Is anybody actually fighting the Russian troop in Ukraine?

It looks like Russia is walking right in and sitting right down without any or maybe token resistance? What about all the hardware Biden supplied? This has been going on for nearly 24 hours now, how many dead Russians do we have killed be Ukrainian forces using US military hardware?

We (various US Army assets) were up to recently in Ukraine training Ukrainian police, paramilitary and military forces and supplying them with certain man portable anti-air and anti-armor weapons, small arm optics and the like. Along with the Canadians and other NATO specialized military forces we were doing our best to prepare the Ukrainian regular army, such as it is, to fight an unconventional campaign or stalling campaign against Russian forces. No one on earth ever expected the Ukrainian military to put up much more than a token resistance. The unspoken promise was if the Ukrainian shit worthy army could hold out for a few days NATO would sweep in and support them. Of course, no such official promise was ever given. No help is coming.

Russia operates a full blood, combined arms fighting force which includes but is not limited to light mobile, wheeled, mechanized, and air cavalry—all backed up by ground and air-to-air attack craft numbering in the thousands, and thousands of artillery pieces—not to mention armor supported brigade combat teams. Many of those Ukrainian military units we spent years training were literally flattened by Russian rocket and missile strikes in the first few minutes of the invasion—obliterated while sleeping in their barrack rooms.

Small pockets of Ukrainian forces will persist and put up to the last man resistance, but resistance on any large, coordinated or effective scale isn't going to happen. What's going down today across the Ukraine is intended as a demonstration of Russian capability, to both the rest of the world and NATO in particular. Putin's ultimate umbrella for any potential upcoming rainy days, such as a NATO counterstrike which will never happen, are all those thousands of shiny nukes he has sleeping in the dirt across Mother Russia.

It's a very bad day to be a Ukrainian enlisted man—or a very glorious day to die, depending on one's perspective.
Not likely. If it looks like house to house, Russian troops will pull back and level the whole block with artillery and air strikes. They are far less squeamish about collateral damage than the West.
You are mistaken. The Russian military command has stated several times today, that their targets are military facilities and they are not going to shoot at civilians and сivilian infrastructure.
And how will the Russian troops act with the nazis, hiding among the civilian population? I think we will see this in the coming days. Putin has surprised us all with unexpected decisions more than once.
In two weeks it's predicted that the average price at the pump nationwide will be $5 per gal...none of us has lived with that in our entire lives...can you imagine what a gal of milk shipped by truck will cost?...we are so f-ing screwed....

This means out west a gallon of gas could cost $7.....WTF Biden voters....
Half are Russian speakers, I just heard, so you are probably right. Good point. Okay, they'll collapse instantly, like France or Italy did in WWII. If not for the same reasons.
Speaking Russian doesn't mean you want Putin and thugs over you. The OP is full of shit.
You are mistaken. The Russian military command has stated several times today, that their targets are military facilities and they are not going to shoot at civilians and сivilian infrastructure.
And how will the Russian troops act with the nazis, hiding among the civilian population? I think we will see this in the coming days. Putin has surprised us all with unexpected decisions more than once.
Is that why people are posting videos of schools and towns that are currently being bombed by Russia?
You are mistaken. The Russian military command has stated several times today, that their targets are military facilities and they are not going to shoot at civilians and сivilian infrastructure.
And how will the Russian troops act with the nazis, hiding among the civilian population? I think we will see this in the coming days. Putin has surprised us all with unexpected decisions more than once.
Those are fine things to say until Russian troops come under fire from civilian buildings. That's all I'm saying, and that is up to the Ukrainians and how messy they are willing to make this.
I was genuinely hoping you would be intellectually capable of having a debate but alas, I'm expending by skills on an ignoramus.
You have no skills, colon. You don’t have any intellect to resort to for a “debate,” either. You bring nothing to the arena.
Half are Russian speakers, I just heard, so you are probably right. Good point. Okay, they'll collapse instantly, like France or Italy did in WWII. If not for the same reasons.
Ukraine is in more danger from NATO than from Putin....NATO and it's bankers want the minerals.. the democracy thing? That's a crock of shit.

We (various US Army assets) were up to recently in Ukraine training Ukrainian police, paramilitary and military forces and supplying them with certain man portable anti-air and anti-armor weapons, small arm optics and the like. Along with the Canadians and other NATO specialized military forces we were doing our best to prepare the Ukrainian regular army, such as it is, to fight an unconventional campaign or stalling campaign against Russian forces. No one on earth ever expected the Ukrainian military to put up much more than a token resistance. The unspoken promise was if the Ukrainian shit worthy army could hold out for a few days NATO would sweep in and support them. Of course, no such official promise was ever given. No help is coming.
I think you're lying when you say that it was expected that Nato would come to the rescue. Otherwise I would have bought pretty much the rest of that paragraph.

As an apparent voice of experience, did you think that Ukraine would want a fight with Russia that they know was provoked by the US?

This whole invasion thing could be the free and fair election the people were hoping for?

The thing is, Zelensky is coming off as one of America's loose cannons so far.

In any case, if the US/Nato sweep in then you will be right after all?
Let's just hope that Russia doesn't 'INJURE' any nato soldiers, because that's the same as injuring Americans!

I think it's just going to end up with Ukraine being Russia's now and the sanctions will have to be absorbed by Russia.
Not on Twitter and have no plans on going there, but I heard the first report on network news radio of Ukrainian forces battling the Russians at an air strip outside of Kiev
Ukraine is in more danger from NATO than from Putin....NATO and it's bankers want the minerals.. the democracy thing? That's a crock of shit.

I think you have good intentions JO, but I don't see any mineral wealth playing a part of the picture. Maybe agricultural wealth to Russia though.

But much more to the point is the economic declaration of war against Russia with the cancelling of Nordstream2. It has to be that that did it for Putin.
We (various US Army assets) were up to recently in Ukraine training Ukrainian police, paramilitary and military forces and supplying them with certain man portable anti-air and anti-armor weapons, small arm optics and the like. Along with the Canadians and other NATO specialized military forces we were doing our best to prepare the Ukrainian regular army, such as it is, to fight an unconventional campaign or stalling campaign against Russian forces. No one on earth ever expected the Ukrainian military to put up much more than a token resistance. The unspoken promise was if the Ukrainian shit worthy army could hold out for a few days NATO would sweep in and support them. Of course, no such official promise was ever given. No help is coming.

Russia operates a full blood, combined arms fighting force which includes but is not limited to light mobile, wheeled, mechanized, and air cavalry—all backed up by ground and air-to-air attack craft numbering in the thousands, and thousands of artillery pieces—not to mention armor supported brigade combat teams. Many of those Ukrainian military units we spent years training were literally flattened by Russian rocket and missile strikes in the first few minutes of the invasion—obliterated while sleeping in their barrack rooms.

Small pockets of Ukrainian forces will persist and put up to the last man resistance, but resistance on any large, coordinated or effective scale isn't going to happen. What's going down today across the Ukraine is intended as a demonstration of Russian capability, to both the rest of the world and NATO in particular. Putin's ultimate umbrella for any potential upcoming rainy days, such as a NATO counterstrike which will never happen, are all those thousands of shiny nukes he has sleeping in the dirt across Mother Russia.

It's a very bad day to be a Ukrainian enlisted man—or a very glorious day to die, depending on one's perspective.
Thanks for your useful perspective. Okay, so Ukraine forces will be overrun quickly, like France or Poland in WWII. Certainly it's quite a shock and awe campaign the Russians are running.

I think the nuclear deterrent is for us; and why Biden was backed off about taking Russia off the SWITCH banking system. Since Russia says that would be seen as an Act of War, and that's allllll against us. I am hearing on air the excuse that Biden just couldn't get Europe to go along with taking Russia off SWITCH (he can't get them to go along on basically anything as far as I can see!) but since we pulled both Iran and North Korea off, and various African hellholes off (Tanzania recently) from time to time, I doubt that. I think Europe is pretty comfortable letting Putin have Ukraine, and so are we. Nobody much likes Ukraine, corruption capital of a corrupt world. Their buying Hunter Biden seems to have backfired on them.
But much more to the point is the economic declaration of war against Russia with the cancelling of Nordstream2. It has to be that that did it for Putin.
This is where I ask you to demonstrate the supposed declaration of economic war against Russia and the cancellation of Nordstream2 are the reasons for Putin's invasion of Ukraine; you'll respond by tucking your tail and running away.
As you always do,
Sweden sent in rifles for the citizens of Ukraine. They were not sure if they could get them into the people but apparently they made it. Ten thousand rifles distributed to the people to help them defend themselves.

Previously when Russia withdrew they mined areas like schools in order to render them useless. Hopefully they won't get the chance to repeat that this time.
Is that why people are posting videos of schools and towns that are currently being bombed by Russia?
The Western press has no picture. There are no horrors, blood, guts. There are no destroyed neighborhoods. There is no "horror" of war.
They need it to be like in the Donbas.
And here what? The Russian army is ironing the Ukrainian army and its infrastructure, and everyone is standing around and staring at their phones. Even the Internet is not cut off.
What is this? A terrible war?

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