Is anybody bothered by this? muslim flags on houses in Dearborn

I took this yesterday, you cant see it clearly here, but some kind of Arabic writing on it. Looks almost like an isis flag. No American flag only this muslim flag. Does that say something? There are plenty like it in Dearborn


the isis flag is black with white lettering.

what is a "muslim" flag? that picture shows no arabic lettering
No one has Id'd the flag in the picture yet.................
I took this yesterday, you cant see it clearly here, but some kind of Arabic writing on it. Looks almost like an isis flag. No American flag only this muslim flag. Does that say something? There are plenty like it in Dearborn


the isis flag is black with white lettering.

what is a "muslim" flag? that picture shows no arabic lettering
No one has Id'd the flag in the picture yet.................

Flip side of it..............I've shown the reverse equation............where vandals threatened those in the area after flying an Israeli flag.
I took this yesterday, you cant see it clearly here, but some kind of Arabic writing on it. Looks almost like an isis flag. No American flag only this muslim flag. Does that say something? There are plenty like it in Dearborn

I'm not worried about Muslim Americans as long as their numbers don't grow. That means no more importing refugees or any other Arabs of any other kind
The OP and its supporters do not like Muslim Americans here.

Tough on that.

They are not going anywhere.

never say never.
What scenario do you see where all muslims leave?

I did not use the word "ALL" Populations, historically, have been decimated
by several mechanisms. In fact lands invaded by muslims are often depleted
of non muslims progressively----either short term or over centuries. Afghanistan
was once a land of Hindus and Buddhists with significant Zoroastrian,
Christian and Jewish populations-----now it is all muslim. People tend to leave
when it becomes better to live elsewhere. In Islamic dominated lands---shariah law makes it better for non muslims NOT to live there
I took this yesterday, you cant see it clearly here, but some kind of Arabic writing on it. Looks almost like an isis flag. No American flag only this muslim flag. Does that say something? There are plenty like it in Dearborn


the isis flag is black with white lettering.

what is a "muslim" flag? that picture shows no arabic lettering
No one has Id'd the flag in the picture yet.................
Now you are being idiotic and humping your own leg, you perv.

It's called the Islamization of America.


Just try to fly an American flag....
Some Lib politician will be there in hours because 1 person in the area or more maybe have a problem with it
and you are facing a fine or jail time for breaking some ordinance....
It's called the Islamization of America.


Just try to fly an American flag....
Some Lib politician will be there in hours because 1 person in the area or more maybe have a problem with it
and you are facing a fine or jail time for breaking some ordinance....
This happened when and where or did you just feel like drooling something stupid?
I would contact the FBI ASAP if one of those bastards had the balls to fly that shit here in Virginia.
I just had a scary thought. Dearborn is Arab Muslim hq in USA. What if Isis started attacking from within Dearborn. Every 2 times a year a suicide bomber comes out of Dearborn, or a shooting spree or full out attack by ten guys fully armed. Anything from something as big as 9-11 or as big as last week. And every time everyone they know plays innocent. Bullshit.

Even I know a couple of anti American Arabs. I live near Dearborn and my brother does live in Dearborn.

I compare this the black communities like Detroit. Many of the blacks blame white USA for their anger poverty and assaults on us.

I didn't start off thinking about the similarities between black and Muslim Americans, but that is an interesting thought. I think it'd be nice if Muslims were honest about their anti American feelings. Or if they really hate infidels, get the fuck out.

Fact is there's nothing we can do. Free speech and they have the right to bare arms.
There is a house down the street in my neighborhood where a hebrew family lives.

They fly the terrorist Star of David jew flag and the men wear little saucer plates on their heads.

Quite suspicious........ :cool:
When Jews go around bombing the shit out of people and shooting at random people, unless they are Jews, we might be concerned about Jewish people flying an Israeli flag.

Until then, you can shut the fuck up.

The acts of individuals are not 'representative' of an entire class of persons, including Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

Nor are the acts of individuals 'representative' of an entire religion – that you and other ignorant, hateful rightwing bigots have an unwarranted hostility toward Muslims doesn't give you license to 'have a problem' with private American citizens who happen to be Muslim flying a flag on their own property.

You need to accept the fact that America is made up of all kinds of people, different races, ethnic groups, nationalities, sexual orientations, and religions – including Muslim Americans.
Your last statement has become a problem, because this nation is supposed to be united, but these break ups that are being illustrated more and more and more is a serious problem now. This nation isn't supposed to be a bunch of tribal factions who war secretly against one another, but that is what you advocate when not looking at the complexities of these issues. Your one outlook fits all is a fools game anymore, because your side isn't playing along with you, and the other side is tired of being fools in it all.
Alright.......I've looked at about every flag on the freaking earth and can't find this one.............

But I did learn one it's meanings.................During the Civil War........they cited the Black Flag as TAKING NO PRISONERS.....................

I've see it in the movie God's and Generals as well...................might as well pass that on since I can't find the flag.......anybody have any luck finding the thing................
Here in NC on some flagpoles in front of peoples homes is the christer goyim flag flown OVER the American flag

Alright.......I've looked at about every flag on the freaking earth and can't find this one.............

But I did learn one it's meanings.................During the Civil War........they cited the Black Flag as TAKING NO PRISONERS.....................

I've see it in the movie God's and Generals as well...................might as well pass that on since I can't find the flag.......anybody have any luck finding the thing................
Sounds like a closer pic is needed right? Or did you get a close enough look and went to looking for it? Could it be just something someone made up to scare neighborhood hoodlums into thinking they might get their head cut off if they mess with whom ever lives there ? It's a thought because I think people associate themselves with things they feel empowers them or will make them safe in some weird ways of thinking.

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