Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

Sorry, but I don't see republicans as being any better or worse than democrats. They are all a bunch of sick tards.
Then youā€™re not paying attention, or you just donā€™t care.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Muslims being ā€˜registeredā€™ with the government, or mosques ā€˜investigated.ā€™

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Muslim American communities to be singled out for excessive police surveillance.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders have called for Supreme Court decisions to be subject to popular vote in violation of the rule of law.

Neither Clinton nor Sanders seek to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, deny gay Americans the right to marry, or to deport immigrants absent due process.

Itā€™s not about ā€˜betterā€™ or ā€˜worse,ā€™ itā€™s about right and wrong ā€“ where Trump and Cruz are clearly wrong on the issues.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Honestly? Saw this coming for 20+ years

The political elite have been screwing the public that entire time, giving the public the finger the entire time. Wasting our time and money. The public is simply giving the finger back to the elite

By electing one of the elite....try again.

To be FAIR, Hillary Clinton is also one of the "elite." Right???


However, I donā€™t believe many Democrats or Liberals are trying to bullshit you into believing sheā€™s not. When she is at her worst, she is guilty of doing it herself however.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
There are, unfortunately, many people who pick a candidate (or party) and will blindly follow and spin for them, no matter what.

It seems like it gets personal at some point. Point out something the politician or candidate or party did, and these people consider it an insult and get defensive.

Not much you can do about that, I reckon.

I'm seeing a lot of people PROJECTING that onto Trump supporters, more than I actually SEE it with Trump supporters.

And depending on what is said, it often does imply something very negative about his supporters.

Oh, the same people who sucker punch protestors at rallies, yell out obscenities at the rallies, think that trade will somehow mean a better life for them, want to close places of worship, want to ā€œmonitorā€ people of different religions???

None of that is projectionā€¦those are actual stances taken by the trash that is on the podium at a Trump rally and supported by trash in the audience.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
There are, unfortunately, many people who pick a candidate (or party) and will blindly follow and spin for them, no matter what.

It seems like it gets personal at some point. Point out something the politician or candidate or party did, and these people consider it an insult and get defensive.

Not much you can do about that, I reckon.

I'm seeing a lot of people PROJECTING that onto Trump supporters, more than I actually SEE it with Trump supporters.

And depending on what is said, it often does imply something very negative about his supporters.

Oh, the same people who sucker punch protestors at rallies, yell out obscenities at the rallies, think that trade will somehow mean a better life for them, want to close places of worship, want to ā€œmonitorā€ people of different religions???

None of that is projectionā€¦those are actual stances taken by the trash that is on the podium at a Trump rally and supported by trash in the audience.

Deflection and Shotgun logical fallacies.

NOthing in that list of bullshit actually addressed anything I said.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Yes....a woman who has broken the law......time and again by using an illegal email server is the leading candidate of a party that traffics in open and proud racism........and their second candidate is a supporter of an economic system responsible for the murder of close to 100 million men, women and children around the world....and all it takes for their followers to look the other way.......a promise of free college that is fucking embarrassing.....

Oh yes....the illegal mail server law

If only she had an AK47 you would defend her

No.....the illegal putting Above Top Secret information on an unsecured server....felonies for each time it was done...just for doing it...even if it wasn't hacked by she is a felon about 22 times over......
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Yes....a woman who has broken the law......time and again by using an illegal email server is the leading candidate of a party that traffics in open and proud racism........and their second candidate is a supporter of an economic system responsible for the murder of close to 100 million men, women and children around the world....and all it takes for their followers to look the other way.......a promise of free college that is fucking embarrassing.....

Oh yes....the illegal mail server law

If only she had an AK47 you would defend her

No.....the illegal putting Above Top Secret information on an unsecured server....felonies for each time it was done...just for doing it...even if it wasn't hacked by she is a felon about 22 times over......

Prosecutor: Sec Clinton, why did you use a personal server?

Sec Clinton: Because as in the past, my agency authorized it

Case closed
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Yes....a woman who has broken the law......time and again by using an illegal email server is the leading candidate of a party that traffics in open and proud racism........and their second candidate is a supporter of an economic system responsible for the murder of close to 100 million men, women and children around the world....and all it takes for their followers to look the other way.......a promise of free college that is fucking embarrassing.....

Oh yes....the illegal mail server law

If only she had an AK47 you would defend her

No.....the illegal putting Above Top Secret information on an unsecured server....felonies for each time it was done...just for doing it...even if it wasn't hacked by she is a felon about 22 times over......

Prosecutor: Sec Clinton, why did you use a personal server?

Sec Clinton: Because as in the past, my agency authorized it

Case closed

Wrong....federal law prohibits it.......and just because she authorized it for herself does not make her an Un Felon.......
This is where politics in American Idol America had to was inevitable. The majority of leftist voters are dumber than a pile of shovels thanks to the progs turning public schools into laughing academies. All they know how to do is text, tweet, and twitter about "diversity" and gorebal warming. They can't spell, do simple math, find Panama on a map, name past presidents or historical events. Hell, Obozo said "Abe Lincoln built an intercontinental railroad" and that Emperor Hirohito surrendered to MacArthur....and Barry graduated from Harvard!

"Conservative" voters are at least literate but not much brighter blaming "unions" and "n1ggers" for the country's problems while arming themselves to the teeth with the latest laser-sights without knowing how to clean their weapons. They believe it's fine that China builds our stuff as long as they can find a $4 hammer to pound their thumbs with.

But none of this is new really....back in the 19th century pols called each other hideous names, challenged each other to duels, and often went after each other with fists and feets. Now that my candidate (Rubio) has fallen out, I'm enjoying the show and hope it gets even more bizarre. I'm not voting for any of these freaks and neither should anybody else. :eusa_naughty:

...ah, Tom....not to put too fine a point on it, Lincoln did sign the bill that made the continental railroad happen.

Abraham Lincoln in Transcontinental Railroad

Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your rant about how ignorant the Left is. Please continue.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically

Seems like only yesterday. That was before the GOP became rabid....
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Yes....a woman who has broken the law......time and again by using an illegal email server is the leading candidate of a party that traffics in open and proud racism........and their second candidate is a supporter of an economic system responsible for the murder of close to 100 million men, women and children around the world....and all it takes for their followers to look the other way.......a promise of free college that is fucking embarrassing.....

Oh yes....the illegal mail server law

If only she had an AK47 you would defend her

No.....the illegal putting Above Top Secret information on an unsecured server....felonies for each time it was done...just for doing it...even if it wasn't hacked by she is a felon about 22 times over......

Prosecutor: Sec Clinton, why did you use a personal server?

Sec Clinton: Because as in the past, my agency authorized it

Case closed

Wrong....federal law prohibits it.......and just because she authorized it for herself does not make her an Un Felon.......

Federal law does not prohibit it. If it did, her agency never would have authorized it for Hilary or previous secretaries
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically

All while Obama is telling his supporters that McCain is going to be using racism to scare voters, and his stated reason for being a member of a racist, marxist anti-american organization for twenty years, is that he didn't notice.

Yeah. LIke I said. I bet you do look back fondly at those days.

Fuck that shit. Those days are over.

I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically

All while Obama is telling his supporters that McCain is going to be using racism to scare voters, and his stated reason for being a member of a racist, marxist anti-american organization for twenty years, is that he didn't notice.

Yeah. LIke I said. I bet you do look back fondly at those days.

Fuck that shit. Those days are over.

Obama never said any such thing
He was talking about the "Barack Hussein Obama" crowd. I never heard McCain use Obamas middle name

He also never belonged to a racist, Marxist, antiamerican organization

And yes, by selecting Trump, Republicans are demonstrating that they are abandoning the high road........what they deride as PC
Embarrassed? No. Think its fucking ridiculous? Absolutely. I thought his comment about his dick size was hilarious. I got a good laugh over it, but then again I have a sense of humor and don't take things so serious. I think he meant it as a good joke too. People pretended to be outraged over it but if you rewatch the tape, EVERYONE including the moderators, got a great big laugh over it. Of course the anti-Trump crowd didn't like that, so they began the faux outrage.

The other bullshit of him ReTweeting pics of Heidi I can do without. Even if he was attacked first, a simple "don't fuck with my wife" would suffice. I can do without all the childish BS on Twitter from Trump. Pisses me off more than anything. He's still the best thing for America and Americans despite some of his Twitter stupidity.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically

All while Obama is telling his supporters that McCain is going to be using racism to scare voters, and his stated reason for being a member of a racist, marxist anti-american organization for twenty years, is that he didn't notice.

Yeah. LIke I said. I bet you do look back fondly at those days.

Fuck that shit. Those days are over.

Obama never said any such thing
He was talking about the "Barack Hussein Obama" crowd. I never heard McCain use Obamas middle name

He also never belonged to a racist, Marxist, antiamerican organization

And yes, by selecting Trump, Republicans are demonstrating that they are abandoning the high road........what they deride as PC

YOur denials are noted and dismissed.

I've repeatedly posted links showing that he did say that, and he was talking about McCain.

Black liberation theology churches are exactly as I described them, and Obama's stated reason for being a member for twenty years was a lie that would not fool a retarded child.

THose days are over, forever.
Trump could have used the opportunity to take the moral high ground in an attack on his wife.

Instead, he chose a "my wife is better looking than your wife" response

You probably look back fondly on the Days when the Republicans always took the HIgh Road.

Gave you guys a monopoly on playing hard ball.

Bad news. Those days are over forever.

I look back fondly at the day's John McCain would tell his audience that Barack Obama was not a Muslim, that he loved America and was a good family man........he was just someone he disagreed with politically

All while Obama is telling his supporters that McCain is going to be using racism to scare voters, and his stated reason for being a member of a racist, marxist anti-american organization for twenty years, is that he didn't notice.

Yeah. LIke I said. I bet you do look back fondly at those days.

Fuck that shit. Those days are over.

Obama never said any such thing
He was talking about the "Barack Hussein Obama" crowd. I never heard McCain use Obamas middle name

He also never belonged to a racist, Marxist, antiamerican organization

And yes, by selecting Trump, Republicans are demonstrating that they are abandoning the high road........what they deride as PC

YOur denials are noted and dismissed.

I've repeatedly posted links showing that he did say that, and he was talking about McCain.

Black liberation theology churches are exactly as I described them, and Obama's stated reason for being a member for twenty years was a lie that would not fool a retarded child.

THose days are over, forever.

Right wing propaganda. Obama never accused McCain of pulling that "Hussein" nonsense so prevalent from the right

I recommend you read all of Rev Wrights "God damn America" sermon
It is actually a well written sermon and he speaks of what happens when you put your country over God
But all Conservatives heard was the sound bite they were fed

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