Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

But you hate hydro too right ? Is it too wet, causes cancer or is the tide too expensive.
I guess I should have put a laughy face up there. That was a joke. Try to remember whose on your side and who isn't.
we are approaching the time when hydropower will provude by itself, 20% of the US electricity.


debating with emotions because the DNC said to is so out there.
That’s NOT a lie. That’s what you in Trump world call a misunderstanding on your part.
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Consensus plays no role in the scientific method.

Aboob Dumfuk.
But scientific method plays a Giant role IN Consensus.
As I explained in my last..
Consensus takes DECADES of Consistent Experiments and observations by THOUSANDS OF Scientists.
It IS only consensus BECAUSE of a gigantic amount of consistent Scientific Method over decades.

you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.

But scientific method plays a Giant role IN Consensus.
As I explained in my last..
Consensus takes DECADES of Consistent Experiments and observations by THOUSANDS OF Scientists.
It IS only consensus BECAUSE of a gigantic amount of consistent Scientific Method over decades.

you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.

Consensus isn’t science. Know that
But scientific method plays a Giant role IN Consensus.
As I explained in my last..
Consensus takes DECADES of Consistent Experiments and observations by THOUSANDS OF Scientists.
It IS only consensus BECAUSE of a gigantic amount of consistent Scientific Method over decades.

you lose BlackAgain. the illiterate POS conspiracYst.
Last word away/one-line Scvmbag.


But other than that, fuck off



What if we don't hugely cut our emissions and warming slows or stops?
I am very late to this party--in fact everybody has probably gone home and the lights are turned off--but I noted this response, and had to suggest the obvious alternate question:

What if we ban all petroleum products--there are thousands and thousands of them--
wreck our economy. . .
escalate the misery index to levels not seen since the Great Depression. . .
throw billions into poverty. . .
get rid of all farm animals and everybody goes vegan. . .
severely limit our liberties, choices, options, opportunities. . . pretty much eliminate human generated CO2 and. . .

. . . CO2 levels continue to rise pretty much at the same level they have been rising? Most especially if our climate is not substantially different than it is now?

What then?
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