Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

They don’t sound very smart if they thought the panels worked 24 hours a day
Amazing. You came up with that all by yourself. Have you contacted the solar panel industry to tell them how useless they are ? Quick, take out the adds. No one ever knew the sun only shines 12. hours. a day. Tell every else too that Hydro from rivers, geothermal, tidal power and wind dint work either. Hurray up, your wasting your time here.
Amazing. You came up with that all by yourself. Have you contacted the solar panel industry to tell them how useless they are ? Quick, take out the adds. No one ever knew the sun only shines 12. hours. a day. Tell every else too that Hydro from rivers, geothermal, tidal power and wind dint work either. Hurray up, your wasting your time here.
what's even more funny is that in the northern hemisphere winter isn't even 8 hours of sunlight and it isn't as effecient, Germany found this out. Seems like you're starting to figure out how inefficient they are with regard to fossil fuels.

You still haven't posted, that I've seen yet, on where the off hour electricity comes from.
what's even more funny is that in the northern hemisphere winter isn't even 8 hours of sunlight and it isn't as effecient, Germany found this out. Seems like you're starting to figure out how inefficient they are with regard to fossil fuels.

You still haven't posted, that I've seen yet, on where the off hour electricity comes from.
Really, I have several posts of references. You can’t read ? Why do you keep asking for the same stupid shit.

Btw, do you think Hydro, geothermal , bio mass as being unavailable at night ? You claiming the rivers, tides and the underground energy is no longer available at night ? just asking. No one in Solar according to you knew the sun set at night. Maybe you can tell use when the tides, rives and geo thermal go to sleep.
Really, I have several posts of references. You can’t read ? Why do you keep asking for the same stupid shit.

Btw, do you think Hydro, geothermal , bio mass as being unavailable at night ? You claiming the rivers, tides and the underground energy is no longer available at night ? just asking. No one in Solar according to you knew the sun set at night. Maybe you can tell use when the tides, rives and geo thermal go to sleep.

Biomass? You want to burn wood chips? Garbage? Tell me more!!!
Because the sun goes down. No one but you knew it. Amazing. How do you explain the world never noticed?

Because the sun goes down.

It does!!!
You'd have to be a moron to rely on solar when you need reliable power 24 hours a day.
Because the sun goes down.

It does!!!
You'd have to be a moron to rely on solar when you need reliable power 24 hours a day.
But, no one but you picked it up ? How can you explain it that no one else knew the sun went down ? So All those solar power signs with solar panels don’t work at night…amazing. I never knew that.
But, no one but you picked it up ? How can you explain it that no one else knew the sun went down ? So All those solar power signs with solar panels don’t work at night…amazing. I never knew that.

Even morons on this very thread have claimed solar is reliable.
I don't know why they, and most Greens, are such fucking morons.
Maybe it's the teacher's unions that are to blame? Or paint chips?

What was your favorite paint chip color? Or did they all taste the same to you?
Even morons on this very thread have claimed solar is reliable.
I don't know why they, and most Greens, are such fucking morons.
Maybe it's the teacher's unions that are to blame? Or paint chips?

What was your favorite paint chip color? Or did they all taste the same to you?
Maybe because unlike you, they never knew the sun went down. This seems to be a problem, lots of people not knowing the sun only shines so many hours of the day….Geesus. That’s one big fking secret….
Maybe because unlike you, they never knew the sun went down. This seems to be a problem, lots of people not knowing the sun only shines so many hours of the day….Geesus. That’s one big fking secret….

Well, Greens are fucking morons.

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