Is America a GREAT nation?

Do you consider America a great nation?

  • Yes!

  • No!

  • I lack the courage to make my opinion public.

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
I consider it one of the greatest nations to ever exist if not the greatest.
Sure it has it's flaws and terrible blemishes but I defy ANY of you to point out any nation or human being who doesn't.

Hearing Trump recite bits of history last night renewed my faith in our great nation. Despite those men's flaws they rose above them to secure a better future for those that came after them. True America Patriots in every sense of the word.
America started as a nation afflicted with several massive contradictions, they had slavery, but one of the slave owners writes All men are created equal, and to dissolve slavery in the the draft of Declaration of Independence, but continues to own slaves to his last breath anyway.

It took the Nation about 88 years to finally eradicate slavery by constitutional law, but they regress to a lower level by racists who institute Segregation, that lasted 58 years, until that garbage decision of 1896 was overturned, yet still problems persist to 1965 when the last obstacles to freedom was finally removed.

Meanwhile in many other areas America as a nation was better than the world, as they lifted themselves and other nations with them, with wealth and property rights unseen in history of the world.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

I consider it one of the greatest nations to ever exist if not the greatest.
Sure it has it's flaws and terrible blemishes but I defy ANY of you to point out any nation or human being who doesn't.

Hearing Trump recite bits of history last night renewed my faith in our great nation. Despite those men's flaws they rose above them to secure a better future for those that came after them. True America Patriots in every sense of the word.
So, they are heroes because they started a war against our country that killed 750,000 people? Why not honor the Japaneese suicide bombers for their courage to kill at Pearl Harbor.

What would you think to visit Germany see statues of Hitler and his generals in the cities. Statues of the Native American leaders that raided & killed settlers?

Put these statues of Cionbfederaste traitoirs in the museam & histoical sites. Not in a position of glory.
I consider it one of the greatest nations to ever exist if not the greatest.
Sure it has it's flaws and terrible blemishes but I defy ANY of you to point out any nation or human being who doesn't.

Hearing Trump recite bits of history last night renewed my faith in our great nation. Despite those men's flaws they rose above them to secure a better future for those that came after them. True America Patriots in every sense of the word.
Is America greater than China or North Korea? And if so why does it allow communist inside the government of the USA.
I've done a lot of international traveling in my life, worked for several companies that were headquartered overseas, and met hundreds of educated, sophisticated "foreigners."

Every country generally seems to reflect the personality of its citizens (or is it vice versa?).

There are a lot of "great" countries, but every one of them has problems that are troubling. In Europe and Great Britain, the "elites" have taken over much of policy-making and are implementing changes that - it seems to me - most of the people oppose. They are giving up their cultural identity in order to worship at the feet of the "gods" of tolerance, inclusion, and non-judgmentalism. And of course, they are not reproducing fast enough, and are inviting people from shit-hole countries by the hundreds of thousands - people who reproduce like rabbits. Cultural suicide, if you ask me.

But for now, I could easily live in any of the countries of Northern Europe or Italy, and be perfectly comfortable. In many ways I like Germany and Austria better than the U.S.
NO. This is no longer a great nation. It was once the greatest nation in the history of the world but that America is little more than a footnote in history at this point in time. Nor do I see this country returning to that label of greatness any time soon.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.
NO. This is no longer a great nation. It was once the greatest nation in the history of the world but that America is little more than a footnote in history at this point in time. Nor do I see this country returning to that label of greatness any time soon.

Apparently a lot of foreigners disagree with you, they try hard to get here in various ways, risking their very lives to move here from their oppressive nations, Mexicans are a great example of a people who enter America legally or not, set up a lot of businesses and enjoy the better life America offers.

American citizens have been BELOW population replacement rate for years, but population grows significantly BECAUSE of immigration flow, that is how beloved America is in the eyes of many who come here.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.

Translation...…..'Trump is a dictator'???

Wrong...……..he may or not have it right but those Constitutional Rights that allow you to think so, complain about, and protest over represent a much larger platform than who's in office at the time.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.

and actually it is...…….called Freedom of Speech
I consider it one of the greatest nations to ever exist if not the greatest.
Sure it has it's flaws and terrible blemishes but I defy ANY of you to point out any nation or human being who doesn't.

Hearing Trump recite bits of history last night renewed my faith in our great nation. Despite those men's flaws they rose above them to secure a better future for those that came after them. True America Patriots in every sense of the word.
Is America a GREAT nation?
Right now....FUCK NO! We are on a path to total destruction.
This nation is a filthy, diverse, multicultural SHITHOLE...a place where Americans often feel like foreigners on their own soil...a place where most are too different to share common interests and be like likeminded....a place with a government that encourages wetbacks to invade and fuck over the citizenry...a place with a government that has chosen GDP and population over quality of life for the citizenry...a place where chicks with dicks are thought to be normal and faggots are glamorized...a place where our youth are raised by video games, MTV and the Kardashian whores.
I could go on and on....if we continue on this pathway, this trajectory we are FUCKED!
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.

Translation...…..'Trump is a dictator'???

Wrong...……..he may or not have it right but those Constitutional Rights that allow you to think so, complain about, and protest over represent a much larger platform than who's in office at the time.
Did I say anything about Trump? The only people who are complaining about not being able to say things anymore are propagandists and racists getting a gentle slap on the wrist by social media companies.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.

and actually it is...…….called Freedom of Speech
Everyone else has freedom of speech as well but you can't take the blow-back when you say ignorant shit.
Damn straight we are!

What many of the dimwits don't understand and want to demolish is that nowhere else in the world can you question or voice your disagreement with said government. A right to do so, protected by law.
The ability to say horrible racist shit and no one dare question you has never been a constitutional right.

Translation...…..'Trump is a dictator'???

Wrong...……..he may or not have it right but those Constitutional Rights that allow you to think so, complain about, and protest over represent a much larger platform than who's in office at the time.
Did I say anything about Trump? The only people who are complaining about not being able to say things anymore are propagandists and racists getting a gentle slap on the wrist by social media companies.

Strange...…..I had meant the right of you to voice your complaints with said government......and you've turned it around, trying to make it something it wasn't intended.

But hey...… still have that right. Go pick a fight with someone else.

It's time people start coming together on what we have in common, rather than continue fighting over differences. Step back, open your eyes to the bigger picture of what this country is really all about.

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