Is America

Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
One of the big problems with Democrats is that they believe their own lies and they are delusional
And the Republicans don't? What rock did you crawl out from under since the last 3-1/5 years went down (and I do mean down)?
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
yea biden will do that.....after 6 months he will be addressing only those who agree with different than all the rest....
Hope you are wrong. Cannot say for sure, but hope you are wrong.
he was with obama for 8 years and thats what he ended up doing....
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
yea biden will do that.....after 6 months he will be addressing only those who agree with different than all the rest....
Hope you are wrong. Cannot say for sure, but hope you are wrong.
he was with obama for 8 years and thats what he ended up doing....
Guess we'll see how he is in the big chair.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
yea biden will do that.....after 6 months he will be addressing only those who agree with different than all the rest....
Hope you are wrong. Cannot say for sure, but hope you are wrong.
he was with obama for 8 years and thats what he ended up doing....
Guess we'll see how he is in the big chair.
well for me he is going to have to show me more than just bad mouthing trump....what would he do about the problems we have right now...and a lot would ride on his VP pick....
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
And I'm trying to figure out how it happened.
We got too big for our britches, figured we were the hottest shit going and swaggered around doing whatever we felt like. Got real militaristic, spend over half our money on an army. Let capitalism have its way with us. Bankrupted the people trying to pay for healthcare; let communities die by allowing businesses to leave the country for cheaper labor and lower taxes. Everything, doc, boils down to money in the end.

While we do spend an enormous amount on the military, I believe it is nowhere near half. I think if you completely gutted the military it would not even counter our deficit spending, let alone pay for many new programs. It sounds nice to say cut the military to pay for everything, but I don't think the numbers are there.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
My only issue is that anyone who speaks out against BLM is labeled a “racist”. That’s not free speech that’s craziness.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
My only issue is that anyone who speaks out against BLM is labeled a “racist”. That’s not free speech that’s craziness.
Probably not a big issue unless you work for the government, or have a public position and your employer has an issue. Other than that. if you don't care what is said, it is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. When asked, I have said "I don't do causes", but haven't been asked in years.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
My only issue is that anyone who speaks out against BLM is labeled a “racist”. That’s not free speech that’s craziness.
Probably not a big issue unless you work for the government, or have a public position and your employer has an issue. Other than that. if you don't care what is said, it is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. When asked, I have said "I don't do causes", but haven't been asked in years.
It’s impossible to avoid it unless you bury your head in the sand. Statues are coming down? This is nuts.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
My only issue is that anyone who speaks out against BLM is labeled a “racist”. That’s not free speech that’s craziness.
Probably not a big issue unless you work for the government, or have a public position and your employer has an issue. Other than that. if you don't care what is said, it is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. When asked, I have said "I don't do causes", but haven't been asked in years.
It’s impossible to avoid it unless you bury your head in the sand. Statues are coming down? This is nuts.
Roger that. Ya'll try to keep the crazy ba$turds out of Boston Harbor, too. I still haven't gotten to see Old Ironsides.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Javelins were there before the who impeachment. I was being facetious. We are Jews. We are a minority too. You don't see us killing one another at record rates and marching when crazies shoot Jews in temples.
You are a credit to the chosen people, and a mensch. Feel free to correct me if I used that term incorrectly, as I am not schooled. You've never seemed to blanche on correcting me on anything else.
You said it correctly. I take a different perspective than the average white guy, which is how BLM paints me.
Is there much of the real BLM crap going on where you are. Don't know what city you reside in, assuming it is a city. We've talked and bitched back and fourth for months and even I cannot see your profile, if it is even on it.
Boston. It’s enough to be annoying
That make two reasonably normal people from Boston on here. And NO, I am not comparing you with Jit. I said reasonably normal.
Jits is a crazy man.
Hey, that is a very historic, culturally significant town you live in. You got and landmarks, and statues left? Hopefully most of our heritage is still intact. If so, don't start naming what's left, as I would not want to see them targeted. I am in Jackson. We got Casey Jones' engine and home, but that's pretty much it.
My only issue is that anyone who speaks out against BLM is labeled a “racist”. That’s not free speech that’s craziness.
Probably not a big issue unless you work for the government, or have a public position and your employer has an issue. Other than that. if you don't care what is said, it is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. When asked, I have said "I don't do causes", but haven't been asked in years.
It’s impossible to avoid it unless you bury your head in the sand. Statues are coming down? This is nuts.
Roger that. Ya'll try to keep the crazy ba$turds out of Boston Harbor, too. I still haven't gotten to see Old Ironsides.
Funny. Police are being asked to step aside. Not sure the woke Antifa assholes realize what they are in for. Come near my kids and see what happens.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.

You were in Iranian waters. You owed them an apology. ISIS came about because of Iraq and Afghanistan started by Baby Bush. China has been left unchecked since Bush 1. BLM is not a terrorist group. A lot are a bunch of idiots however. If corporations and banks can't regulate themselves I have no problem with gvot regulating them.

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