Is America

I believe that lobbyists wield a great deal of power on Capital Hill.
Find out when that started and you will find the beginnings of the erosion

I agree. Many politicians have run for office on the principle of getting money out of the campaign process as well as after taking office. They seem to become assimilated once they are sworn in. Their allegiance switches from the people they represent to the power and fortune they are receiving while in office.

What can we do about this?
The damage has been done by Pelosi, Harry Reid , Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Maxine Waters , Warren and AOC OWS, ANTifta , ..... BLM

No turning back now this is war

I see that you are part of the problem. Why do you hate your fellow countrymen for having different opinions than yours?

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." -- Lincoln
I believe that lobbyists wield a great deal of power on Capital Hill.
Find out when that started and you will find the beginnings of the erosion

I agree. Many politicians have run for office on the principle of getting money out of the campaign process as well as after taking office. They seem to become assimilated once they are sworn in. Their allegiance switches from the people they represent to the power and fortune they are receiving while in office.

What can we do about this?
Just change them out regularly, so they don't completely dismantle government, in their favor.
A failing state. Yes.

Just the opinion of another foreigner.

How many times do you have to be told that Americans don't really give a shit what people in other countries think about them?

We'll mow our own yard why don't you do the same?
Just change them out regularly, so they don't completely dismantle government, in their favor.

Term limits would be an excellent start. Do you have any suggestions on how to pressure those in power to make a change that will remove them from that power?

Thats the ten trillion dollar question. You'd have to get the people in power to limit their own power. I'm not sure what kind of pressure that would take.
We're divided because the American Taliban insist that THEY lead the nation. It ends in November.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.

Other than book royalties and speaker fees.

What did HIllary receive from Goldman Sachs? Was it $700,000 for 3 speeches?
Just change them out regularly, so they don't completely dismantle government, in their favor.

Term limits would be an excellent start. Do you have any suggestions on how to pressure those in power to make a change that will remove them from that power?
Not a clue. It is like immigration. Neither side wants to solve it in the country's favor, as the love to use it against the other side, generate campaign money without doing anything and it helps them feather their nest.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.

Other than book royalties and speaker fees.

What did HIllary receive from Goldman Sachs? Was it $700,000 for 3 speeches?
Nice work if you can get it. I wouldn't pay to listen to her. A fool born every minute, eh?
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.

The damage has been done by Pelosi, Harry Reid , Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Maxine Waters , Warren and AOC OWS, ANTifta , ..... BLM

No turning back now this is war
Good luck with that. Send me a picture and I'll avoid damaging you unless you assault the home place.

You seen it happen with gorsuch instead of garland, a war of words and votes
The damage has been done by Pelosi, Harry Reid , Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Maxine Waters , Warren and AOC OWS, ANTifta , ..... BLM

No turning back now this is war

I see that you are part of the problem. Why do you hate your fellow countrymen for having different opinions than yours?

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." -- Lincoln

I wold rather be a Russian then a Democrat.

The ultra left is the enemy with in and they don't bleed red white and blue, they don't stand for the flag like we do.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
Both parties are Corporate Whores... it's just that the GOP is more arrogantly brazen and open about it.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.
You are delusional.

‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re going to reward our friends’ … then I think it’s gonna be harder.”
If you think that is what Joe Biden is going to do, than you are the one that is delusional.
With Joe you also get the whole Prog Party. Behind the scenes in every nook and cranny destroying things. It will be like the original Planet of the Apes.......A country where lower IQ morons evolved from the smarter ones! And that is all groups. But Joe will give that somber look as he looks to each side. Talking all peaceful and nice. The Patriotism in our nation is not what it was. We are fragmented. And the cities can destroy themselves. They deserve it, Its just that you are dragging everybody else with you.
Time to found a North American Union?

It's been considered before, and, done well, would preserve the best of America and jettison the rest.

Then again, I have zero confidence that any of the a$$hole$ leading America (on either side) at-present have sufficient vision or competency to even contemplate it seriously

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