Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

The actual Intersting aspect of it is the reaction the left has. Predictably, they act as though they are offended. Chiding down on us from the moral platitudes.

Meanwhile, start a thread and ask if any of them were at all offended by the commander in chief bringing in an intern into the Oval Office and having his way with her with a cigar and God knows what else. Not only are they not offended by it, they find it admirable. They mock any conservative who was offended by those actions. They are not offended by his wife blaming the women who accused him of sexual assault. She blames all of them and the "vast right wing conspiracy."

Now, what is happening between Cruz and Trump is disgraceful and it does embarrass me. This however is not unprecedented. Far from it.

There were relentless attacks by the John Quincy Adams people on Andrew Jackson's wife during that campaign. Most consider that the dirtiest campaigns in US history.
Adams got so pissed later on he got the Sedition Act passed. Totally unconstitutional but that's beside the point.
The actual Intersting aspect of it is the reaction the left has. Predictably, they act as though they are offended. Chiding down on us from the moral platitudes.

Meanwhile, start a thread and ask if any of them were at all offended by the commander in chief bringing in an intern into the Oval Office and having his way with her with a cigar and God knows what else. Not only are they not offended by it, they find it admirable. They mock any conservative who was offended by those actions. They are not offended by his wife blaming the women who accused him of sexual assault. She blames all of them and the "vast right wing conspiracy."

Now, what is happening between Cruz and Trump is disgraceful and it does embarrass me. This however is not unprecedented. Far from it.

There were relentless attacks by the John Quincy Adams people on Andrew Jackson's wife during that campaign. Most consider that the dirtiest campaigns in US history.
Adams got so pissed later on he got the Sedition Act passed. Totally unconstitutional but that's beside the point.

Yeah, Andrew Jackson was a "jackass." That is what his critics called him. Like when he passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 and he defied the SC ruling that said the Cherokee could stay on their land. The Cherokee was the only tribe to actually use the United States courts to help them rather than going to war.

It worked. The court (yes the 1830 Supreme Court) was on the side of Native American rights. Andrew Jackson ignored the court ruling. Broke the law. Forced the Cherokee off their land and the trail of tears of what we got.

After his critics called him a jackass, he liked the nickname so much that he made it the symbol of the Democrat party and it has been that since.

Last edited:
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

Lincoln didn't have TV or radio? Are you sure?

Amazing that presidents got elected at all.

But you knew that didn't you. You have ALL the sense. After all you have "found me out about the Huffington Post" Right... Hate to disappoint.. I've never read it or been to the HP website. Bummer!

Back to Lincoln. Strange that this talk of Abe being queer only comes to the front now. One would think even a fagqueerliberalcommunist such as myself would have seen something about it in the last 67 years.

So since you really had nothing to add you came along and added nothing. Sounds about right for a neocon.
The actual Intersting aspect of it is the reaction the left has. Predictably, they act as though they are offended. Chiding down on us from the moral platitudes.

Meanwhile, start a thread and ask if any of them were at all offended by the commander in chief bringing in an intern into the Oval Office and having his way with her with a cigar and God knows what else. Not only are they not offended by it, they find it admirable. They mock any conservative who was offended by those actions. They are not offended by his wife blaming the women who accused him of sexual assault. She blames all of them and the "vast right wing conspiracy."

Now, what is happening between Cruz and Trump is disgraceful and it does embarrass me. This however is not unprecedented. Far from it.

There were relentless attacks by the John Quincy Adams people on Andrew Jackson's wife during that campaign. Most consider that the dirtiest campaigns in US history.
The above quoted idiocy is likewise an embarrassment to republicans.
The actual Intersting aspect of it is the reaction the left has. Predictably, they act as though they are offended. Chiding down on us from the moral platitudes.

Meanwhile, start a thread and ask if any of them were at all offended by the commander in chief bringing in an intern into the Oval Office and having his way with her with a cigar and God knows what else. Not only are they not offended by it, they find it admirable. They mock any conservative who was offended by those actions. They are not offended by his wife blaming the women who accused him of sexual assault. She blames all of them and the "vast right wing conspiracy."

Now, what is happening between Cruz and Trump is disgraceful and it does embarrass me. This however is not unprecedented. Far from it.

There were relentless attacks by the John Quincy Adams people on Andrew Jackson's wife during that campaign. Most consider that the dirtiest campaigns in US history.
The above quoted idiocy is likewise an embarrassment to republicans.
Be specific. What exactly about it is idiotic.

It is getting very difficult for me not to unleash on these ignorant left wingers. It is really is. Every post they make, is somehow more ridiculous than the one before.

This may be the stupidest post by this poster. Think about how dumb that must be.
this stuff doesn't bother me

looking back at very earlier campaigns, this stuff is ho-hum.

Lincoln went to far once and was challenged to a duel, with sabers. It never happened and is considered the reason why scathing letters written to his Gens were found unsent in his ofc.

and really, the left has exposed itself for being the thugs they truly are
So in synopsis, if you are a Trump worshipper you are leaning on the fact that we have had occasional elections where craziness took root. This as a way of validifying your garbage candidate. Got it.
I find it strange that Trump was reported to be backing out of statements that women that have an abortion be prosecuted for murder if Roe v. Wade is reversed.

Trump makes a wide assortment of astonishing statements... Every day.

It appears the media can just cherry pick what supposedly comes out of the Donald's mouth... Now he walks back the "punishment" for women that get an abortion...sort of. He really just softened it a little.

I don't think it really matters who Trump offends. His core can't be offended.
The real embarrassment in this campaign is that wanting to deport people here illegally and to ban a group of people that is likely to contain individuals who want to kill US, is considered radical.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

Lincoln didn't have TV or radio? Are you sure?

Amazing that presidents got elected at all.

But you knew that didn't you. You have ALL the sense. After all you have "found me out about the Huffington Post" Right... Hate to disappoint.. I've never read it or been to the HP website. Bummer!
Back to Lincoln. Strange that this talk of Abe being queer only comes to the front now. One would think even a fagqueerliberalcommunist such as myself would have seen something about it in the last 67 years.

So since you really had nothing to add you came along and added nothing. Sounds about right for a neocon.

One more time ... and I'll try to use small words.

The accusations (you know, the bad things said about Lincoln) first surfaced in the presidential campaign in 1860s. That hardly qualifies as "comes to the front now".

I make no comment about why you are just learning about this now ... I'm guessing it probably is more a reflection on the depth, or lack of, your education, since it is a commonly known, and variously published, scenario among serious historical scholars. Apparently, those 67 years didn't include a serious study of American history, huh?

As for me having "... ALL the sense." ... maybe I got your share AND mine, because you seem to have lost yours.
So in synopsis, if you are a Trump worshipper you are leaning on the fact that we have had occasional elections where craziness took root. This as a way of validifying your garbage candidate. Got it.
Occasional??? Man - wake up. Reality is calling. You need to do some serious research.
So in synopsis, if you are a Trump worshipper you are leaning on the fact that we have had occasional elections where craziness took root. This as a way of validifying your garbage candidate. Got it.
Occasional??? Man - wake up. Reality is calling. You need to do some serious research.

Please quote the last 5 times in the history of US POTUS Elections where one candidate gave out the private phone number of another candidate.

Please cite for us the previous 5 times in the history of US POTUS elections where penis size was discussed in open forums.

While you are doing that can you find a time in the history of US POTUS elections where we were treated to a candidate stating that a moderator of a debate is on her period?
YOur denials are noted and dismissed.

I've repeatedly posted links showing that he did say that, and he was talking about McCain.

Black liberation theology churches are exactly as I described them, and Obama's stated reason for being a member for twenty years was a lie that would not fool a retarded child.

THose days are over, forever.

Right wing propaganda. Obama never accused McCain of pulling that "Hussein" nonsense so prevalent from the right

I recommend you read all of Rev Wrights "God damn America" sermon
It is actually a well written sermon and he speaks of what happens when you put your country over God
But all Conservatives heard was the sound bite they were fed

1. He accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

2. Black Liberation Theology is a racist, marxist, and anti-american ideology posing as a Religion. That is the message that so enthralled Obama that he converted to it.

Obama never accused McCain of racism. He did warn that the right, particularly the media, would try to make fun of his non-traditional name...he was right

I was thinking more of the time he accused McCain of using his non white looks to scare American voters.

And McCain commented on it and then let the matter drop.

AND refused to use Obama's twenty year membership in a racist, marxist and anti-american organization against him.

If McCain had went after Obama like he went after his primary challenger the next election, McCain would be President now.

Instead he played nice. And lost well.

Those days are over RW.

We have discussed this before RW.

As your side's plan to permanently marginalize the Republicans and thus the majority of whites advances, that the political strife will only increase more and more as they realize that they are denied ANY hope of their interests ever being addressed on a national level again.

Oh, that's right. YOu didn't believe me. You thought that they would just quietly take their abuse like good little boys.

You still believe that?
Obama never belonged to a racist, marxist and anti-american organization

You'd better do some reading on Black Liberation Theology... he spent 20 years there.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

Lincoln didn't have TV or radio? Are you sure?

Amazing that presidents got elected at all.

But you knew that didn't you. You have ALL the sense. After all you have "found me out about the Huffington Post" Right... Hate to disappoint.. I've never read it or been to the HP website. Bummer!
Back to Lincoln. Strange that this talk of Abe being queer only comes to the front now. One would think even a fagqueerliberalcommunist such as myself would have seen something about it in the last 67 years.

So since you really had nothing to add you came along and added nothing. Sounds about right for a neocon.

One more time ... and I'll try to use small words.

The accusations (you know, the bad things said about Lincoln) first surfaced in the presidential campaign in 1860s. That hardly qualifies as "comes to the front now".

I make no comment about why you are just learning about this now ... I'm guessing it probably is more a reflection on the depth, or lack of, your education, since it is a commonly known, and variously published, scenario among serious historical scholars. Apparently, those 67 years didn't include a serious study of American history, huh?

As for me having "... ALL the sense." ... maybe I got your share AND mine, because you seem to have lost yours.

I suggest it is you and not Lincoln that is/was gay.

I believe that you for some strange perverse reason WANT Lincoln to be thought of as gay.

At best, because as a traveling lawyer with male friends that lived along the routes he took circumstance could imply if these arrangements were compared with today's standards be viewed as at best, a possible bisexual possibility angle perceived of Lincoln's sexuality.

My grandfather and grandmother were very much in love with each other yet they had separate bedrooms and sleeping arrangements. A couple of times a month grandma would sleep with grandpa which I took as the times they felt to be intimate with each other. This I know because I lived with them during my senior year in high school.

Men sleeping with other men was common in the 1800-early 2000 centuries for many reasons not having to do with sexuality. Most of these arrangements had to do with work and the lack of availability of permanent individual remote sleeping quarters.

I'm aware that gays will do everything they can to validate their un-natural urges even going so far as to purposely slander and stain any if it will make them appear normal. You strike me as such an individual.
I'm amazed at the lack of historical perspective the American voter shows. This kind of stuff has been going on in elections for 250 years. It ain't nothin' new. Your faux rage only shows how unaware you are of our history.

Abe Lincoln was accused of being gay .... the list goes on and on.

Really? Please do show reference to Lincoln being gay at or during a national debate or a nationally respected news conference.

This is one of the common tactics displayed by the new/not so new GOP. They spin everything from definitions to history recent and past to suit the latest smear.

How things have changed since Eisenhower was president. Can any serious republican imagine Ike or Barry conducting themselves the way Trump, Rubio and Cruz have acted?

No board of trustees would even consider hiring a CEO for any fortune 500 company if they acted the way the GOP candidates for the highest office on the planet have conducted themselves.

Still the cockroaches that come out of the cracks in the woodwork will swear it is just business as usual.

How embarrassing for America.

The first rule is ... when you're in a hole, stop digging!!!!!

I'm pretty sure the Lincoln accusation wasn't on national tv, or even in a "national debate" since it happened about 70 years before tv and radio were invented.

You're running off at the mouth, and you're too damn lazy to bother to do a little elementary research.

From your own bible - the Huffington Post - Nov 11, 2012 - A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

"Over 16,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, our greatest president. Many of these books either allude to or specifically report on Lincoln’s ambiguous relationships with men. Lincoln lived with and shared a bed with Joshua Speed for four years, and they remained friends years after they no longer lived together. He also had a close relationship with Captain David Derickson, who would stay with Lincoln overnight at the Soldier’s Home (a retreat from the White House) when Lincoln’s wife Mary left town. There were reports of Captain Derickson wearing Lincoln’s nightshirt, and Lincoln has been quoted as saying, with a “twinkle” in his eye, “The captain and I are getting quite thick.”

Instead, you let your ignorance overwhelm your good sense ... as for the rest of your childish diatribe ... it doesn't even deserve response, so it ain't going to get one.

The fact that you are trying to compare the current RNC lewd, raucous and worthless debates to those of the past is hilarious. Keep drinking the KoolAid.

Republican debate makes history, but not in a good way

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