Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

The fact that you are trying to compare the current RNC lewd, raucous and worthless debates to those of the past is hilarious. Keep drinking the KoolAid.

Republican debate makes history, but not in a good way

Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

My point was simple - the ignorant pretend to be all outraged about this egregious violation of presidential campaign ettiquette, blissfully unaware that this is nothing new, and is in fact, pretty much par for the course. In fact, they use their ignorance to try to ingratiate themselves with like-minded simpletons.

You need to quit pretending you're offended, and get educated about the real world.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

Lincoln didn't have TV or radio? Are you sure?

Amazing that presidents got elected at all.

But you knew that didn't you. You have ALL the sense. After all you have "found me out about the Huffington Post" Right... Hate to disappoint.. I've never read it or been to the HP website. Bummer!
Back to Lincoln. Strange that this talk of Abe being queer only comes to the front now. One would think even a fagqueerliberalcommunist such as myself would have seen something about it in the last 67 years.

So since you really had nothing to add you came along and added nothing. Sounds about right for a neocon.

One more time ... and I'll try to use small words.

The accusations (you know, the bad things said about Lincoln) first surfaced in the presidential campaign in 1860s. That hardly qualifies as "comes to the front now".

I make no comment about why you are just learning about this now ... I'm guessing it probably is more a reflection on the depth, or lack of, your education, since it is a commonly known, and variously published, scenario among serious historical scholars. Apparently, those 67 years didn't include a serious study of American history, huh?

As for me having "... ALL the sense." ... maybe I got your share AND mine, because you seem to have lost yours.

I suggest it is you and not Lincoln that is/was gay.

I believe that you for some strange perverse reason WANT Lincoln to be thought of as gay.

At best, because as a traveling lawyer with male friends that lived along the routes he took circumstance could imply if these arrangements were compared with today's standards be viewed as at best, a possible bisexual possibility angle perceived of Lincoln's sexuality.

My grandfather and grandmother were very much in love with each other yet they had separate bedrooms and sleeping arrangements. A couple of times a month grandma would sleep with grandpa which I took as the times they felt to be intimate with each other. This I know because I lived with them during my senior year in high school.

Men sleeping with other men was common in the 1800-early 2000 centuries for many reasons not having to do with sexuality. Most of these arrangements had to do with work and the lack of availability of permanent individual remote sleeping quarters.

I'm aware that gays will do everything they can to validate their un-natural urges even going so far as to purposely slander and stain any if it will make them appear normal. You strike me as such an individual.

Now, THAT is funny shit ... stupid, but funny.

Convenient how you try to redirect the conversation once you realize what an ass you have made of yourself.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

I have been around for a many years, and frankly this is the first time that the far out left and the far out right have something in common. They've both gone bat shit crazy.

On the left we have a dyed in the wool communist running for POTUS--Bernie Sanders

and on the right--we have an insulting, big spending, big government, bigoted, arrogant sexist pig running, Donald Trump. Who looks like he is going to be the nominee of the Republican party. A fraud, and a great actor.

Can you say this is embarrassing. Oh Yeah.

For me, I have been a life long Republican voter, and there is absolutely no way I will be casting a vote for Donald Trump. I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Frankly, because she is more conservative than Donald Trump is. She has the more Presidential character stature, with a steady hand, and level head in this race.

And it appears that approximately 50% of the Republican party feels the same as I do.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Examining Trump's Problem With Female Voters
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Nah. Not embarrassed I am loving the fact that Trump will NEVER play by their pathetic rules and if you attack him he will destroy you. The political whores are used to having things THEIR WAY and its no longer going to happen. Its all been a sham democrat/republican PRETENDING to hate each other but BOTH screwing the American People.
Maybe I should write in a candidate. I cannot vote for any of the front runners with good conscience, and chances are it's going to be either Cruz or Trump against the Hill bag. Clown central.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

The fact that you are trying to compare the current RNC lewd, raucous and worthless debates to those of the past is hilarious. Keep drinking the KoolAid.

Republican debate makes history, but not in a good way

Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.
Those who ignore reality are in denial.

My point was simple - the ignorant pretend to be all outraged about this egregious violation of presidential campaign ettiquette, blissfully unaware that this is nothing new, and is in fact, pretty much par for the course. In fact, they use their ignorance to try to ingratiate themselves with like-minded simpletons.
And obviously you are unable to comprehend what is being responded to you. Yes, there has always been controversy and party members insulting others, but never to the extent that Trump, Rubio and Cruz have taken it. Please quote a link where ever any party member in the past ever talked about the size of their private parts in a public setting.....I dare you.

You need to quit pretending you're offended, and get educated about the real world.
This may be the "real world" of the trailer trash, but I believe there is still courteous decorum in our most high least that which the public is able to see. The Republican party has over-stepped what was considered good our Congress, when Congressman Joe Wilson, from none other than S Carolina, broke the Decorum rules by yelling out "You Lie" to the President of the United States.

You need to quit trying to make it seem that what Trump and his followers are doing is what the majority of Americans like and expect. The majority of us don't live in trailers, chew tobacco or watch Honey Booboo as our main means of entertainment.
Maybe the best solution is for the GOP to approve all those Republican petitions to allow guns at the GOP convention. Be a perfect finale to this election.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

The fact that you are trying to compare the current RNC lewd, raucous and worthless debates to those of the past is hilarious. Keep drinking the KoolAid.

Republican debate makes history, but not in a good way

Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.
Those who ignore reality are in denial.

My point was simple - the ignorant pretend to be all outraged about this egregious violation of presidential campaign ettiquette, blissfully unaware that this is nothing new, and is in fact, pretty much par for the course. In fact, they use their ignorance to try to ingratiate themselves with like-minded simpletons.
And obviously you are unable to comprehend what is being responded to you. Yes, there has always been controversy and party members insulting others, but never to the extent that Trump, Rubio and Cruz have taken it. Please quote a link where ever any party member in the past ever talked about the size of their private parts in a public setting.....I dare you.

You need to quit pretending you're offended, and get educated about the real world.
This may be the "real world" of the trailer trash, but I believe there is still courteous decorum in our most high least that which the public is able to see. The Republican party has over-stepped what was considered good our Congress, when Congressman Joe Wilson, from none other than S Carolina, broke the Decorum rules by yelling out "You Lie" to the President of the United States.

You need to quit trying to make it seem that what Trump and his followers are doing is what the majority of Americans like and expect. The majority of us don't live in trailers, chew tobacco or watch Honey Booboo as our main means of entertainment.

Having spent significant time in those so-called "high offices", I can assure you that you have been completely hoodwinked. Should we talk about the time LBJ met with the press naked, or maybe we want to discuss Clinton's cigar antics? Maybe, instead, we should talk about Garfield's constant parade of hookers and whores. Hell, we could go over to the Senate building where Tip O'Neill regularly gave 'tips' to female interns, or perhaps where male interns were propositioned by a certain Senator. Ask Boehner about his tendency to use 'fuckers' way too much, or maybe Harry Reid's constant reference to the '***** at State'. Maybe, instead, you'd like to talk about James Buchanan's constant troop of gay lovers (yes, if you bother to do your research, Buchanan readily admitted he was gay).

My point is simple - those are regular people, with all the foibles and faults of everybody else. Their greatest fault is that they think they're, somehow, better than everybody else. You put them on a pedestal, somehow granting them superiority over 'common folk'. The problem is - they start to believe that bullshit.

Nobody claimed that " ... the majority of Americans like and expect" the actions of Trump. I merely pointed out that those who pretend to be so outraged suffer from a serious historical reality deficiency.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Your problem is, you're too politically correct. It's only you PC police who object to candidates talking about their dicks.
You people are anti-free speech Nazis!
I'm not sure why any average American should be ashamed of this campaign. Then again, the OP is a bit vague about the word "campaign". Remaining there are 5 campaigns in the election. Certainly, I don't think John Kasich should apologize for any of his behavior; just for his positions. Ted Cruz is probably (or should be) ashamed at the alarmist qualities of his campaign. Nobody takes him seriously and for good reason. Donald Trump should be ashamed for what he has reduced our political process to. Keep in mind, this disgusting low-road avenue has been open to every candidate for the last 3-5 election cycles (when the public would have been accepting of such theatrics) but Donald Trump has been the first to take it. Now the bar is lowered for all who follow.

I echo Rolling Stone's assertion that the Democratic contest has been an example of American politics near it's best. The opponets have been comative but cordial, walked back most of their whacky statements, and have not turned it into a "me or nobody" proposition as the GOP has.

Again, the average American has no role in this except as voters and observers.

One thing that has been highlighted and is a problem going forward is that every 4 years, the cable and network news organizations need to employ a monitor to make sure that the arguable millions (if not billions) of dollars of free coverage the Trump Campaign has received in free coverage is not repeated. The ratings chasing producers of these news programs should be brought before the Federal Elections Commission to explain their actions because any publicity is welcomed by politicians in this day and age. The organizations should simply look at how many minutes per week candidates are getting on their airwaves and calibrate it to where the differences are not so stark as they are in the case of Mr. Trump. While this may lead to lower ratings, the organizations have a responsibility to the public to be "fair and balanced" in their coverage of candidates.

Then there are the supporters of the vaious campaigns. That is a subjective matter for the most part but the majority of Americans are likely dumbfounded by persons overlooking Mr. Trump's behavior because, in the end, regardless of policy, we're all men and women; there are (or should be) lower limits of what is acceptable.

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