Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

You don't have to like the Democratic party but the Republican party is an embarrassment. How do you teach your kid about politics with this
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
That debate was a joke, I don't want this to be the "new" normal for political debates. Everyone deserves better than this nonsense.

libs faux outrage over WORDS but supporting abortion, gay "marriage", terrorists, welfare, illegal immigration etc....
Will you refuse Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance?

you libtards have been SAYING THIS FOR DECADES- a lie and scare tactic.
So, you won't refuse Socialist programs.

This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show.
It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides.
Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.

Why do you believe the corporate owned media that is distorting and twisting the news you get?

The reality is that the public treasury is being looted and given to Wall Street banks, while each American family, on average is robbed of $6000 each year to pay for corporate welfare and subsidies.

Why do you find that OK and instead bitch about a bunch of distorted news that has no impact on you whatsoever?
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.

It was much worse prior to the First World War. The public is largely ignorant of what is going on, and we dont really know what is really happening because the journalists lie and distort so much who knows what was really said or happened?
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Cruz is obviously lying. He's a queer and wants Trump dick up his ass.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Oh my. You're upset because the race isn't being conducted in a politically correct manner?

I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Oh my. You're upset because the race isn't being conducted in a politically correct manner?


That's not what I said.


As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you know you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.

I've had it with you trolls.
Would you vote for Cruz if he got the nomination?
No. I'd vote for Hillary. With a clothespin on my nose.. Probably have to go be blessed by a priest afterwards too; and go to confession.

Anything but vote for that obvious establishment (pretending not to be establishment) Cheney pocket-puppet and Canadian birth certificate having Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz..

Plus can you imagine the embarrassment and final blow to the GOP when (and not if) MSNBC runs a scoop on the Canadian birth certificate of "the republican nominee" around the end of September/early October this year?
...ah, Tom....not to put too fine a point on it, Lincoln did sign the bill that made the continental railroad happen.

Abraham Lincoln in Transcontinental Railroad

Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your rant about how ignorant the Left is. Please continue.

Okay, but Lincoln got shot so it was U.S. Grant who got it built and it wasn't "intercontinental". An entertaining TV series about building those rail lines to meet in Utah is "Hell On Wheels". I bet you looked up Lincoln's role just to taunt me. :tinfoil:
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...ah, Tom....not to put too fine a point on it, Lincoln did sign the bill that made the continental railroad happen.

Abraham Lincoln in Transcontinental Railroad

Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your rant about how ignorant the Left is. Please continue.

Okay, but Lincoln got shot so it was U.S. Grant who got it built and it wasn't "intercontinental". An entertaining TV series about building those rail lines to meet in Utah is "Hell On Wheels". I bet you looked up Lincoln's role just to taunt me. :tinfoil:

Not really. I have know about lincoln's role in the intercontinental" (yes, intercontinental) railway all my life. Lincoln was a railroad enthusiast, perhaps, because he made his living mostly as an attorney for the railroad most of his law practice. Once Lincoln signed the enabling law, which financed the railroad by giving each railroad company land on both sides of the track to sell to the public, as well as set the dollar reimbursement by mile, the deed was done. Grant really didn't have anything to do with it.
Not really. I have know about lincoln's role in the intercontinental" (yes, intercontinental) railway all my life. Lincoln was a railroad enthusiast, perhaps, because he made his living mostly as an attorney for the railroad most of his law practice. Once Lincoln signed the enabling law, which financed the railroad by giving each railroad company land on both sides of the track to sell to the public, as well as set the dollar reimbursement by mile, the deed was done. Grant really didn't have anything to do with it.

:badgrin: How many continents did it cross? Grant had everything to do with it....he was called out to the various locations on occasion to oversee the progress being made. All Lincoln did was pass a bill authorizing it's construction, which by 1865 hadn't gotten more than a few miles of track laid.
Not really. I have know about lincoln's role in the intercontinental" (yes, intercontinental) railway all my life. Lincoln was a railroad enthusiast, perhaps, because he made his living mostly as an attorney for the railroad most of his law practice. Once Lincoln signed the enabling law, which financed the railroad by giving each railroad company land on both sides of the track to sell to the public, as well as set the dollar reimbursement by mile, the deed was done. Grant really didn't have anything to do with it.

:badgrin: How many continents did it cross? Grant had everything to do with it....he was called out to the various locations on occasion to oversee the progress being made. All Lincoln did was pass a bill authorizing it's construction, which by 1865 hadn't gotten more than a few miles of track laid.

Seriously, Tom. History is not your forte'. Grant had some photo opps, looking at the track. That's it.
Seriously, Tom. History is not your forte'. Grant had some photo opps, looking at the track. That's it.

So you've surrendered on the "intercontinental" aspect of the railroad, yet cling to the fantasy of Lincoln being the man who got it done. I understand. :itsok:
Ok, Tom. I think that we have found your nitch, English. A transcontinental railway is not the same as an intercontinental railway. I'll stick with History, you stick with English.
Ok, Tom. I think that we have found your nitch, English. A transcontinental railway is not the same as an intercontinental railway. I'll stick with History, you stick with English.

Who's "history".....Barry's or what really happened? As to the semantics of it, wouldn't you agree that a HARVARD grad should know the difference in the two words?
Ok, Tom. I think that we have found your nitch, English. A transcontinental railway is not the same as an intercontinental railway. I'll stick with History, you stick with English.

Who's "history".....Barry's or what really happened? As to the semantics of it, wouldn't you agree that a HARVARD grad should know the difference in the two words?

Damned right. Cause for impeachment if I ever saw it....
Would you vote for Cruz if he got the nomination?
No. I'd vote for Hillary. With a clothespin on my nose.. Probably have to go be blessed by a priest afterwards too; and go to confession.

Anything but vote for that obvious establishment (pretending not to be establishment) Cheney pocket-puppet and Canadian birth certificate having Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz..

Plus can you imagine the embarrassment and final blow to the GOP when (and not if) MSNBC runs a scoop on the Canadian birth certificate of "the republican nominee" around the end of September/early October this year?
Interesting, thanks.

How do you think a party so splintered can be repaired?

Or, if it can't, do you think it's better for it to just change to a populist/nationalist party and try to build itself up in size for the future?
Sorry, but I don't see republicans as being any better or worse than democrats. They are all a bunch of sick tards.
Then you’re not paying attention, or you just don’t care.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Muslims being ‘registered’ with the government, or mosques ‘investigated.’

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Muslim American communities to be singled out for excessive police surveillance.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Supreme Court decisions to be subject to popular vote in violation of the rule of law.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders seek to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, deny gay Americans the right to marry, or to deport immigrants absent due process.

It’s not about ‘better’ or ‘worse,’ it’s about right and wrong – where Trump and Cruz are clearly wrong on the issues.

And then you have democrats who want to tax us to death to support others (not that I'm against social welfare supports, but it has gone a bit too far), they want to strip us of our second amendment rights, and they want to invite illegal immigrants into the country and don't seem to realize that resources are LIMITED, so that goes both ways.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

He is extremely childish. Like a big ugly baby.

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