Is American Music split on racial grounds ?

Americans will embrace black artists, which has been a trend since the 1960's, and even a bit before. However, black people will usually not listen to white artists.

White kids embrace black athletes. Black kids rarely embrace white athletes.

Who is racist?

What do you base that on?
American blacks are hysterically racist. I have not seen that in blacks from Europe or England.
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
not hate----facts/truth
where do you get ''hate'' from??

Surely you just. Or are playing stupid. Which is it?
Obama thought he needed a black wife instead of a white to addvance politically
he went to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/America hater ] for years
his wife was never proud of America
sent his AG to comfort a black criminal's family [ a criminal who attacked a white cop ]
all facts
now, how am I a racist????

When did Obama state that he "needed" a black wife? In case you did not know it the vast majority of people marry within their own race. Furthermore, his wife never stated that she was never proud of America.

Lastly, what "criminal" are you referring to? Did he have a name?

Lastly, you have made statements implying that black people are "inferior".

Racist? You're just one of many here. No big deal.
That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
of course,,.....-----there are no racist blacks

Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?


Wait, what? This conversation has gotten strange. :p

I'm trying to understand the point of your post here.

I'm certain that you will figure it out.

There are racist blacks. There are blacks that listen to country music. There are blacks that listen to heavy metal music. There could well be racist blacks that listen to either country or metal. So what?

I'm not sure if you were trying to say something about blacks not being racist, or that racist whites are inconsistent in their beliefs, or somehow point out the racism you see in harmonica, or what.

Ray Charles could see the racism in "him". As far as your theory on what I am saying. I will leave it to your interpretation.
of course,,.....-----there are no racist blacks

Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?


Wait, what? This conversation has gotten strange. :p

I'm trying to understand the point of your post here.

I'm certain that you will figure it out.

There are racist blacks. There are blacks that listen to country music. There are blacks that listen to heavy metal music. There could well be racist blacks that listen to either country or metal. So what?

I'm not sure if you were trying to say something about blacks not being racist, or that racist whites are inconsistent in their beliefs, or somehow point out the racism you see in harmonica, or what.

Ray Charles could see the racism in "him". As far as your theory on what I am saying. I will leave it to your interpretation.

I don't have a theory, that's why I'm asking. It's odd that you are so unwilling or unable to just clarify your post.
Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?


Wait, what? This conversation has gotten strange. :p

I'm trying to understand the point of your post here.

I'm certain that you will figure it out.

There are racist blacks. There are blacks that listen to country music. There are blacks that listen to heavy metal music. There could well be racist blacks that listen to either country or metal. So what?

I'm not sure if you were trying to say something about blacks not being racist, or that racist whites are inconsistent in their beliefs, or somehow point out the racism you see in harmonica, or what.

Ray Charles could see the racism in "him". As far as your theory on what I am saying. I will leave it to your interpretation.

I don't have a theory, that's why I'm asking. It's odd that you are so unwilling or unable to just clarify your post.

I'm ABLE to clarify anything that I state. At times I may do so if I feel it is necessary. After 10 years of posting in this forum, and watching the level that is has descended to,

it has become increasingly pointless to even attempt to do so in many cases.
Wait, what? This conversation has gotten strange. :p

I'm trying to understand the point of your post here.

I'm certain that you will figure it out.

There are racist blacks. There are blacks that listen to country music. There are blacks that listen to heavy metal music. There could well be racist blacks that listen to either country or metal. So what?

I'm not sure if you were trying to say something about blacks not being racist, or that racist whites are inconsistent in their beliefs, or somehow point out the racism you see in harmonica, or what.

Ray Charles could see the racism in "him". As far as your theory on what I am saying. I will leave it to your interpretation.

I don't have a theory, that's why I'm asking. It's odd that you are so unwilling or unable to just clarify your post.

I'm ABLE to clarify anything that I state. At times I may do so if I feel it is necessary. After 10 years of posting in this forum, and watching the level that is has descended to,

it has become increasingly pointless to even attempt to do so in many cases.

I'm not sure why you bother posting if you don't care whether someone reading your posts understands the point you are trying to make.

But hey, if you want to just throw out questions or statements without worrying about if they are understood, that's your choice.
American radio including SiriusXM, which I just canceled is corporate radio.
You will hear nothing but the same 40 songs ad nausum, from groups considered appropriate to gain ratings. Nothing more. Plenty of bland artists black or white get airtime. No corporate conspiracy to keep the black man down.

Radio is dead.
Only a fool buys a Sirius subscription for music. Music is free. Sirius is for uncensored talk radio.
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
of course,,.....-----there are no racist blacks

Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?

blacks can't be racist --they are not human/superior to whites/etc

So you determined that blacks were not human when you supposedly lived around them?
YOU/MSM/BLM/etc are the ones saying they are not human
you are saying they can't be racist/racists
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
.....also, not hate---....when you're a kid/young, you think you know everything--but you really don't
..when we were kids, we never paid attention to politics/news/etc
...we didn't research/have the time to research/have the tools to research as we do now

stop with the racist stupid shit--it sounds so ridiculous
blacks commit more crimes/etc
graduate at lower levels
facts--not hate...not racism to say this
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
.....also, not hate---....when you're a kid/young, you think you know everything--but you really don't
..when we were kids, we never paid attention to politics/news/etc
...we didn't research/have the time to research/have the tools to research as we do now

stop with the racist stupid shit--it sounds so ridiculous
blacks commit more crimes/etc
graduate at lower levels
facts--not hate...not racism to say this

Seriously? There is nothing "stupid" about pointing out someones ignorance who applies their generalizations to an entire group of people. You have repeatedly used the term "inferior" when referring to black people.

Supposedly you call yourself a "white activist".

What is that?
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
.....also, not hate---....when you're a kid/young, you think you know everything--but you really don't
..when we were kids, we never paid attention to politics/news/etc
...we didn't research/have the time to research/have the tools to research as we do now

stop with the racist stupid shit--it sounds so ridiculous
blacks commit more crimes/etc
graduate at lower levels
facts--not hate...not racism to say this

It might not be racism to say that blacks have a higher crime rate or graduate at lower levels, but the reasons for bringing those things up might be rooted in racism.

Just because a fact or statistic isn't inherently racist does not mean it cannot be used to promote a racist agenda.

Why bring those things up here and now?
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
.....also, not hate---....when you're a kid/young, you think you know everything--but you really don't
..when we were kids, we never paid attention to politics/news/etc
...we didn't research/have the time to research/have the tools to research as we do now

stop with the racist stupid shit--it sounds so ridiculous
blacks commit more crimes/etc
graduate at lower levels
facts--not hate...not racism to say this

Seriously? There is nothing "stupid" about pointing out someones ignorance who applies their generalizations to an entire group of people. You have repeatedly used the term "inferior" when referring to black people.

Supposedly you call yourself a "white activist".

What is that?
everyone is a racist that doesn't agree with you
blacks are inferior in not commiting crime and graduating
it's not a ''term''--but a fact
blacks commit crime at much higher rates--graduate at lower rates
you are so racially stubborn, you can't ACCEPT facts
That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
of course,,.....-----there are no racist blacks

Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?

blacks can't be racist --they are not human/superior to whites/etc

So you determined that blacks were not human when you supposedly lived around them?
YOU/MSM/BLM/etc are the ones saying they are not human
you are saying they can't be racist/racists

I defy you to find a single post where I have referred to anyone as "not human", or grouped everyone as participants in your realm of ignorant stereotyping.
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
.....also, not hate---....when you're a kid/young, you think you know everything--but you really don't
..when we were kids, we never paid attention to politics/news/etc
...we didn't research/have the time to research/have the tools to research as we do now

stop with the racist stupid shit--it sounds so ridiculous
blacks commit more crimes/etc
graduate at lower levels
facts--not hate...not racism to say this

It might not be racism to say that blacks have a higher crime rate or graduate at lower levels, but the reasons for bringing those things up might be rooted in racism.

Just because a fact or statistic isn't inherently racist does not mean it cannot be used to promote a racist agenda.

Why bring those things up here and now?
hahahahaha--are you serious???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
geee-----maybe----just maybe---------ooooo--O maybe because the TITLE/OP is THE subject...?????
racial grounds
of course,,.....-----there are no racist blacks

Of course we all know that there are many so called "racist blacks" who listen to country western or heavy metal. Right?

blacks can't be racist --they are not human/superior to whites/etc

So you determined that blacks were not human when you supposedly lived around them?
YOU/MSM/BLM/etc are the ones saying they are not human
you are saying they can't be racist/racists

I defy you to find a single post where I have referred to anyone as "not human", or grouped everyone as participants in your realm of ignorant stereotyping.
Some of the most racist white people
I have NEVER seen you post that blacks are racist/haters--ONLY whites
yet blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
you seem to hate whites/think only whites are racist/etc
This is a follow on from the other music thread on this forum which I found quite interesting.

Back in the 90s a British girl group called Eternal toured the US promoting their new album.

The album had done really well in the UK and they had a load of hit singles out of it. But they coud not get anywhere in the US. One of the reasons they believed was the nature of the US music scene. When they went to "black" stations their host would not talk to the white girl and vice versa when they went to "white" stations. They felt that their management in the States did not know how to market them or to whom .

They felt that music in the US was segregated. Probably because society was segregated.

And I do struggle to name bands that are racially integated even today.

Is this the case or am I missing out some great music ?

The UK has a great history of integrated bands, probably because we are better integrated than the US.


View attachment 215320



The Beat were the greatest band ever. They never recorded a song you couldnt dance to.

People in Europe think David Hasselhoff is a good singer

That is all I have to say about musical taste in Europe

Hey! Don't Hassle Da Hoff!!!!

This is a follow on from the other music thread on this forum which I found quite interesting.

Back in the 90s a British girl group called Eternal toured the US promoting their new album.

The album had done really well in the UK and they had a load of hit singles out of it. But they coud not get anywhere in the US. One of the reasons they believed was the nature of the US music scene. When they went to "black" stations their host would not talk to the white girl and vice versa when they went to "white" stations. They felt that their management in the States did not know how to market them or to whom .

They felt that music in the US was segregated. Probably because society was segregated.

And I do struggle to name bands that are racially integated even today.

Is this the case or am I missing out some great music ?

The UK has a great history of integrated bands, probably because we are better integrated than the US.


View attachment 215320



The Beat were the greatest band ever. They never recorded a song you couldnt dance to.
The problem with the US is that for some reason whites have a problem dealing with the enormity of the atrocities commuted by their ancestors. As such they have no wish to deal with racial issues. In fact they will claim there are no or very little racial issues and conditions stemming from the actions of their ancestors. This of course will piss off people of color and lead to further division.
I grew up in a black hood with mostly black friends
I listened to black music mostly
OMG--a WHITE man who listens to black music!!!!!!!!!!???

.....I had some WHITE country bumpkin come up from the south to train me on a new system at work....he liked listening to country I got used to that.....never listened to it before.....but liked it/etc after that

now I am racist-----for bringing race into it??

That's no novelty. And you are not different than many. Some of the most racist white people that I've ever encountered loved so called black music. In fact, there was a racist old white guy that lived our neighborhood that gave my parents some Motown records that I still have to this day.

Back in the era of Basie and Ellington, they would perform at white clubs where only white people were allowed, but had to enter and leave the club through the backdoor.

Just curious though, since you allegedly grew up around black people, how did you arrive at hating them so much now?
not hate----facts/truth
where do you get ''hate'' from??

Surely you just. Or are playing stupid. Which is it?
Obama thought he needed a black wife instead of a white to addvance politically
he went to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/America hater ] for years
his wife was never proud of America
sent his AG to comfort a black criminal's family [ a criminal who attacked a white cop ]
all facts
now, how am I a racist????
How are you a racist? Because you are. What does someone elses life have to do with you being a racist?

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