying to be funny here, it's a serious statement. There was outright anger in the forums as well but for the most part there was fear. I thought it quite strange that people would be frightened of their own elected government but there it was.

I haven't visited FreeRepublic but I have read on AlterNet about some of the comments there and they seem to be a bit like the ones on DU after Bush's first election, same sort of reaction.

In a sense, thinking about it, I can understand how people think like that. And it could be a sampling issue as well, these are - on all sides - people who are highly partisan (I know I am, I'm totally bloody unreasonable sometimes about politics) and their reactions are going to be very strong either way.

And I can see your point about chaos. However I don't think it's anywhere near that for the US. Now, I know this is a partisan comment, but the BushCheney administration has driven the US into the blind alley you feel you are in. There's no need for a complete format yet, just let the Obama reboot kick in and see how it goes. If that fails then everyone can get really worried.

Half the partisans have been thru the Clinton-Bush reboot already and were throughly bummed. I don't think we are talking about suicidal --just fantasizing about another way out. Obama will get a fair shot but I'd say the pressure is on for him to perform a miracle or else.
that's ok don't need to understand..just go sing god save the queen or waltzing militia.. and leave the revolution to the men folk...

Take the piss at your peril. You want some cutting sarcasm? I can do it like a cuthroat razor on your face. I prefer not to do so though becaue it can really fuck up a forum.

Now, do we play nicely or do we start on each other until the mods drag us apart?
If im not mistaken in the movie a pulse burst was fired directly overhead and knocked out a lot of comms and grids...
In the article below talks about US Lawmakers trying to deal with a possible scenario that what if Iran loaded a nuke on a ship sailed it out to the mid atlantic and fired it to apogee over the USA frying our entire grid and knocking us back to the 18th century...
Iran military journal eyes<br>nuclear EMP attack on U.S.

Sorry peeps but some comments on this post will be oddly out of charactor because they are not born in the USA and are not familiar with our mindset or traditions so ignore them as they are here just to agitate...and if they are from here shame on their sorry parasitic asses....

So is there a way to protect your electronics from an EMP?
I got news for you, I started stocking up long before Bush. Actually it was when Clinton got elected and immediately became bush. After campagining against NAFTA, he signed it. After claiming Bush Sr was wrong from giving China Most Favored Nation status after teh Tienemen square massecur, Clinton made China's trade status with us PERMANENT.

I never understood why the republicans hated Clinton so much, he WAS Bush. I'm interested to see how quickly Obama becomes Bush. Truthfully, I think there is someone else behind the scenes that is pulling the strings.


Obama’s Council On Foreign Relations Crew

Steve Watson
Friday, Nov 7, 2008

Meet some of president elect Obama’s leading foreign and domestic policy advisors and likely administration members, every one of them a prominent member of the Council On Foreign Relations.

Will these people bring about "change" or will they continue to hold up the same entrenched system forged by the corporate elite for decades?

Will these people bring about "change" or will they continue to hold up the same entrenched system forged by the corporate elite for decades?

Susan E. Rice - Council on Foreign Relations, The Brookings Institution - Served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under Clinton from 1997 to 2001. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright is a longtime mentor and family friend to Rice. Critics charge that she is is ill disposed towards Europe, has little understanding of the Middle East and would essentially follow the same policies of Condoleeza Rice if appointed the next Secretary of State or the National Security Adviser.

Anthony Lake - CFR, PNAC - Bill Clinton’s first national security adviser, who was criticized for the administration’s failure to confront the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and now acknowledges the inaction as a major mistake.

Zbigniew Brzezinski
- CFR, Trilateral Commission - Brzezinski is widely seen as the man who created Al Qaeda, and was involved in the Carter Administration plan to give arms, funding and training to the mujahideen in Afghanistan.

Richard Clarke - CFR - Former chief counter-terrorism adviser on the U.S. National Security Council under Bush. Notoriously turned against the Bush administration after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. Also advised Madeleine Albright during the Genocide in Rwanda.

Ivo Daalder - CFR, Brookings, PNAC - Co-authored a Washington Post op-ed with neocon Robert Kagan arguing that interventionism is a bipartisan affair that should be undertaken with the approval of our democratic allies.

Dennis Ross - CFR, Trilateral Commission, PNAC - Served as the director for policy planning in the State Department under President George H. W. Bush and special Middle East coordinator under President Bill Clinton. A noted supporter of the Iraq war, Ross is also a Foreign Affairs Analyst for the Fox News Channel.

Lawrence Korb
- CFR, Brookings - Director of National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Has criticized manor of the invasion of Iraq but has detailed plans to increase the manpower of the United States Army to fight the war on terror and to "spread liberal democratic values throughout the Middle East".

Bruce Reidel - CFR, Brookings - Former CIA analyst who wishes to expand the war on terror to fight Al Qaeda across the globe. Considered to be the reason behind Barack Obama’s Hawkish views on Pakistan and his Pro India leanings on Kashmir.

Stephen Flynn
- CFR - Has been attributed with the idea for Obama’s much vaunted "Civilian Security Force". Flynn has written: "The United States should roughly replicate the Federal Reserve model by creating a Federal Security Reserve System (FSRS) with a national board of governors, 10 regional Homeland Security Districts, and 92 local branches called Metropolitan Anti-Terrorism Committees. The objective of this system would be to develop self-funding mechanisms to more fully engage a broad cross-section of American society to protect the country’s critical foundations from the widespread disruption that would arise from a terrorist attack."

Madeline Albright - CFR, Brookings - Currently serves on the Council on Foreign Relations Board of directors. Secretary of State and US Ambassador to the United Nations under Clinton. Did not take action against the genocide in Rwanda. Defended the sanctions against Iraq under Saddam Hussein. When asked by CBS’s 60 Minutes about the effects of sanctions: "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Albright replied: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it."

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Take the piss at your peril. You want some cutting sarcasm? I can do it like a cuthroat razor on your face. I prefer not to do so though becaue it can really fuck up a forum.

Now, do we play nicely or do we start on each other until the mods drag us apart?

we don't use ..cut throat razors much ..because we have some freedom still
...we use guns.. greaaat big guns.....
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we don't use ..cut throat razors much ..because we have some freedom still
...we use guns.. greaaat big guns.....

Just remember, the barrel goes the other way from you. If you can remember that then you'll be fine. If you need any more help just ask.
Half the partisans have been thru the Clinton-Bush reboot already and were throughly bummed. I don't think we are talking about suicidal --just fantasizing about another way out. Obama will get a fair shot but I'd say the pressure is on for him to perform a miracle or else.

The pressure is definitely there, yes. He needs to surround himself with very, very good people who are there for their expertise in a cabinet position and not for political or partisan reasons. I have been reading about his chief of staff. Some say it's a political payoff, me, I think Obama's got himself a bloke with a bit of mongrel who will not only go for the throat when it's necessary but will tell it to the boss straight.

I think though that this current financial crisis isn't going to cut as deep as it might have done, I think it may even be tailing off but I'm not an economist or financier so what would I know. I'm bloody annoyed at some in our federal and state governments who are whining that the GFC is going to force them to cut programmes and spending. That's the worst bloody thing a government can do when an economy is shrinking, bloody idiots, we put them there to do a job and the moment it gets tough they start whining.
I got news for you, I started stocking up long before Bush. Actually it was when Clinton got elected and immediately became bush. After campagining against NAFTA, he signed it. After claiming Bush Sr was wrong from giving China Most Favored Nation status after teh Tienemen square massecur, Clinton made China's trade status with us PERMANENT.

I never understood why the republicans hated Clinton so much, he WAS Bush. I'm interested to see how quickly Obama becomes Bush. Truthfully, I think there is someone else behind the scenes that is pulling the strings.

As long as you accept that all politicians tell lies to get into office and then continue the practice the entire time they are in office then you will never be disappointed. You might be pleasantly surprised when one turns out to be pretty good but that's rare.
As long as you accept that all politicians tell lies to get into office and then continue the practice the entire time they are in office then you will never be disappointed. You might be pleasantly surprised when one turns out to be pretty good but that's rare.

I just think there ought to be a better way. I've been in favor of a draft. The names of all American citizens go into the draft at the age of 25. If their name is called, they have to take a test, when they pass, they have to go to Washington DC and do a job for 4 years. The job is also determined by lottery. They get paid really well, the first two years they learn from someone else that is doing the job, the last two year, they teach their replacement while doing the job. Then they go home and live by the laws they created. No special retirement, no lecture tours, they return to private life period. Any increase in wages goes to a vote before the people, no more of this voting THEMSELVES a pay raise, we can't do that, why should they?

Just an idea...
Just remember, the barrel goes the other way from you. If you can remember that then you'll be fine. If you need any more help just ask.

ok and you remember a razors is useless at 30 yards..but for my smith that's child's play...

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