Is America

A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
I thought you said trump would make it great again. Did he fail at that, also. No matter. It was great before him and will rise above his 4 year failed administration.

Oh he is...but Democrats are putting up a hell of a fight and resisting greatness....a great America = no Democrat Party
A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
And as usual, BrokeLoser chimes in with "It's all the darkies' fault!!!"
There's a lot more important things at play here. And no, it isn't all Democrats doing it, either.
A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
I thought you said trump would make it great again. Did he fail at that, also. No matter. It was great before him and will rise above his 4 year failed administration.

Oh he is...but Democrats are putting up a hell of a fight and resisting greatness....a great America = no Democrat Party
Resisting greatness? Boy, you ain't drinking the Kool-Aide, you're sniffing the glue or maybe trumps butt.
A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
That's funny cause the place was a whole lot better 4 years ago. 4 years of Repubs controlling most of the government has been a disaster. That is a fact.
How so..?

Gorsuch and Kav became supreme court justices, LGBT became protected, the mandate is gone, so is Obama's job killing regulations
You live under a rock? The country has closed down because of his horrible response to the pandemic. We are doing far worse than almost every country. He has run up HUGE debt and makes Obama look fiscally responsible. Funny how the unemployment rate decreased during all those job killing regulations. Trump has delivered nothing but failure. His tax cuts neither payed for themselves or delivered the 4-6% gdp growth that was promised. His regulation cuts delivered nothing too. The tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Failure after failure....

So you saying more regulations equal job growth? What are you a complete moron and punt on first down too?

Unemployment went down despite Obama trying to fuck it up, thank God for red state govenors during the Obama era.

And what does the Yahoo virus have to do with Trump?
Is America a "failing state"? No, not yet. But the divisive problems need to be addressed sooner rather than later:
1. The class divide is widening not shrinking. The top tax rate needs to increase ASAP, populist policies of better jobs and bringing better jobs and better pay back to the US needs to keep happening.

2. Is the BLM movement justified? Probably, to get bad cops fired. Are riots justified? Hell no. Riots are just democrat vandals using Marxist/Socialist programming to destroy businesses that they could never build themselves. Class envy.

3. Is Trump the problem or the solution? Trump is the solution. Democrats who use government for political advantage are the problem. Lois Lerner's IRS hounding of conservatives, or Obama's misuse of the FBI/CIA to attack Trump and Flynn, as well as the democrat House's attempted impeachment are proof that democrats can't handle defeat gracefully.

4. Who will win in November? Probably Trump, especially after the voters see how old and confused Biden is during the debates.

5. What will happen to the US after Trump wins. Nothing major, we will keep moving onward. The cities can burn, riots can happen, and the result is that more people and businesses move away from the crumbling cities, the democrat's "urban plantations". Just like in the 1960s and 1970s. No biggie. City folk are slow learners, (especially math in Baltimore)
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A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
I thought you said trump would make it great again. Did he fail at that, also. No matter. It was great before him and will rise above his 4 year failed administration.

Oh he is...but Democrats are putting up a hell of a fight and resisting greatness....a great America = no Democrat Party
Resisting greatness? Boy, you ain't drinking the Kool-Aide, you're sniffing the glue or maybe trumps butt.

You don’t see Democrats pushing further and further away from all that made us all we are? Are you blind, deaf and stupid?
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
And I'm trying to figure out how it happened.
We got too big for our britches, figured we were the hottest shit going and swaggered around doing whatever we felt like. Got real militaristic, spend over half our money on an army. Let capitalism have its way with us. Bankrupted the people trying to pay for healthcare; let communities die by allowing businesses to leave the country for cheaper labor and lower taxes. Everything, doc, boils down to money in the end.
Wait you want freedom for yourself but no freedom for countries to leave if you tax them to do know that's pure extortion
A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
And as usual, BrokeLoser chimes in with "It's all the darkies' fault!!!"
There's a lot more important things at play here. And no, it isn't all Democrats doing it, either.
The American value system, patriotism and all things America have been eroded by wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance? Are you blind, deaf and stupid?
A failing state. Yes.

“Is America a failed state?”

Hell yes it is.
Wetbacks, multiculturalism, PC and tolerance have all but ruined our once great nation.
Within a short couple of decades, piece of shit leftist Democrats have all but destroyed centuries of greatness.
I thought you said trump would make it great again. Did he fail at that, also. No matter. It was great before him and will rise above his 4 year failed administration.

Oh he is...but Democrats are putting up a hell of a fight and resisting greatness....a great America = no Democrat Party
Resisting greatness? Boy, you ain't drinking the Kool-Aide, you're sniffing the glue or maybe trumps butt.

You don’t see Democrats pushing further and further away from all that made us all we are? Are you blind, deaf and stupid?
I see the far left Democrats and the far right Republicans, both pushing us further away from what makes us great. Both are aberrations and an assault on actual conservative, constructive thought and action. You should have seen the 60s. This isn't $hit.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.

I was a big Obama supporter. These are small matters but well within (as opposed to beyond) the pale of graft but here it goes:

Vacations in Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii. While it is true he is from Hawaii and 24/7/365 Secret Service security isn't cheap, visiting 8 times in 8 years when he hasn't lived there for most of his adult life is a bit of an eyebrow raiser. The trips to Martha's Vineyard...yikes. I have never been there but can you imagine how much it costs to put up 100 staffers at the local Hampton Inn. I'm certainly not one who thinks the President of the United States should never get a vacation but visit the Smoky Mountains or Yellowstone or the Badlands etc... To me this seemed excessive.

The second thing I was going to bring up was that supposedly, Obama's Mother In Law will get a pension of $160,000 per year. It turns out that was false.

Meister had made the point that they came into office and went out millionaires nefariously. Unlikely the first 4 years of Obama travel comes up to the first 4 years of trump and trump likes to go to trump properties, even planning state events at trump properties in this country and others. Certainly no bargain for the American people. Obama's travel certainly is not graft or attempted graft that put money in his pocket to make him a millionaire, and that is what I was responding to.

Damn you're such a liar. The Trump organization writes a check to the treasury for any profits made from foreign dignitaries. maobama paid his supporters to rent their homes and the money came right back to him.

Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
just like AOC will be a few years down the road......nothing like the DC taint....
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
yea biden will do that.....after 6 months he will be addressing only those who agree with different than all the rest....
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.

I was a big Obama supporter. These are small matters but well within (as opposed to beyond) the pale of graft but here it goes:

Vacations in Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii. While it is true he is from Hawaii and 24/7/365 Secret Service security isn't cheap, visiting 8 times in 8 years when he hasn't lived there for most of his adult life is a bit of an eyebrow raiser. The trips to Martha's Vineyard...yikes. I have never been there but can you imagine how much it costs to put up 100 staffers at the local Hampton Inn. I'm certainly not one who thinks the President of the United States should never get a vacation but visit the Smoky Mountains or Yellowstone or the Badlands etc... To me this seemed excessive.

The second thing I was going to bring up was that supposedly, Obama's Mother In Law will get a pension of $160,000 per year. It turns out that was false.

Meister had made the point that they came into office and went out millionaires nefariously. Unlikely the first 4 years of Obama travel comes up to the first 4 years of trump and trump likes to go to trump properties, even planning state events at trump properties in this country and others. Certainly no bargain for the American people. Obama's travel certainly is not graft or attempted graft that put money in his pocket to make him a millionaire, and that is what I was responding to.

Damn you're such a liar. The Trump organization writes a check to the treasury for any profits made from foreign dignitaries. maobama paid his supporters to rent their homes and the money came right back to him.

Link please
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You don't think that Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist?
He could have written a book on it. Don't expect Biden to do much other than
taking orders from those behind the curtain.
But, yes, America is in trouble by both the democrats AND republicans.
They haven't been servants of the People for decades. The people are servants of the politicians.
How else can a person get elected into office with very little cash and come out a millionaire?
No. I do not think Obama was a divide and conquer opportunist. He was ok at the job, not a shining star, but not a divider or destroyer as we have now. Show me what he took other than book royalties and speaking fees, as well as his wife also writing a best seller. I am a white guy in the south. They did not alienate me and his being in office gave me the breathing room to get my financial house back in order so I could retire in comfort, as I was supposed to be able to after 40 plus years making my way on my own.

I was a big Obama supporter. These are small matters but well within (as opposed to beyond) the pale of graft but here it goes:

Vacations in Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii. While it is true he is from Hawaii and 24/7/365 Secret Service security isn't cheap, visiting 8 times in 8 years when he hasn't lived there for most of his adult life is a bit of an eyebrow raiser. The trips to Martha's Vineyard...yikes. I have never been there but can you imagine how much it costs to put up 100 staffers at the local Hampton Inn. I'm certainly not one who thinks the President of the United States should never get a vacation but visit the Smoky Mountains or Yellowstone or the Badlands etc... To me this seemed excessive.

The second thing I was going to bring up was that supposedly, Obama's Mother In Law will get a pension of $160,000 per year. It turns out that was false.

Meister had made the point that they came into office and went out millionaires nefariously. Unlikely the first 4 years of Obama travel comes up to the first 4 years of trump and trump likes to go to trump properties, even planning state events at trump properties in this country and others. Certainly no bargain for the American people. Obama's travel certainly is not graft or attempted graft that put money in his pocket to make him a millionaire, and that is what I was responding to.

Damn you're such a liar. The Trump organization writes a check to the treasury for any profits made from foreign dignitaries. maobama paid his supporters to rent their homes and the money came right back to him.

Have not seen links supporting that, but of course, you didn't post any. :spank::auiqs.jpg:
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
One of the big problems with Democrats is that they believe their own lies and they are delusional
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
You’re ex military and you don’t know what BHO did? My goodness. The sequester was a giant fail. Our soldiers captured by Iran and we apologize? Epic fail. Rise of ISIS. Vilification of Israel. Rise to power of China as they were unchecked. Rise of Black Lives Matter (terror) group. Massive regulations on private industry and banking. Come on man.
Never said it was a bed of roses. Sorry we left it is such a damn mess for you, but hell, history is a messy thing. If you are where you have to pay attention to BLM on a daily basis, move. It ain't like you can't afford to. I like Israel. League of nations stole it for them fair and square before I was born. I say sell them anything they want to protect their homeland and take a hands off attitude in the middle east, but that's just me. Did you notice where trump has been aware for months, Putin has been paying bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan? He sure can pick friends, can't he?
He armed the Ukrainians and sanctioned Russia. Doubt he is friends with Putin but cannot alienate him while we battle China. Move where? My kids go to school here. Now I have to teach them about their "white guilt". Seems silly.
BS. You are not teaching your kids about "white guilt", other than avoidance, and you know it, dude. The only reason he released the aid to Ukraine was because his scheme didn't work fast enough and he got caught. All he got for his trouble was impeached. I am sure Vlad appreciates that he tried.
Well written and fairly accurate article Grump. Thanks for posting it. I agree, it is not all trump, but he has certainly been a spark to kick it into high gear toward going off the track completely. We need a statesman at the helm of the ship of state, not a divide and conquer opportunist. I hope the Biden Administration hits the ground running and can work with individuals of good conscience and common sense on both sides of the aisle to get back on track.
yea biden will do that.....after 6 months he will be addressing only those who agree with different than all the rest....
Hope you are wrong. Cannot say for sure, but hope you are wrong.

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